>Be American
>Lose to Canadians
>Lose to Vietnamese
>Lose to Taliban
Be American
Other urls found in this thread:
>something the British did is the greatest pride of Canadians
Pathetic desu
>Canada killed us
Looks like we win
Be American
Be the Backbone of Western Civ since the end of ww2...yeah you mite hate US but its better the Devil you know..you really think China or Turkey would be better world leader?
>lost to taliban
You're just jealous you haven't killed a million arabs
Boom! headshot!!!
very nice !
>Be Canadian
>Trudeau is your leader
>something the French did is the greatest pride of Americans
Pathetic desu
Not an argument l
Too far, man.
my sides
>a mere airstrip thinks its entitled to an opinion
Daily reminder that Britain at 1812 was probably one of the worst land military powers in Europe.
Imagine the French, Prussians or Russia at the time. They would have taken the entire US in a few weeks with one of their continental armies.
The war of 1812 were basically nothing but a bunch of skirmishes with a few thousand people shooting some muskets at each other.
Meanwhile on the continent, war was constantly going on with each sides fielding more than 100k men and hundreds and hundreds of artillery pieces and huge cavarly charges and battles almost always ending in melee bayonet fighting.
Would have been pretty interesting to see one of these armies taking every US major city within weeks.
Transporting it over the seas would be pretty difficult though.
You guys should read some journals and accounts of soldiers during this time, they were not just soldiers, these people actually lived for war, they loved war.
my elected leader isn't the cuck, though
>Be American
>Elect a nigger
Still #1 baby!
>pic extremely and ironically related
>Be American
>Be the reason niggers are even in North America
England, not Canada.
Also, nobody really won.
We won in 1812, but we have no chance of winning now. It's like having a retired boxer brag about how good he was but now he's in a wheelchair and has osteoporosis.
sorry dude, Trudeau is still your leader. Obama's still not as bad as that.
Its always been "Canada" since 1537
We didn't have the independence that we have today though but it was technically still Canada.
Right, people forget there was discussion in London that they might renig on treaty if they won at New Orleans.
You do realize Canadians living in the land of Canada didn't consider themselves British, right?
Plus the whole #draftourformercolonies happening that was put to an end.
That's like if Puerto Rico helped the United States in a war and claiming they kicked someone's ass.
And the leaf is taking credit for what the British did.
So are you trying to say the British fought and won the American Civil War against themselves?
they really dont have much to brag about, let them have this in the spirit of christmas giving
You're not even second on the list, you sad cunt. Is this really all Canada has to be proud of? I can't think of even one other substantial contribution to world affairs originating from your pathetic, forgotten and overshadowed nation of cum drinkers.
You're only Canadians when it benefits your argument. The truth is, most Canadians are ashamed of their country and its politics - which is why so many leafroaches hide behind an utterly transparent veil of snark and criticism. You're a bunch of emasculated cuckolds with no cause to rally behind and no national identity. Truly, honestly depressing.
No, we're only British when it benefits your argument.
The truth is "Canadians being ashamed of their country and politics" is a bunch of shit and irreverent to this discussion. Whether you understand it or not, Canadians living in the country of Canada identified as Canadians.
Why're Canadians so proud of this? Sure, a few of the soldiers were Canadian militia, but almost the entire British forces during 1812 were from Britain.
Especially considering you wanted to tax all the export trade on the biggest river on the n. American landmass, and draft rights over even 2nd generation americans and you lost.
and you wanted to annex Canada, woopie doo.
Just a chess piece in negotiating. Sure it was a complete failure, but you signed a treaty knowing you had seasoned troops attacking New Orleans. #draftourformercolonies
Canada did not fight the war of 1812, you autistic leaf.
Canada was not even a country yet.
>Canada was not even a country yet.
Is this bait? Do you know what country means?
Maybe you're confused, we weren't a sovereign state.
>getting beat by rednecks
>getting beat by white flag frogs
>loosing to various tribes all over the world
england really is the laughingstock of the world and the joke of Europe.
>beaten by Vietnamese farmers
>beaten by Islamic goatfuckers
>beaten by Jews
>beaten by third-world immigration
Besides, adding the whole landmass of Canada would add no more aircraft carriers. youtube.com
>doesnt even have an army
>imagine countries without the capability to even travel there
>and the French
>doesn't have an army
Funny, since we have a tier-one special forces group that arguably better than 75% of your special forces.
You were just another cuck british colony, you like to talk about how the US invasion into Canada failed but don't like to talk about how the British invasion into the US failed worse.
We set out to get rid of the forts on the ohio river and stop the british from fucking with our ships. We got the Brits out of Ohio and they stopped fucking with our shit, and we gained some territory too. That's a win.
we weren't Canada at the time we were a colony. so the Brits beat them.
Canada will be less white than the US in like 5 years at the rate you're importing shitskins. It's literally as fast as you cucks can get them.
Of course it's a fucking leaf.
>1776 is Americas greatest pride
>tier-one special forces group that arguably better than 75% of your special forces.
No one believes you. Cmon dude. Canada is known for maple syrup and apologies. Not warfare. Never for warfare.
