How do Russians survive on just $291 USD per month?
What is it like to be so poor?
How do Russians survive on just $291 USD per month?
What is it like to be so poor?
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>How do Russians survive on just $291 USD per month?
>What is it like to be so poor?
The love of big brother is all they need.
Life is cheaper and you don't need as much money because people actually help eachother
I could live off that
t. east saint louis
>helping each other
How do they buy a car?
How do Americans survive on just $4000 USD per month?
What is it like to be so poor?
Are you the white East STL bro? Edwardsville here, I remember you.
meanwhile they want to take over other lands when they cant even take care of their own people
>How do they buy a car?
They don't buy cars, they just fix old ones or hitch a ride.
If you squat instead of sit you can get rid of your entire chair budget.
like this?
I bet it goes alot farther there than it would here.
think 1920s
>think 1920s
introduce communism and yuo will know
also learn
Prices are much lower, you need to calculate py PPP to see what it's really worth. For example, according to
Russians are tough fuckers , their whole history , even the climate (coldest area on earth) is overcoming adversity
>at least we're not Africa
Is that all you've got going for you, Boris?
We live here for 1000 dollars
45k rubles is like the equivalent of 4.5k us when you consider the prices of things there. It's the same story in most eastern European countries.
Another example would be Romania, who's GDP is nearly 10k a year (42k lei). A beer in romania is 3 lei, a gallon of milk is 4 lei, and rent a month for a 2bed apartment in a larger city is 200 euro (900 lei).
Basically, come spend money in eastern euro cause you can get shitfaced with $5usd easy
So what? Nobody claims Russia is first world. Economy wise we're on the level of Argentine or Turkey, I admit, though we're bigger than both of these, and we far surpass them in other fields, like military power, political influence, or scientific achievements.
trying to explain bread isnt $3 a loaf everywhere you go.
They do. You know that right?
That's alot of 2's!
Let's do the smart thing and try and compare a basket of goods to see how far a ruble goes in russia. Roughly how much does a weeks worth of groceries for a family of 4 (2 adults, 2 children) cost. A car? Rent for a single person apartment in a city?
I like this Rooskie.
They eat white privilege you shitlord. It's impossible for light-skinned people to live in poverty, Bernie said so.m
>implying wages in the west wont crash
The real thing is
"At least we're not Ukraine"
They are legit worse than Africa's southern cone
More importantly, how can personal income drop by 53% in a single month?!
Hmmm....really makes you think
Right, any day now...
>How do Russians survive on just $291 USD per month?
>get $291 USD per month
>pay $60 for all utility bills
>spend $100 on food in the next month
>you have $130 left
Gee, I don't know. Eat hedgehogs apparently.
No shit. Did everyone have their wages cut directly in half? Were half of all people fired? Their currency didn't devalue by half. This seems almost impossible.
With fiat currency ANYTHING is possible!
Russians don't pay rent?
How much is a sack of potatoes?
Do you have a car? Do you get around by donkey?
Fuck off Rothschild
It's a lot cheaper to live in Russia than in USA so that 300 dollars goes farther.
Also lots of Russians grow their own food
>Their currency didn't devalue by half.
It kind of did though.
>How do Americans survive on just $4000 USD per month?
>What is it like to be so poor?
>Russians don't pay rent?
If you ren apartment, you have much more income than $291 USD, otherwise you couldn't afford it. If you own apartment, you pay only for utility bills, which is much less obviously.
>How much is a sack of potatoes?
>Do you have a car? Do you get around by donkey?
No, I ride a nuclear bear and feed him liberals and their children.
Most western news about Russia are fake and so is this one.
Stay mad third wold poorfag
A week's worth of groceries is maybe, like, 60-70 USD, less if you economize. A full meal at the cafe at my uni is 5 USD max. A car is, say, 7000 USD if you buy a new Russian one, a new Russia-made Ford Focus is like 14000 USD. As for rent, many families have their own apartments, and you don't rent one unless you have the money, but if you still want to rent, it's about 200 USD in an average-large city, about 500 USD or more in Moscow.
No, prices, especially for Russian-produced goods and services like food or utilities almost didn't change. Foreign stuff became more expensive, obviously.
>Wage statistics from Rosstat
Literally your own government's state statistics.
if your parents gave you apartment to live it's not hard, paying rent is the worst, I don't know why commie governments didn't build more houses
>Posting on Sup Forums with no idea about 3rd world economics
wew lad
>a new Russian car
Our sanctions fucked them into oblivion.
You are very proud of your joke, aren't you?
im in granite city.
They didn't. But they made life harder, and most Russians now take it as a given that the Westerners are self-righteous hypocritical faggots.
> liberals are self-righteous hypocritical faggots.
