Marvel contuining to become a self-parody
Marvel contuining to become a self-parody
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First issue will have her failing to fly over the wall.
did they just assume her gender?
I can't wait until they make a comic staring an ugly person.
How far until they figure out they're in a downwards spiral, before it's too late? or after you think?
Next super hero: Juanita the Mexican maid
But seriously she does not look like a super hero.
What are her powers?
What does queer mean?
She's a badass queer
She's super strongk!
That's it. Just a loud mouthed dyke with super strength. She also wears short shorts.
Didn't they do this one already?
>What are her powers?
Selling the first issue like hotcakes and then being forgotten about.
Why is that different from the normal faggot?
Is there a gay dictionary for all this crap?
She's not a new character. She's was recently in young avengers. The teenage team full of fags and dykes with teenage movie Loki. I don't really have to tell you how well that book did.
Bisexual these days. Shes a powerful bisexual latina negro.
Have you noticed that Marvel only went to shit after Disney bought them? Same with Star Wars. What is Disney's angle here?
Never, because normalfags flock to their shitty quipfest movies in droves.
"Queer" now means anything you want it to mean except for "straight." Bi/homo/tranny all are queer.
It's my theory that they were always shitty, but only decided to show it after they had the financial security to get away with it.
No, I mean the concept.
Haven't they done this non-white sexual minority superhero trope already like a dozen or so times by now.
Like at this point, they're starting to run out of non-white cultures to portray as faggots soon.
This, though they're more obnoxious now thanks to the social justice.
Marvel is going to sh*t. ._.
What happened to pic related?
Too triggering for the dirty little shitskins and faggot Whites?
They've made the Spiderman origin movie like 6 times since 2001 so it's really not as big of a problem as you'd think.
They will always find a way to make things worse.
Comics across the board are doing quite terrible even for comics. Marvel is especially bleeding sales. You're probably right though in the sense that propaganda>sales especially in a medium whose purpose is to hold IPs for TV shows and movies and spread their propaganda foremost.
"Queer" is an annoyingly vague term, bisexual, fine, gay, fine. But Queer is vague enough that it can mean anything, mostly "teehee, i wear a mans shirt and kiss girls for attention, but i still like guys!"
when it wasnt?
Marvel's core comic audience was 8-12 year old nerdy white boys. They've now completely alienated them, and blue-haired SJW feminazis don't buy comics.
After the superhero movie fad burns out and Marvel has to go back to making comics to stay in business, will they have the sense to dump the SJWs or will they go bankrupt?
How does the general Torpedoing of a company like this happen?
Is it management? One bad manager? Or some poor board decision? Or a new owner?
Or does it come from the employees, or focus groups, or from the customers?
I'm just trying to understand how these things happen in professional organisations.
AMERICA YES! Not even we have gone this far in SJW inclusiveness
why do they pander to the kind of people that dont read comics? why do they hate money?
For the most part they do keep to their core stuff, most of this stuff is just to grab headlines that generate social network buzz.
Because executives think social media buzz is good as sales.
This is the correct answer. Queer is IRL edgelord
And Marvel wonders why they're losing readers, losing sales, losing physical retailers, and people would rather pirate the comics they do like instead of support them.
Plus they have the nerve to gloat about their 40% female "readers" who do not support the comic book arm of the company.
Disney is being punished for being anti semetic in the past
>Last name is Chávez
Marvel is now owned by Disney. Why is Disney ruining Marvel, why are they ruining Star Wars? Because the banking cabal already has the money. They are trying to rule the mind's of the youth. It's backfiring and Gen Z will save us
Coming soon from Marvel:
Faster than a masturbating tranny!
More powerful than an angry bulldyke!
Able to deepthroat tall penises in a single gag!
("Look! Up in his ass!"
"It's a faggot!"
"It's a poofter!"
"It's Queerman!")
