This is what generation Z does in their free time. It's the most cancerous, non-demanding piece of shit game ever made...

This is what generation Z does in their free time. It's the most cancerous, non-demanding piece of shit game ever made. When I was a kid at least we played games that required some amount of focus, thinking, and cooperation. You can play this fucking shit while jerking off and streaming it on the cancerous website known as without thinking a single independent thought, designed for a generation of retarded lazy fatasses with collective ADHD, attention needs, and jack shit for attention span.

The world is going to go straight to hell when generation Z grows up. They're kids who grew up with social media, an entirely digitalized life, everything handed to them on a silver platter, without any experience whatsoever of actually doing something outside of their fantasy world. A generation coddled to hell in the so-called "education system" and by retarded leftist parents born with brain damage due to their hippie parents doing drugs in the 70s.

Other urls found in this thread:

>You can play this fucking shit while jerking off and streaming it on the cancerous website known as

Exactly. It tricks you into thinking that you are doing more things at the same time, thus rewarding your brain for variety while in reality it's nothing but shit that makes time pass without achieving anything at all.

>not playing glorious german board games

pic related

any dank memes ?



looks shiny.

Jeez, Sven, did Jamal fuck your wife the wrong way or what? It's just a fucking game, if you don't like it then don't play it. Go fulfill your life.

unplug and play Tash Kalar with me user.

millennials dont play games but if you made one that involved a mirror or self-obsession you could probably have the next big hit game

look at the success of pokeon go: you can brag about every pokemon you catch. no previous generation would even want to do that.

t. forsen

why are you posting this again 2 days later? How are you not cancerous?

Happy Feast of Winter Veil!

Somebody spam one of those D&D gathering pictures from the fucking late 90's just to give OP an idea of the full extent of autism lived in that period..

>playing video games
>lifting, reading, hiking, socializing, building, meditating, learning

Pick 1(one)

>game requires no thought or attention span

Can't even say I disagree

I just got done grinding to rank 5 while playing chess, texting multiple people, and doing some light research on intellectual property

I'm not exactly playing hearthstone to test my brain senpai, it's like having music on in the background

My only problem with it is you can be the most skilled player in the game, and still lose because of RNG
What kind of shit is that?

Ah yes: Magic the Gathering.

During my freshman year some colleague insisted that I played with him and some other colleague in fucking college! I haven't played that thing since highschool but accepted anyway. Some time after a bunch of girls walked by.

My fucking balls fell off in shame. Never again. There was spaghetti spilled on the fucking roof.

OP isn't going to post again in this thread just like last time.

chess is the only patrician sport

Sweden please.

The worst part about that game was all the casual genwunners who got completely obsessed with it without knowing fuck-all about the rest of the Pokeverse. I don't even know that much or care about Pokemon as a whole, but when I tried to talk about things that weren't Ash, Misty or the original 150 these fags knew nothing.

Somehow the most justice i can see in a game...

>play vs kids
>kid has no skill but still play the game right
>wins because of some lucky draw

Welp, that's about it, its a card game what is it to expect?

I honestly thought they would do this for rogues when they announced the forbidden cards

>two days later

Not even. The nigger posted it last night too. sage

There is no skill in this game. The best players are the best because they play for hours, understand the meta and top decks and play just trying to bait stuff out until they reach their win condition. Like if you vs a Renolock you are trying to bait out Reno and AOE without playing too much and you do that you win.

>Pick one

OP is mad YOLO-Rag hit his face.

It's ok OP, it's just a game.

Young people these days don't tend to spend only 1 or 2 hours ina video game you know?

>Being proud enough that you caught a Pidgey that you tell all your friends
Pathetic. I could see kids loving to show off that they have a legendary, though.

And THIS is what the millenials do.

Someone got Yogg-Saron'd

hearthstone is fun tho and has dank memes

that's why the game is bad

you made this thread yesterday
not politics

Shadowverse is the fucking shit.