Fixed your world view there m8.
but it's just not worth it. because no matter how cheap you can live there, it's still east stl. hell, collinsville is better
How does it feel when your government ruins lives of ordinary people in other countries?
Since our country still provides decent free education and our taxes are pretty low, Russians can freelance till the political shitstorm calms down.
I earn enough to watch opera in Bolshoi on weekends, maintain my car, and still have some left to help my friends who earn less.
I'm just trying to understand your culture and way of life.
I know i live in a shithole but if cops see me driving that shit i would get arrested and the car impounded.
That may be true, but common people don't care about these details.
Go fuck yourself. I hope this helps you understand my culture.
>How does it feel when your government ruins lives of ordinary people in other countries
It feels damn good
He gives you an honest answer and you belittle... pfft.
Karma is a bitch, boy.
if russians get paid so little why do all our companies go to china and none go to russia? how come apple etc. doesnt have factories in russia? does russia produce anything other than guns and oil?
At least we have cheap internets.
100Mbit/s costs around 5$ per month.
Russia has many more regulations than China. China is simply a friendlier environment for business.
communist efficiency.
Fair enough. Hillary was prepping the bull for another US cuckening of "fuck the vodkas more immigrantion deregulate banks XDDD"
If you don't like this, show your support for trump. He has no hate for capitalism.
No wait that would have the opposite effect because it'd be spun into communist dictator Trump. Uh.
Show your ironic support for Hillary!
No fuck it'd be spun to Hillary bringing peace against Russia (despite running on a platform of super sanctions). The dissonance knows no bounds.
Troll liberals on twitter until they kill themselves?
Sanctions, and nobody trusts drunken Slavs to manufacture high technology anymore.
So even when you are starving, you can still shitpost about it.
Everything is much, much cheaper than in the capitalist USA. That's why.
A qualified worker at a foreign-owned plant would get $1000 or more, which is much more than you would pay them in China. These averages are so low because of old people's pensions, and very low salaries for people in the state sector.
200 dollars, nigga you don't know how to be cheap
I just wanted to say I like Russians and Russia and hope we have peace. We don't all dislike you I expect those are just trolls and shills. Here's to peace and prosperity between us.
>why do all our companies go to china and none go to russia?
But they do?
fug mate that's actually pretty cheap, I pay 12$ for 120Mbit/s. Do your offers also mostly say that the speed is "up to X Mbit/s" so if it's less than X, your provider just goes "WHOOPS, WE CANT DO SHIT"?
Duh. With all due respect, how about you keep to your business, and we keep to ours? Trump may be cool, but he's your president, not ours.
They also make Russians. And vodka
Fuck off yank, nobody helps eachother in post soviet republics. It's the soviet installed mentality of "everyone fends for himself" here to stay one or two generations more.
Compared to most average Americans, yeah they do.
America is a lonely country, everyone sneers at each other here especially after that last election.
>nobody trusts drunken Slavs to manufacture high technology anymore
Like in every low revenue country, life is proportionally cheaper and people of the same family tend to stick together more. Also vodka probably helps.
Enjoy giving $1500/month to jews to barely survive.
Kek. Underrated post.
Thank you, I unironically hope so too. It's just that I know that undestanding another country is extremely hard. For you, Russia is a bunch of stereotypes, whether they're bad or good. For us, it's America. It can't be helped, I guess.
>unmanned fighter
Then what's the point? War would then resolve to an economic battle - who can put the most of these in the sky. Not the best, nor the most expensive, just the most.
Right, communism is sooo much better as you can see from the standard of living and higher wages.
We should really be bros with Russia instead of our government sucking paki, Saudi dicks. That's abhorrent
they still have people fly them just from thousands of miles away with an xbox controller rather than from the cockpit. kind of like a video game
>But they made life harder
Mostly only for imported luxuries like iShits and such.
Do your offers also mostly say that the speed is "up to X Mbit/s" so if it's less than X, your provider just goes "WHOOPS, WE CANT DO SHIT"?
Those died out or in process to die I think. I for one pay $7 for 1Tbit/s since 2010 or something (they upgraded from 100Mb/s at some point without raising prices)
is russia still communist?
proxy hohol?
Because the first half of January in Russia are New Year holidays and many people don't get paid for them. And December is the month when everyone receives annual bonuses.
>white knighting this hard for gopniks
Some people just can't take the bantz, Sup Forums has gone soft on the commies.
I've actually never thought anything ill of Russia minus believing the "stereotype(?)" that there is a drinking problem there. I'm pretty sure there is but I've never looked into it, and we have much worse than that here -- we have liberals.
Russia has lots of its own shit too, trust me.
The world is so fucked up I can't be asked to make fun of our allies right now.