Why are Nordicucks/Germanicucks/"Aryans" such disgusting rats?
They are the WUZ KANGS of the white race.
Why are Nordicucks/Germanicucks/"Aryans" such disgusting rats?
They are the WUZ KANGS of the white race.
Keep it up huebro
>Niggers in America: WE WAZ KANGZ
>Snowniggers of Europe: WE WAZ VIKANGZ
shut up monkey
Kek untermenchen
>meds literally shout "WE WUZ ROMUNZ AN SHIEEET"
i would never want to be a med, theyre disgusting sweaty shitskins
well... i though people from sweden looked different
Blacks and Nords share in common only a thing: They want to be MEDS. Envy because we meds have sex with all their women.
preach my Med brother
>Envy because we meds have sex with all their women.
That's negro pride, and fake. kill yourself
>ITT: Butthurt shitskins
mad north italian with inferior barbarian genes?
Fuck off huehuenigger
Your queen is a shitskin tho
Why are all Brazilians so similar to monkeys?
Stop making fun of nordics
yes and our king is descended from germans
>implying royalty matters even a miniscule bit
they're just to keep the people happy
ugh, baseless forced memes make me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Nordics thinking blonde hair/blue eyes makes you Germanic
>Meds thinking blonde hair/blue eyes makes you germanic.
Both of you are fucking wrong. I dont descent from Romans. A large number of Roman emperors had light hair and blue eyes. This doesnt mean jack shit except for the fact that those pigments where more prevelant in ancient Italy.
I actually havent seen a Northern European claiming the Romans where Germanics though, only seen them claiming some of the emperors where blonde. Which is true, but some also had north african ancestry and looked like mutts.
My brother has dark hair and dark eyes. Narrow face and is a manlet. I am tall, blonde, blue eyed and have a pretty broad face. We both have the same parents are mostly likely Germanic.
>brown eyes
Every one wants to be anglo except the anglos.
She's argentinian
Coming from someone who lives in trees like monkeys.
wtf i love queen maxima now
If Germanics are not all blond then why does every writer, Medieval, Ancient, Classical, or Otherwise remark Blondness as the singular Germanic trait.
Other peoples are strong, tall, even intelligent, but no other peoples aside from the Germanics have been blond.
Sounds like your mum was culturally enriched desu.
Anyone who says they don't like Italian men is lying to themselves and others.
what do you expect when your country is ran by liberals
Sure is Jewish divide and conquer in this thread.
Le u le mad? XDD
*le teleports behind you*