I wish there were words in the English language to describe my utter contempt for this word
is marvel even for kids anymore or what? i dont get it anymore
DC and Image are doing as well as they ever have in the 21st century, Marvel is hemorrhaging readers and don't seem to care, and most of the other publishers never did crazy numbers. As objectively terrible as Oni Press is, they can still make money despite dominating the bottom of the charts month after month.
> To make white feminist women happy we will make a comic about a Poc, woman, That is gay.
> Get lots of praise, but no sales
> But at least people are happy now living in their fantasy lands.
Stop it. You are going to make it worse. Think about it, it would be the perfect story pitch to them.
"What if we have a black superhero that doesn't even know their gender and their first series is them going on a journey to find their gender while fighting bad guys along the way?"
>What are her powers?
Calling people racist
I think they mean this one
As a black guy, i want to say WTF MARVEL??!!!
Shitty politically correct!
Also, that's not a queer, because it seems to be fuckable.
why do they pander to people who don't buy their comics is my question
Can't wait for the pansexual transnigger nonbinary attack helicopter.
It hasnt been for kids in decades
>As a black guy
>french flag
Brevoort makes it company policy to bait sales with controversy, which attracts people who buy into the controversy. Eventually all your editors are cucked and won't reign in the writers. Success of the movies exacerbates the problem by letting the higher-ups assume that any sales decline is a fluke.
It's self-perpetuating now; the narrative attracts writers that buy into the narrative and continue to push it without prompting.
Most of modern Marvel is leftist writers and has Axel promoting diversity. They actually drove out any conservative or other types of writers out.
Something John Bryne and Chuck Dixon noted.
Quesada hinself is in charge and is leftist. He used to make event comics which was indy style comics.
The movie universe looks more centre left desu, whereas Marvel is trying to appeal to Sjws and modern Neo Liberals. Which isn't working with the exception of Female Thor.
Nah, people who do the whole "queer" bullshit thing tend to be annoyingly perky, until you challenge their snowflake nature anyway.
What does queer mean anyways? Gay?
Can somebody please post a libtard-english translator?
It really is.
They might as well turn Captain America into a muslim.
>reading any comic but japanese manga
At some point Disney is going to get tired of paying for a profit-negative division though. The movie part of marvel is safe, but if the comics keep bleeding you'd have to think the mouse will start cutting off some heads
I used to like this phrase, but I don't use it any more because it's been applied so often and wrongly
Or they could just reboot. There's a entity war coming soon which will merge all universes except prime earth.
Well, they'll never be as progressive as Transformers.
Tomahawk is an asexual transracial native american who identifies as an attack helicopter.
Queer = Tunte
They should just go ahead and make Captain Sweden a thing.
>DC and Image are doing as well as they ever have in the 21st century
What's their business model?
are they not on the propaganda train, I know the movies are quite different in style and substance from the Marvel flicks
>As a black guy
Here's something that ticks me off when ever this shit happens. The SJW/Feminists/Media try to paint everyone who in opposition as "white males".
This shit irks me because there are comic book fans of all races and many of them fucking hate the idea of gender-swapping or race-swapping established characters.
There were loads of black guys who are comic book fans who despised the idea of Johnny Storm being made black because they knew what was happening.
A lot of blacks hate being pandered to.
They hate being told by some hipster white guy that they need more representation then do so by fucking up the very thing they like.
Liberals in their heavy handed attempt at being politically correct and saviors to the brown people end up being more outright racist than the people they oppose.
First post best fun :-D
That's America ""Miss America"Chavez. She's been around for like 4 or 5 years.. That doesn't make her less of a lame shitty character, but yeah, very old news Sup Forums.
Introduce shit characters so they can push them in movies for children.
Aren't Marvel's sales in the shitter because of this type of garbage?
