I am a Tejano. What does Sup Forums think of my people?
I am a Tejano. What does Sup Forums think of my people?
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Nice truck but you look like a fag
i dont
Thanks for keeping western apparel in production. I'd have nothing to wear if numale fags had their way.
I don't have anything against you as long as you keep yourselves and your accordions isolated to your gay tejano bars.
If you're in America to become American and you want to work hard and raise your children pure and correct, then welcome aboard sir and I wish you and yours a long and happy life. Sorry for a wee bit of brown holocaust to get America back to normal. No hard feelings.
They seem great and assimilated, to be honest.
Never heard of it.
>Thanks for keeping western apparel in production. I'd have nothing to wear if numale fags had their way.
>They seem great and assimilated, to be honest.
It's the Mexicans and Illegal Aliens I don't like.
My family has been in Texas(legally) for over 120 years. We have worked very hard, fought in every war, and are very conservative and traditional.
Pack your bags Pablo. You've gotta go back. Get out now before we Holohoax your ass.
Yall are alright in my book. Especially your women. Im dating one atm. Hates niggers, and illegals, loves to cook, and has a sharp sense of humor. As long as yall help us fight off the shitskin hordes, we square.
Teddy was a progressive and this idea of no hyphenated Americans is cultural marxism. I've found that most Americans who say this have not kept any European traditions of their own.
>Teddy was a Progressive
“You touch upon what is more important than any other question in the country—that is the question of race suicide, complete or partial.”
“Men must be ready and able to fight at need, and anxious to be fathers of families…just as women must recognize that the greatest thing for any woman is to be a good wife and mother.”
“If either a race or an individual prefers the pleasure of more effortless ease, of self-indulgence, to the infinitely deeper, the infinitely higher pleasures that come to those who know the toil and the weariness, but also the joy, of hard duty well done, why, that race or that individual must inevitably in the end pay the penalty of leading a life both vapid and ignoble.”
“No piled-up wealth, no splendor of material growth, no brilliance of artistic development, will permanently avail any people unless its home life is healthy, unless the average man possesses and is willing at need to fight hard honesty, courage, common sense, and decency, unless he works hard; and unless the average woman is a good wife, a good mother, able and willing to perform the first and greatest duty of womanhood, able and willing to bear, and to bring up as they should be brought up, healthy children, sound in body, mind, and character, and numerous enough so that the race shall increase and not decrease.”
“We despise and abhor the bully, the brawler, the oppressor, whether in private or public life, but we despise no less the coward and the voluptuary. No man is worth calling a man who will not fight rather than submit to infamy or see those that are dear to him suffer wrong. No nation deserves to exist if it permits itself to lose the stern and virile virtues; and this without regard to whether the loss is due to the growth of a heartless and all-absorbing commercialism, to prolonged indulgence in luxury and soft, effortless ease, or to the deification of a warped and twisted sentimentality.”
>your music makes me laugh
>cook outs with you guys are always a good time
>great to go fishing with
No complaints really.
not even mexicans like other mexicans m8.
do you love the United States of America more than any other country? (Y/N)
if no, you're a fucking piece of shit and I hope you're beheaded by the cartel
if yes, congrats, you're one of us
Hi Texas. How you doin bro?
Are you Paula Tejano?
I like Tejanos, but then again I like Texans in general
I love Texas more than anywhere else, but yes I love America. I am a combat veteran. I've never even been to Mexico, unless you count El Paso.
Where's that from?
A variety of speeches he gave, as well as books he's written.
for you
What is kek trying to tell us through this magical pedro?
Pretty based desu
I dont like you puto
Better than your average wetback.
based southern bros
I like to have sex with latinas on Tinder.
Nice try Rodrigo.
Legal texans who work their ass off for their family, their culture, and their country which is the US? People who are conservative, and just want to live and let live?
You guys are fucking A-Ok.
You fought against terrorism with the rangers in 1915 before it was a thing. The whole reconcquista thing? That shit is dumb, but it doesn't represent the whole.
What is the name of that highway behind you?
Thanks for the food, fellow Texan. Please see that drivers in your family are properly insured.
First of all Tejanos have frequently been praised here as white and bro-tier.
Second of all there is nothing more weak than soliciting approval from strangers, and "one-posts" such as you unintentionally did are forbidden.
This kind of shit is the equivalent of gang culture but for mexicans, I totally despise it
Nortenos rule, surenos drool.
You should be deported
are tejanos 100% spanish or mestizo?
Does that spic look Spanish to you?
You wouldn't believe the number of incans they have wandering around spain m8.
>david mcdavid
Tejanos are based. Sikh tier.
what's a tejano
texas mexican
Why not just call them texmex? It would save some trouble you know.
