>a so called language isolate
>said to be last proto-european language to survive the roman invasion
>share no similarities to any other european language
Is Basque the last remaining language of the master race?
Other urls found in this thread:
Basque is a languague so fucking difficult who only talk 2M people in the world. It's useless.
Spanish is a language so fucking easy who only talk 3rd worlders in the world. It's useless.
Yes. Basque is related to Georgian and Sumerian, meaning it's no doubt an Aryan language.
Also this:
I always joke about basque, I say the day the aliens come, they'll speak it.
plenty of it was simply made up during the 1900s rather than it all being some sort of old language or origin unknown
It's not particularly difficult to learn, there are much much more difficult languages out there
I found out about Basque culture after reading about some Basque pornstar
>plenty of it was simply made up during the 1900s
Keep repeating this meme pal, with time and doubles it'll become true.
I love the butthurt of all of this guys frustrated because Sabino Arana write down euskera fuckin MUH SPAIN feelings.
Theyre literally mexicans
t. someone who lives next a basque colony in nevada
I know there are a lot of basque surnames on south america from the people who emigrate after the civil war, but your post maskes no sense.
It's just the only remaining pre-Indo-European language. Everyone else got cucked/conquered/kurganed. The Basques got cucked (literally) as well, but their women kept the language going and taught it to their little Indo-European rape/funtime babies.
Believe it or not, we have Basque enclaves here in the states.
You realize Spanish isn't your native language?
It's the language Italians enforced on the peninsula.
>Being this ignorant.
How am I ignorant?
Language family
If you're not Italian then it isn't your native language.
>Spanish also called Castilian, is a Romance language that originated in the Castile region of Spain.
It's origins is the latin language but spanish is not a lenguage imposed by the italians, stop deluding yourself.
Aren't Irish, Welsh and Breton unaffected by Roman conquest?
They're Indo-European languages, so not what OP was talking about.
Irish was unaffected, Welsh wasn't, and Breton is a result of Germanic conquest of what's now England (Breton is what the Britons who ran to what's now Brittany spoke...pretty much like Welsh, back then) after the Roman empire fell.
All Latin Languages are dialects of Italian.
Basques aren't human, they're stone-monsters we just put them on silly human suits, that's why they look so "weird".
Thanks for pointing this out. Interesting.
It fucking impossible to learn, amazing how dificult its.
I think its minessota where there are a lot of basques?
What is vulgate.
Stop please, italian its not latin, you moron.
>Spanish go to New world
>teach them Spanish
>Italians go to Spain
>teach them Latin
>they dialect the language
>now you get all the Latin dialects such as galician, aragonese etc..
The Romance languages (sometimes called the Romanic languages, Latin languages, or Neo-Latin languages) are the modern languages that evolved from Vulgar Latin between the sixth and ninth centuries and that thus form a branch of the Italic languages within the Indo-European language family.
>That flat forehead and prominent chin, tho
Italian is a dialect of vulgar latin.
Turkish education
Zaude gaur goizian?
Ez Kezkatu
Your entir
Spanish is Italic, as in, derived from ancient Italic language(Latin), not derived from Italian
Italian is another branch of the Italic languages
Neskak gustatz zait. Non alkohola?
>literally all I have
>probably not right
Didn't you see his flag? Americans are ignorant morons, do not engage.
>I lik women. Where alcohol.
Ez dago ain gaizki, praktikatu pixka bat gehiago.
Proto-European means it was there before Indo-European was even a thing.
>Basque is related to Georgian and Sumerian, meaning it's no doubt an Aryan language.
Jesus christ nigger, there's too many levels of retardation here to unravel
Italian is just Vulgar Latin dialect.
yes, and Spanish is the descendant of the vulgar Latin spoke in the Spanish part of Roman Iberia
But a native Italian speaker will not understand you if you talk to him in Latin.
you are forgetting Finno Ugric language.
You wouldn't understand Ebonics but it's derrived from English.
Ok, that got me
You are absolutely correct. I completely forgot our Finnbros.
Vade Retro Arminius! Es stultum et barbarum
And our Estibros, etc.
But not Magyarbros. They came later.
It's no longer isolated. I was recently there and they told me it has many new spanish words and it's nothing like the one spoken only 70 years ago.
Do you realize English isn't your native language?
It's the language Anglos enforced on the continent.
He might be English, Italibro.