So what happened? Did you just get tired and decide to take a couple decades break?
>Toronto will be less white than the US in like 100 years
Alright bud
>your invasion failed harder so we won
Canada isn't a real country none of the former European colonial states are, you're Brits/Frogs that have spent too long in the cold and have developed delusions of grandeur. Anglo-Union when?
Take the East, let the Frogs have Quebec in exchange for St. Miquelon and French opposition to EU fishing in the St. Lawrence and let the Americans have what they want from the West.
Underrated post.
>Not warfare. Never for warfare.
shooting farmers and naked arabs in the desert isnt what make you known for your warfare. Throwing the last rock and the last German building standing isnt either. Your nation is a nation of cowards who gangs at 20 on a shitty Islamic hellhole and lose anyway
I know it's a bit autistic, but having spent time In Canada, Australia and New Zealand I'm not memeing that none of them should be countries, but should be as Wales, Scotland or England are to the UK.
Hahaha, we've got a long way to go to catch up there tashniqwuan
It's not even because they want to. Americans have to die so Israel can have it's Greater Israel secured.
>none of them should be countries
Also those terms are only on the condition that the UK ceases it's weird nanny state/big brother experiment. We like our guns and our knives, bruv. We ain't gonna bin shit, bruv.
Second part towards this bong
>MFW we won the two biggest wars in history
Well duh an Anglo Union would never be possible under the current government anyway.
> Ameritards
>under the current government
Because it's the current year. Nothing like this is ever going to happen again. We're going to be a giant socialist utopia with beige power.
>be Canadian
>Lose to America
>Lose to Germans in WWI need Americans to bail you out
>Lose to Germans in WWII need Americans to bail you out
>Still have Quebec
Canadians are actually one of the best pilots out there, and tankers too.
Canadians killed Michael Wittman too if i remember correctly
Pls CTRs Correct the record if im mistaken
the french would have taken the US in weeks with Grande Armée.
dont kid yourself
NZ is one of the best countries in the pacific.
would you rather have Nauru or Micronesia as a major nation
Get a load at these World War revisionists.
Where was the seaborne invasion of France going to take place if we lost the Battle of Britain? How were you going to stop a German occupation of Moscow and a crumbling USSR?
>muh lend lease
The man shooting the bullets trumps the bullets being sent.
>Canadians killed Michael Wittman too if i remember correctly
>Martinez was born in Kent County, Texas
Canada ehh
>Where was the seaborne invasion of France going to take place if we lost the Battle of Britain
Certainly not Canada
Canada ain't the UK, the UK is respectable
Where was it going to take place?
>be Canadian
>get shot
it's not fucking fair
>be England
>strongest military at the time
>Lose to a rag tag group of colonies
Mfw you think that a weaker nation would win
>electing castro's son
Again if they lost Britain it certainly wouldn't have taken place in Canada, stop pretending you achieved what your colonial overlords did. And if I had to guess there wouldn't have been a seaborne invasion of France since it'd be suicide to try. Now if I was a dumb fucking lead I'd say Ireland but Ireland ain't Canada either, the US would probably pump more manpower into Italy
The historian is wrong. The United Kingdom won the War of 1812. Literally indisputable.
> be a yank
> go to work and get hijacked
> get shot in the process
> oh well, crawl to work
> 5 hours late so get pay deducted
> get wage deducted again for getting blood on the furniture
> gunmen break into office and shoot up the place again
> ambulance comes to pick you up
> they check your bank account before you come
> shart when you see the bill
> don't have the $150,000 required for the ambulance visit
> ambulance leaves
> lying there bleeding out
> oh well, still have muh freedum
>Again if they lost Britain it certainly wouldn't have taken place in Canada, stop pretending you achieved what your colonial overlords did.
It's a serious question you moron with an obvious answer: it wasn't going to take place anywhere. D-Day wouldn't have happened and it would have been all quiet on the Western Front.
>pump more manpower into Italy
>while Italy is gobbling up African colonies
>Lose to Taliban
But that wasn't the goal, it took us months to get to Baghdad, we controlled Iraq, we just had to deal with insurgencies, which is the price you pay for being an Empire.
Except Empires usually incorporate "conquered" territory. Except you let liberals change the narrative of the war, yet again, and pull out and disregard the decades long work and thousands of dead. Including dead from countries fighting and dying for your empire that you can't even afford.
I said it wasn't going to take place anywhere why are you saying I didn't?
>Italy gobbling up African colonies
I think we're on a different timeline I assumed we were talking about in 1944 AFTER the US and UK (and yes you too Canada) kicked the Axis out of North Africa. Also why would the US care about colonial possessions
>Canada requested independence from Great Britain in 1982
Yeah and the British Army that fought in the War of 1812 identified as the British fucking army, lad. You leafs are fucking pathetic.
hold on, we aren't /1984/ yet
Anglo pride world wide - America not included
You were trying to imply I was going to say "Canada retard."
>I think we're on a different timeline
Yeah, a timeline where Britain has capitulated and can't physically kick the Axis out of North Africa, hence not being able to launch a seaborne invasion against mainland France.
>what were Canadian militias
Communism won the culture war though
wew digits