Also these threads don't belong on/pol/. Stop trying to turn Sup Forums into Sup Forums


Fuck that, play a real game. Ameritrash for lyfe.

Two reasons:

Nature of the genre. randomly drawn card order introduces variance beyond player control

Design philosophy of the creators. Team 5 added a lot of mechanics which create a ton of variance in outcomes that make each iteration more unique, but this means less skill determined outcomes

>i play videogames

How do we fix the manchild problem?

>Implying Millennials don't play Hearthstone

which one of you is forsen?

yep , me too!!

Shut up finaland it's just a fucking card game

>implying i play hearhstone

I don't like ameritrash games but oh boy I love TI3.


Funny how I was thinking exactly the same about hearthstone yesterday. It's such a waste of time.
Poker however, that's a cardgame that requires some thinking.

Holy shit this makes my dick diamond.

Triple Triad was the GOAT card game and FF8 is the GOAT FF, prove me wrong faggots.

That's why the game is fun.

>poker requires thinking

The variables don't change. Poker requires memorization and occasionally social intuition

>FF8 is the GOAT FF
How is it possible to have taste this bad? Even including all the abominations that came after FF12, 8 is still the worst.

is over there for all your skillstone needs

It gets even better once you start adding in the expansions and additional rules like generals or distant suns.

Remember when games didn't have saves or continues and you had to start from the beginning each time you died?

Ninja Gaiden gave me PTSD. I swear 6-3 is fucking impossible.

Yeah im sure GEN Z playing video games that at the core still teach and inspire people of heroic deeds and bravery and stimulate the braim at least to some degree is much worse than the millenials learning about how gender is a social construct and white men need to be destroyed.

Face it, society is nowadays so morally depraven that video games are a haven from it, not a source of it.

>rent newest Mega Man game
>spend all weekend dying figuring out what bosses weaknesses are
>sheet of paper full of passwords
>still don't even get to Wiley before the game has to go back

Fuck the kids these days have it easy. No wonder they're all huge pussies.

I've beaten it twice with no save states. I'm not a pro gamer or anything either. Just make sure to have the spin attack for the last stages and boss and you can do anything. If you die remember that the game saves the boss phase you're on when you return. All you need is pattern recognition and a lot of patience.

Try go you stupid weeb

You aren't a good poker player.

It's the most stupied overrated """game""" I've seen in years.
I've tried it and the game just completly revolves around cheap instant gratification/frustation: you win around half of the time, when you lose you are frustrated and feel cheated because you have no control over the draw and when you win you don't feel that good because you just played your cards in the good order without much thinking (you know the deck strategy by heart after something like 15-20 games at best).

There are not skill even involved, I mean the guys playing Dota or Starcraft are wasting their times but at least there is a progression: the better you are the more you win.
This is just a pure waste of time, it isn't even funny.

What novel thinking is required? in a vacuum (eg against bots), it is only a matter of computing probability and deciding risk. There's some meta strategy about betting strategie relative to pot, table position, and size, but the bulk of poker skill is about social intuition, AFTER you have bothered with basics like memorizing probability tables.

I'm not a good poker player, but I was a dealer in the chicago underground scene for a few years.

I prefer Shadowverse.

Sounds like someone isn't enjoying the Pirate Warrior Meta.

Just stack your deck with boardclears and laugh all the way to Legend.

disgusting weeb

I gave up on hardcore board games after a 12 hour games of Axis and Allies.

Using this site makes you a weeb.

playing shadowverse makes you a pedophile

hearthstone is OK
nothing great, but did you ever think that maybe that's a niche that should be filled
it has more depth than most phone games while not requiring too much mental investment

i couldn't get into this abomination of a "card" game
there's no fucking depth to it at all, and the variance is through the roof in the most retarded ways possible
maybe i've just played too much mtg to take it seriously; hearthstone feels like babby's first card game

Gen Z may actually be the most based generation in a while. Ignoring your weird anecdotal evidence, Gen Z polled at about 46% Trump and iirc 32% Clinton, shocking for a young generation. Just google "Chants of build that wall" and look at all of the middle schools that show up in the news.

