The alt-right's favorite medium is...Twitter?
Out of touch much?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's actually Ebaumsworld now. It's a hive of racism, completely disgusting.
>No sex having
what is this leftist fixation on sex? Is genitalia all they think about?
No, a jewish feminist would never try to use sex as a weapon!
>Muh dick
>Muh cum
>We lost the election, not to people who work for a living but to Virgin neets who are totally actual Nazis
I'm sure anons have more images saved of headlines like these.
The weird thing is these leftists who are so "liberated" don't have children. They're so proud of fucking each others brains out and producing absolutely nothing. Its bizarre.
Checked and confirmed
>We lost the election to virgin NEETs
That should really spark introspection in these leftists...
>Are we really that retarded that we lost to basement dwellers
>no sex having
Last time i checked they were writing articles about how good the average Sup Forumslak is at having sex
Schlomo seems more upset than usual. Must be afraid they might lose some money.
Yeah what's the true narrative
Either we're grabbing girls by the pussy and being evil sexual deviants. Or we're being sexually deviant by not having sexual encounters
It can't be both
Oh god the salt
Last week it was gab.
This is getting out of hand. Trump needs to drain the schools along with the swamp
>if you don't go see Star Wars you're a virgin loser. t. media
The circle is now complete.
I miss peak ebaums before it nuked itself with more ads
We are in the presence of Kek! Shadillay
Don't bother
and they keep spreading our message for us
>they have learned nothing
>alt right trumpsters
last i checked,donald trump didnt want the alt right's i guess its time for them to go back to there mother's basements and eat the rest of there chicken tendies
>the alt right's
Is that the website were I can get updated on the latest pizza gate info?
>True meaning of Star Wars
I'm not sure what timeline are we on right now.
Wait a second, i dont believe this is nonbiased reporting at all!
>non sex having
And later they wonder why virgins that cant get poon shoot up schools
They make it seem so important in your media
Guys all we have to do is email disney and complain you will not be purchasing any star wars merchandise as it is connected with white supremacy and nazis
Even Sup Forums fails to realize that there's a large chunk of America that doesn't give a single fuck about the MSM and pop culture. My mother, for instance, is a lifelong Republican. She watches the local news, not national, and spends her free time quilting. Grandmother, same thing. Lifelong Republican, spends her time quilting and cooking.
The amount of Americans obsessed with pop culture isn't a large as Sup Forums seems to think it is. I wasn't planning on seeing Star Wars, and I wasn't on purchasing a copy of Stars Wars upon home release, either.
that's the power of butthurt
It wasn't until they realized they could make money off of it that it became important. Not that Star Wars wasn't always a money printing machine, but this generation is a fresh supply of eager little consumers. Instead of being a good story, its now just another vehicle for progressive political messages. Yawn. Another movie with "strong women" and "multicultural teams" against the evil white men and their evil white plans for domination. Spare me. And now I get to be lectured for not participating in something that got me ostracized when I was younger? Eat shit and die.
i really hope that this gets around and a bunch of trump supporter parents get offended and send letters to disney about this shitty PR
>select all pizza
nope its actually
please don't virgin-shame people
"Alt-right" is a Libtard created meme. A dead meme now followed by the "Fake News" meme.
They're due to create a new one any day now.
Of course it's Liberals that will hand over money to a large number of 1%ers and a company that is a large wing of the media just to make a point and rub it Trump supporters' faces.
It was the virgin losers that kept a glimmer of hope in the Star Wars franchise after RotJ, buy buying all of the EU games and books; many of them conservatives simply because that's what nerds were
I guess the robots are right in that normies ruin everything
Nobody on the "alt-right" gives a single fuck about star wars because:
1. It's a complete non-issue
2. It's been cucked for so long that nobody gives a fuck if it goes the way of ghost busters
This entire situation is an attempt to get people to meme for corporate gain in order for them to change the way their product is perceived as well as getting some free advertisement.
If sex dulls your brain and ruins critical thinking, and turns you into a Guardian columnist, then I don't ever want to have sex
It's so ironic how they cling to the imagery of the Rebellion, but we were the ones who defeated their Empire.
Holy shit I forgot about ebaumsworld. Last time I been on there the best you could get on the internet for free porn was a thirty second clip, and you could ask any high schooler for their yahoo messenger ID
article opens with
>Yes, a group of no-sex having, basement dwelling neo-nazis
first sentence is 3 petty repetitive insults, relating those insults to the "alt-right" AKA (by their "standards") every trump supporter in america, and then the rest is pretty much a copypasta of every MSM article posted in the last year and a half with "starwars" thrown in a couple times
modern journalism, folks
That's as far as I got.
But wait, both of her eyes are fully visible, so this can't be Illuminati propaganda unlike the previous Star Wars. Rogue One is clean, we are good. What now, Vigilant Citizen?
The thing that bugs me about Star Wars now is how hard they are shilling the fact the character are non-white or women, and then go on to say that the Empire is a "white supremicist" organization fucks with their message when they don't include white men in the heroes as well, even in a non-central role. Instead of telling young white boys "Yes, there are bad people who look like you but that doesn't mean you're bad." they are telling those same boys "No matter what you think because of the color of your skin and because you are a boy you are a bad person."
And then they wonder why White Men reject their message. It's self defeating and hypocritical.
But none of this refutes the points brought up that kids are dressing up like space Nazis and buying their merchandise that makes light of the fact.
They're trying to recreate the Ghostbusters controversy but because this movie actually seems passable nerds and normies will probably see it and enjoy it they'll be able to spin it as a triumph over the evil far right drumpf people.
They're also just concerned about whether this Star Wars side story shit will fly so they'll do anything to keep in the headlines and on people's minds.
did these people go to school?
It's also shitty writing. "no sex having??" I've never even heard that phrase before, it sounds infantile. Why not just use virgin?
What's the Starbuck's thing? That "conversation about race"? I had nearly forgotten
>The great irony, of course, is that an online hate group (the “alt-right”) that constantly accuses liberals of silencing free speech, often slandering them as “snowflakes” who cower in their “safe spaces,” are here trying to boycott a children’s movie over themes they deem offensive.
There's a difference between wanting to ban something and not wanting to watch it.
>Star Wars
Sheev did nothing wrong. Fascism is objectively the best system for managing a galaxy-spanning civilization.
>No-sex-having, basement-dwelling neo-Nazis
Wow that is a very unprofessional thing to say about a group in a publication.
I am going to send a scaving email about how this writer belittles people in a poor attempt of humor to the publisher, and I recommend you all do the same.
Seriously. Aren't they all about not shaming people for their sexual habits? Now not having sex is something to be shamed for? Very intolerant.
Get to emailing
>Fascism is objectively the best system
Hold on there Mussolini...