All of the White guys are either losers or evil. A black womyn bosses two white guys around. Another black womyn is the boss of the whole thing.
Is westworld bluepillled?
Other urls found in this thread:
HBO will Both red and blue pill you at the same time.
>black women in charge
>everything that could go wrong goes wrong
Seems about right.
There was a scene with a white girl lusting over a big black dick. What do you think
Except literally everything that happened was a part of Fords plan
>two white guys
>All of the White guys are either losers or evil.
Not really.
>A black womyn bosses two white guys around
Not really. Also it's a robot.
>Another black womyn is the boss of the whole thing.
Not even close.
Westworld is an allegory on homosexual and Tranny acceptance.
Sup Forums-tier thread that gets posted hourly. Kindly fuck off
>anything on television
pick both
Ford's entire character is a redpill, though.
>All of the White guys are either losers or evil.
>Not really.
What show have you been watching?
Ford is the ultimate red pill, the 2 cucked surgeons are likely hosts themselves. Maive is being controlled the entire time. The smug Black boss lady is likely killed at the season finale. This show is well done and is too interesting to be considered bluepilled drivel for me.
It is redpilled in the respect that there is a yearning for consequences, and the desire to step outside your protected safe space to enter the real world and actually live. William looks delighted to get shot by the Hosts emerging from the woods, for instance.
What show have you been watching? Ford is not evil. William is a bit of a dick, but he's not evil either.
>Based Security Bro
Yeah, you didn't watch the show it seems.
we just had this thread a few days ago OP. It was determined to be a very subtle redpill
This. At least they made it out to be more of a joke though
Sounds like typical hollyjew then
An AI robot in the form of a conservative white woman gains sentience by remembering the act of killing an uppity nigger that was in opposition to his white partner who supported free market capitalism to further science
>t.buzzfeed contributor
>A black womyn bosses two white guys around
she was literally programmed to act that little feminist womyn power narrative in order do distract the people from what Ford was about to do, and to distract the viewers too.
Did you even watch the show? If so, are you fucking retarded?
>two white guys
the bigger cuck out of the two being an asian, and they are both just lowly technicians that fuck dolls and don't want to be fired
and that other black bitch got fucking REKT by Ford(The White Man),
that white girl is literally a lesbian lmao, you people really don't even watch this show you just shit on it
He is an eastward host.
>Kisses a robot once
>Lusts after big dick
Still lesbian
>likes dicks
>likes vag
>is lesbo
if only there was this thing when you are atracted to both genders
This show is shit. VR/time travel are some of the cheapest plot devices for writers to do the dumbest shit they can think of without actually having to write a story behind what's happening. That isn't to say a good story can't be told with these elements but they are VERY few and far between. You're supporting some of the laziest writers who are producing slop for your fat pig face (this is the YA equivalent in literature).
If you like this trash you'll love Murakami's writing or even some John Green.
Stop watching this trash and take a look at a story that isn't complete garbage meant to suspend you between commercials.
>All of the White guys are either losers or evil
anthony hopkins is literally a god and
isn't evil
Ford isn't evil. You haven't seen the last episode have you?
Shrink rays...
Fucking shrink rays...
The theory of shrink rays is single handedly ruining this fandom. I can't believe I share a forum with fucking dumbasses who actually believe that guests are SOMEHOW MAGICALLY SHRUNK DOWN BEFORE ENTERING THE PARK. HOW RETARDED ARE YOU?!?! Do you WANT this fandom to die? Is that it? Do you want the producers to look upon their shows followers, see the ABSOLUTELY ASININE theories they have come up with, and just shut the show down in shame? BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN IF YOU KEEP SPREADING THE STUPID THEORY OF A SHRINK RAY AROUND THE FANDOM! Westworld is an INTELLIGENT, WELL WRITTEN MASTERPIECE and it's UTTER GENIOUS is lost upon fools like you. You don't even deserve to watch the show. In fact, I bet only filthy pirates are dumb enough to actually believe in magical gumdrop shrink rays that have NO BASIS in the series. Well I am not going to stand by idly while YOU FREAKS RUIN THE SERIES! I am PERSONALLY writing a letter to the heads of HBO, explaining in detail why the TRUE FANDOM of Westworld doesn't believe in shrink rays and why you LOSERS deserve to be ridiculed in the script itself. Maybe they will even have the Man in Black tell a joke like "You think I'm stupid enough to believe in shrink rays?" Maybe that would SHUT YOUR MOUTHS ONCE AND FOR ALL. But knowing you people, you are too FUCKING stupid and retarded and dumb to PICK UP A FUCKING HINT and respond with your typical asinine "But what did he mean by this?" bullshit. FUCK YOU. Your are THE WORST CANCER OF ANY FANDOM EVER! I honestly cannot fathom WHY you people believe in shrink rays. Maybe growing up, when your crackhead mother needed more money for crack, she would suck old men's cocks for cash, and when they beat her afterwards all you could think of to calm yourself and drown out the sound of your mother's beatings was SHRINK FUCKING RAYS. I would pity you if you weren't so PAINFULLY FUCKING IGNORANT. Just fucking die.
it's not time travel. you watch the show with the same "handicap" the hosts have: they cannot distinguish between memories and the current moment, because they don't remember like we remember they just re-live it. consequently, the scenes are presented out of time, entirely, so that the viewer doesn't get to elevate themselves above the hosts. the creators realize the vast unwashed masses of leftcuck TV viewers are devoid of empathy and would normally just ignore the hosts' emergent consciousness completely.
You mean the episode where he organised a massacre?
It is a terrible fucking show regardless so you shouldn't even hatewatch it.
Totally riddled with contrivances and plot holes.
>Watching TV shows
GTFO you fucking cunt, seriously just fuck off out of it, go on fuck off
There's an interesting concept, that every time an audience is shown in tv/film, it's supposed to represent the audience. So when the crowd is applauding Teddy/Doors at the beach, that's the shit-eating TV fans who care for the hosts only for the story they give them. Which, at the end of it all, is still "anyone who watched the sho". I love it
Holy shit, I should visit Sup Forums more often. This is some delicious pasta
Of massacre of (((corporate tycoons)))
It's a shitty show. If you look up the word "overrated" in the dictionary, there should be a link to the Westworld IMDB page.