Dear Sup Forums

Dear Sup Forums

Please stay out of our boards.

t. the rest of Sup Forums

>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.


stay out of ours, weeb

shut up, bong

reddit please leave

Dear Ribbit

You have to go back

t. 4chinz

>comes to our board to tell us to stay off every other board
wew lad
gtfo and get necked, faggot

Make us, faggot.
We own you.

>muh safe space
kys faggot

>Please stay out of our boards
we own the site idiot if not for us 4 chan would be as pathetic as you life b

>Every other board's delusion of grandeur
>They always post here, and it's always obvious which board it was

You have to bite back. Disrupt their safe space a little. It isn't as difficult as it seems.

Sup Forums is the only board i browse anymore on this dying site

Sup Forums is the capitol of Sup Forums

Make us.

Sup Forums is Sup Forums you dumb cunt

Pol gets Btfo every time they leave their circle jerking containment board.

You retards are worse than /x/ with your conspiracy theories that never go anywhere and your "happenings"

this has nothing to do with politics

fuck off muhammad

Fuck off weeb.

NatSoc or get out, tea nigger.

That's literally the opposite of true.
The rare occasions I still go on Sup Forums, or new it's a bunch of liberals getting absolutely destroyed by an obvious Sup Forumsack

Keep dreaming.

I'd rather you check my trips.

Oh, 69. Guess my will was not strong enough and I got fucked over.

I will be content with these singles then.

Stop crying about "muh " on Sup Forums every time you get BTFO in a political debate that you started you hypocritical faggot.

Oh you don't own any board anyway. Go start a fucking subreddit for yourself so you can police your own lonely posts.

you only speak for yourself faggot - now go back to whichever shithole you originally crawled out - reddit or 9fag

>Stop crying about Sup Forums every time you get BTFO in a political debate that you started you hypocritical faggot.

Oh it's this post again.

containment was a mistake.

Sup Forums is everywhere. If you think all of us post exclusively here and here alone, you're got another thing coming.

only death will separate the soul from the body

Get off my board you commie pinko faggot.

Make us fag

We ARE Sup Forums, you lose Sup Forums you lose Sup Forums.
Literally the most influential board here,
the rest of the boards contain of low-life fatasses playing with their little dicks

every other board on this shithole site moves like molasses and is populated by 14 year olds

at least this board moves too quickly to actually perceive how shitty it is

The only people that go on Sup Forums are fags, underage, and pol. When you idiots try and spout your fascist propaganda on /lit/ you got btfo so badly we made screencap comps to post whenever you autists try and post there. Then you go on to say
>We were only pretending to be retarded!

/tg/ is shit.

I just use you for PDF's for wargames.

The entirety of the hobby is ruined by you faggots. IRL we just bite our tongues and shit on you when you walk out of the FLGS

>We r anonymoose
>We r everywher
>xpect us


I'll take What is a lurking for 500, faggot.

>basically don't use other boards since Trump appeared
>go to /o/ the other day
>lol I thought the temp gauge was a jew
>kek yeah I also thought it was a kike

Sorry guys you can't stop an idea whose time has come.

/lit/ is one of the least literate boards hell Sup Forums is brighter than you troglodytes.

You guys keep posting your leftist garbage here. I assure you we will post our fashy stuff on your boards.

Go on then, post one of your "btfo" screencaps from /lit/ you autist

I only come to Sup Forums, and occaisionally /po/
Most of the other boards are shit.

This is why /lit/ is universally considered the dumbest board on this site. Idiots like you have actually deluded yourselves into believing you're intelligent with your "lalalala I can't hear you" approach to circlejerking.

Sup Forums is a board full of redpilled chads everyone else must go

Fags like this have it all wrong though.
I don't go to Sup Forums to post about politics.
Politics came for my vido games and I'd be a faggot to leave them have their way with it.

To be fair we mostly do that to be nice, we figure it would be nice for /lit/ if someone actually went there for a change.

Sup Forums is a Sup Forums zone.

how about (You) people stop cruising for gay sex on every board and we'll call it square

Fuck off faggot Sup Forums is the only board worth looking at on this shite site

fuck you

How about you check my 4?

>>Fuck off faggot Sup Forums is the only board worth looking at on this shite site
yes. true maybe. but please stay here if you think so.

What? Did you lose an argument and came to crash our party here?

I don't think you understand what the situation really is

I like this board, but I'm really tired of politics threads on /fit/ and Sup Forums

Never :^^)

Anime is gay and your parents are ashamed.

Dear rest of Sup Forums


t. Sup Forums

What other boards do you guys all browse?
Sup Forums /k/ /o/ /fit/ reporten

Blame sports for shoving political shit into their broadcasts then. It's fair game to discuss when players are forced to wear fucking fagbow captains armbands and "no to racism" is ceremonialized before every game like a cult chant.

Sup Forums sn't seeping ino Sup Forums. Politics are seeping into sports. What you're seeing is the natural reaction.

Sorry but gotta redpill Sup Forums and repell the cuckoldry that reddit brought.


thx omar

Sup Forums Sup Forums

Sup Forums is dead.

Sup Forums owns Sup Forums now.

Get used to it, cuckbot 9000.

Sup Forums /vp/ mostly
I just wanna discuss vidya in peace


just Sup Forums, though Sup Forums has kinda become my main board

better vidya discussion here too desu

Excellent taste my friend. /diy/ is fun, too.

Dear rest of Sup Forums,
Please stay off Sup Forums
t. Sup Forums

/c/ /k/..... definitely not /r9k/

>all this delusion
kek Sup Forums is shit just like every other board
if you come to this site for anything other than memes and shitposting, you are a certifiable retard and/or a weeaboo