Tejanos implies a native Texan, or someone who's family has been in Texas for a long time with some ties to the land. A Mexican that crosses the border doesn't become a Tejano, they're just a Mexican in Texas.
ur pants look like they came directly from a concentration camp
So you're saying tejano is the term for legit texas mexicans and "you have to go back" is the correct pronoun for a newcomer?
Texmex is a bastardized version of traditional Mexican cuisine. It is pretty good when you want good greasy food though with lots of cheese.
>forgetting salsa
Pretty much yeah
You're alright, Sup Forums. Carry on.
Your belt is ridiculous but I envy your easy access to guns. You should consider getting a belt that doesn't make you like a rodeo clown tho.
You're a dirty spic whose grandma was born here
Please stop putting your incredibly common last names on the back of your lowered trucks. I don't think the Virgin mary belongs on your tailgate either. Your good people other than that.
What do you think of illegal immigrants? What is your stance on immigration? Do you want to build the wall?
Don't be hating on Houston's premier car dealer you mongoloid
>Your belt is ridiculous
Shut up, fag..
>but I envy your easy access to guns
That's better.
Eh, it's more like the white trash rednecks of Mexico
t.southern Texas
Be a Texan or stfu.
t. East Texas
I don't even like Texas I live in the state next to you.
t. Arizona
OP is a fag, close the thread
Here in the northwest we don't take kindly to pussies who wear oversized cowboy shit to compensate for their lack of masculinity.
time to go back with all the crimes,anchor babys,drugs,rape,pedophiles,racemixing,incest,shitty music,crappy food,hairy women,alcoholic men
You are the main stereotype that comes to my mind when I think of USA. You look like cool guys to drink beer with.
>I am a Tejano. What does Sup Forums think of my people?
Fellow Texan here. You and your families are belong.
Thanks for your help in the war with Mexico.
If you said this to me IRL I would've knocked your entire teeth out before you end your IRL shitpost.
typical minority mongoloid response you are all violent people stay in mexico reproduce and sell your drugs in your 3rd world shit hole all you want ok
im a german texan and i would punch both of you in the teeth ha ha ha ha ha
But you do seem to take kindly to getting your heads cut off and bodies strung up on overpasses
I am a Tavastian Finn and I would love to have you lot at a bar drinking with me.
Would be an interesting night.
You all think you are tough but you can't fuck with me. I took karate in high school and I go to the gym once a week.
Also, I'm 5'8'' and 130 pounds so I have the maneuver and speed advantage. You faggots wont even be able to touch me.
You have to go back.
half black half tejano here, you a good man my brother
your people loved liberty so much that they joined with the Texans and overthrew the evil Oligarchs in Mexico City.
Good on you, man.
tejanos are basically the native americans of texas
if you sent him back, it would be like kicking the lakota sioux out of south dakota
dude, Tejanos lived in Texas before it was part of the USA. They are the natives.
yes my mother is descended from men who fought in the war and my father was brought here by the whites
i never hated whites for this reason in particular, and that is what made me a republican, but many in my family vote democrat bcuz they think GOP is only for whites. sad stuff.
Yes I would like one torta al pastor con horchata
What is a """Tejano"""?
I have not only one, but TWO katanas! I also do crossfit and I've only been hospitalized once because of it.
Try messing with me. Just try.
native texan basically
well now, we are all native texans, but tejanos were here first and joined the whites in the war against mexico
Your people remind me of roaches, along with all of central america. I have never seen a group of people who will shit in their own sidewalks, leave used diapers and wrappers on the side. You never pick up after your pets either. I think too many of your people were allowed in and have destroyed California, and soon Texas. You destroyed your own country and now you are here, illegally, to do the same. I don't care if you were born here, if your mother or father were, you are illegal in my eyes. I think hopefully your people will be sent the fuck back to Mexico when Donald Trump becomes president, because you have sucked this city dry. You just bring the United States as a whole down, as bad as the Irish were, they didn't do that, but you guys? In 100 years you will still be spics.
you are full of shit, texas belongs to us more than it even does whites in that sense
i honestly hope we leave the US after trump is done, i'm fucking tired of all your assholes in the other states
annoying constantly threatening secession
either shit or get off the pot
At least the Irish are white.
if texas leaves the union, the us would be a third world country
if texas left the union it would eventually become south oklahoma and upper mexico
If Texas leaves then this becomes the anthem of the rest of USA.
how many based pol beaners are in this thread right now?
half beaner half black :)
>im 27
>own a duplex (I rent the other half)
>own a truck like in op's pic
>can cook pic related
>own an apartment complex.
>became a us citizen in 2011
>voted republican
>tfw born in mexico
Am i Worth it?
texas brah here, yes
you are fort worth it