This won't upset Latinos one bit. She's gang bang material and real Latinas will rekt that lady.
t. Latino.
wtf? I love miss america Chavez now
Are you two sharing a flat? This was well executed
kek I hope this catches on because it will be funny
can't wait until this fucking trend dies and everybody forgets about that trainwreck of a label that is LGBT
i hope this shit doesn't spread any further here, it's still pretty tame (and i don't want people finding out or questioning that i am a filthy degenerate tranny)
It's already too late, once the infestation shows outward to the public then it's terminal at that point. Their HR department at Marvel will continue to make diversity hires because they themselves are SJW. Soon, if not already, all the normal people will be forced out as HR slowly makes their lives hell as every work becomes smug and joyless propaganda touting diversity and justice.
Used to be Madeline Joyce, a white woman.
Does this shit even increase sales and business or are (((they))) just willing to eat the cost of shitting on all of western culture?
On the subject of lefty comics, how did the folks behind THIS travesty react to Trump winning?
>tfw still not entirely sure what the fuck a queer is supposed to be
I think Marvel's sales are actually falling. However, it will be bought by hipster SJWs and trendy nu-males either way, so they know who their audience is.
The thing is, there's nothing wrong inherently with gay or female characters in comics, but guess what, traditionally they don't sell well. They only chance they have of selling well is if they're also good, and since Marvel is just shoving this shit out, the trash isn't selling.
Look at comics like JH William's fantastic fucking run on Batwoman, a lesbian woman where DC backed out of the gay marriage at the last second because it was pre SJW influx. Dan Didio really ruined that comic by cancelling the marriage.
There are other good gay characters like Apollo and Midnighter, Renee Montoya, Ricter, Karma, etc. They work because being gay isn't the only reason they exist.
Shock value. Most of them books get axed. Aforce, Nighthawks crusade against white people. The gay all teen book.
Mostly even of a women solo title sells bad they dont axe it anymore.
Zhe's not in a wheelchair? That's Ableist.
I can't wait until the MCU money melon dries up and these sheisters realise what a shitty decision they made. Either they're die an ignoble death, which would be fine, or they'll perform a whiplash u-turn and try to regain their old audience by going balls deep into interesting characters doing magnificent philosophically-challenging things, illustrated with genuine art and driven by no agenda but to execute a well-crafted story. Which would be neato-burrito.
Their chart sales are going back up. But it's the SpiderMan and x book selling.
DC is bad but they've been sly with their shit and don't have a "deal with it cis white male" attitude.
DC had moment where writers would put SJW/Feminist shit in their books and when fans cried fowl they didn't wag their finger at the readers. They also introduce minority characters better than Marvel. They at least try to transition the new character into story and flesh them out before giving them a bigger role.
Marvel on the other hand is unabashedly liberal SJW pandering dickheads.
They gone out of their way to drive longstanding readers away.
Yeah, but she hasn't been in a comic since the 80s iirc. This is far from the first and far from the last time the big two have dug up a a character they still own a liscence on and reinvent them with a completely new character. Like, I mentioned Batwoman/ Kat Kane and she was essentially completely recreated from scratch and ended up being a pretty great character.
Miss America has just been boring in everything I've seen her in. I don't know why the Big Two have to do this shit where they come up with a new DIVERSE character when they ignore characters like black female Captain Marvel Monica Rambeux or change already "diverse"characters into self-parodies taking Jaime Reyes from average Spider-man-esque teen boy with an alien WMD attached to his spine who just happens to be Hispanic into "EY ESSE QUE TAL".
I'm actually curious about this.
They lived in a world where that should not have even been possible.
Dc keeps most characters white but make a few new non whites.
While marvel promotes sjwism. Granted not every book has it, Punisher or Old man Logan.
But most of the avengers books have it.
>They work because being gay isn't the only reason they exist.
One of my biggest gripes about gay characters is writers insisting on bashing the audience over the head with reminders that they are gay. I haven't watched Brooklyn 99 in a bit but the character of Captain Holt is a good gay character because they rarely bring it up. There's more to his character, personality, backstory than him having sex with men.
>They lived in a world where that should not have even been possible.
Oh boy.
anyone sick of marvel's faggotry, check out avatar