Is it gay to play NES/SNES games that actually ask something of the player? I know SJW hipsters have taken retro pixel fetishism and Nintendo worship as theirs but you ever actually talk to them about the subject and basically all of them are posers who have never actually played a game from before 2007 and just like to wear the brands. They only play dumb indie trash which carry the facsimile of retro and have never even played something as basic Super Mario Bros let alone beat it.

On the flip side magic is too retarded and complicated now and it's nice not having to worry about instants and bullshit on your turn.

to be honest magic has always been complicated
it gets increasingly so every set they add new mechanics relating to permanents

regarding instants etc its not nearly as bad as in the past as Wizards has taken a huge step back in stack-based interaction in the past 5ish years or so

It's a drawing you cuck. It's like saying watching Dexter's Lab makes you a pedophile.

Grow up.

try a real mans game

how the fuck is magic complicated, it's the most casual it's ever been

I am an old fag who played at the start. It wasn't that bad initially but somewhere around mirage it started getting retarded with flanking and phasing and only got worse from then. I also like how Hearthsone is electronic so everything is neatly set up for you.

Complicated in the sense of all the buillshit you have to account for when playing something.

In hearthstone its like, if I play this he might flame strike my board but if I buff the card on my board he might fireball it where as in Magic there is a million circumstances that can happen from you doing shit. I was balls deep in the game dude and I just got tired plus it was getting expensive to play.

you're a third world african your opinion isn't relevant

I remember having this but never playing it and just messing with the trap tbqh

Not an argument.

LOL how bad are you to say something like that? The best thing of hs is that most of the players are idiot like you that write shit like

"I am stuck at rank 15,any deck to go higher? "
" replacement for sylvanas? "
" can you post a mulligan guide? "
I love getting legend every fucking season by playing it on my smartphone, I just need to have some hs streamer on YouTube feed to see what idiots like you are playing.

Git good loser

>Caring what women think.
You like or dislike a thing on its own merits and your own preferences, but really? Cucking yourself because you THINK some women might have viewed you as less of a man?

Pro tip: it's not your hobbies that make you a virgin it's your self image that reeks of pathetic desperation.

correct it was a dismissal

i never found that it's a problem really, it's more fun when you have to account for shit, because it means you get more shit you can do yourself

hearthstone is fucking barren, I understand if you want to stop playing magic but why pick up hearthstone

Dismissals don't win debates. Or maybe they do in your shit tier country.

oh no a monkey pedophile is being retarded on the internet
whatever shall i do

Not an argument.

Pretty much this. I don't fail to get chicks because I play videogames, I play videogames because I'm disgusted with modern women. I'm not a neet, I own my own house, have two cars, work a good job, have a solid social life but a lot of days I merely want to hide away from reality and play an immersive game that can help me forget the retarded depravity in the world for a few hours.

This is why gamers revolted when the sjws tried to move in on their home territory. It's their one escape and these faggots tried to shoehorn themselves into it. Fuck that shit, I just want to kill dragons or zombies or other players in a virtual world, not be lectured about gender constructs and the patriarchy.

>not playing GWENT

>doing things to run away from other things and not because you want to actually do them
sad desu

again correct, you learn quickly

Still not an argument.

I play Heartstone, I am generation z, I do 1/2/3/4 for reps and junior year in engineering.

Whats your fucking excuse shitfuck?

Tempest was the last block I played. So I agree, it just got lame after a while. I do enjoy that hearthstone has made the virtual ccg a thing though by proving it can be profitable. Duelyst is pretty cool if you like stuff like final fantasy tactics mixed with hearthstone.

and you're still a pedophile whose opinion is worthless

1) Not an argument. 2) You were already proven wrong and haven't been able to formulate an argument ever since.

Like a nigger chimping out.

>You were already proven wrong
you stated your attraction to children was not degenerate since they were just pictures and have been sperging out about >muh arguments ever since