Explain to me how society has led to this?
How do people view this as "acceptable"? Is this all a joke on the normal people?
Explain to me how society has led to this?
How do people view this as "acceptable"? Is this all a joke on the normal people?
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Rationalism always ends in nihilism.
I still can't tell, is that a trans ? surely not a lesbian right with that facial hair?
I think its a pre op Woman whos taken male hormones. But I have no fucking idea whats what anymore.
I guess that's plausible. I'm browsing photobucket uploads on the recent page and man people are fucking weird.
Why does the SJW want to become a white male?
wow this is amazing. I cannot tell whatsoever what gender that thing in the middle is.
this is like an illusion, what the fuck
None of us do, brother.
The idea of losing women is scary as fuck. Like the "market situation" wasn't already dire....
Lack of religion.
People need to start reading the bible and following the teachings of Jesus.
That's obviously a Halloween costume, you fucking mongs.
women can do anything a man can do... and probably better
Western Civilization is so fucked up, so confused to the core. That people can't even tell what's male or female anymore.
It's like I've been sucker punched by life and I'm still dazed.
What am I supposed to do with my life when nothing matters
kill, fuck, marry
Yes he took some hormones to grow tits for halloween
>he doesn't take hormones ironically
why aren't the other two dressed up?
All women are dumb whores
they call themselves drag kings... search it on instagram
Modern science and technology now enable humans to modify their bodies according to their values.
>assuming this is a bad thing
Transgender is just transhumanism, no different from modern medicine and bionic arms.
>Explain to me how society has led to this?
It started with this little thing called womans suffrage.
Woman are a larger majority than men. It's not by much, but they def are. The vast majority of woman are mental midgets that don't use logic AND reason when making an important decision. They make said decision on what feels "right" and seems "fair".
Giving them the right to vote is one of the worst decisions western society has ever made.
>no different from modern medicine and bionic arms.
Except the whole mental illness part where they literally believe they are trapped in the wrong body. Obvious psychosis.
I wouldn't overthink it--they're using technology to change their bodies to make their lives better.
Well, why is it unacceptable? Because you don't like it?
> no different
Yeah. Like, I sexually identify as a backhoe, so I had hydraulics fitted above my groin and now I can shovel sort with my vagina in 1.5 yard quantities.
I really get off on moving dirt.
lmfao I thought the first picture was a photoshop for sure
what the fuck is that thing? Or maybe what did it used to be is the better question
It's 1.5 yards of dirt.
Do you think someone would really try and do this surgery if it were available? Maybe allowing these sorts of rare ridiculous cases would be a necessary byproduct of having an open forward-thinking attitude towards science and medical technology. Seems like it's worth the tradeoff, desu.
most prominently your mother
Because it isnt normal, reasonable, or socially acceptable to anyone raised with a shred of morals.
Goddammit, why cant reverse traps be like in my mongolian carpet illustrations?
Amputees don't ask for separate bathrooms or seek to police language based on some arbitrary definition of "hate"
What's going on here? Was it early in the day on halloween so only one was dressed up?
Good thing you have islam to rely.
Nope only yours.
Its a girl.
>mfw when hearing the NWO music
I won't defend every ridiculous tactic the sjw queerfags latch on to, but in general the idea that social norms should be based around respecting humans as merely conscious brains (instead of arbitrary physical qualities like gender, disability etc.) seems right.
As long as that respect is reciprocated, fine by me
whats wrong with that things tits, and why does it look like she just jizzed on her own sweater.
I think her bra is too small. and the Jiz is dirt on the mirror
>To make their lives better
Is that why post op trannys suicide rate actually goes up instead of going down like they claim it does?
he's wearing a shirt in that pic, I thought he was naked at first and it really freaked me out and the I realised that's all it was and I was still freaked out bc it's a tranny
only true answer
Exactly, posthumanism is the most perverted ideology out there. It is pure materialism.
Because that type of reverse trap actually takes hard work and dedication
how can someone take a person like that seriously? like I am supposed to pretend you have facial hair now because you painted it on?
Here is the photobucket if anyone is interested.
>tfw a woman can grow a better beard than me
what is she taking to achieve this? is there a pill i can take to make me grow a sweet beard?
Its SJWs conflating displeasure with actual injury that seems to be at the core of the issue.
Me not calling you "ze" in and of itself does not cause you harm. There is no guilty mind in the action.
In fact, the typical shrieking that SJWs respond with is more likely to be viewed in court as reaching the standard of assault than the idea of refusal to use made- up words causing quantifiable harm.
> worth the trade off to preserve rights
I'm guessing you're not a pro self- defense/ 2nd amendment person.
I can use my backhoe to defend myself, but others aren't as fortunate or well endowed.
You're lacking it. Or, just shitty genetics
>search it on instagram
Why should I? I want to have a good sleep tonight fuck off
if i take that shit will it make me go bald too?
No they aren't, you bitter virgin.
Lol you really need to figure out women you fucking leftist.
A white woman with a tan.
Nigga I want women's suffrage reversed, I am no leftist. Just because I don't hate half the world's population and half of my people, doesn't mean I'm naive. Hating women and ascribing to them that they're all dumb whores is so fucking easy. Women have the potential to be based if returned to their natural state. What we're witnessing now is a post-feminist, emasculated world and bastardisation of what it means to be a woman.