>No Giuliani for Secretary of State
>Probably it's going to be Mitt Romney
Sup Forums kekked agaian
>Goldman Sachs gets two of their snakes into the cabinet
Sup Forums doubled kekked
Trump confirmed for sellout
Other urls found in this thread:
Trumpcucks are the most embarrassing people to post on Sup Forums.
Trumpstein is pro Jew.
>CTR lost
>But the JIDF won
Rudy was shit but was good for rebulicucks just entering the show. You must be a Newfag.
Mitt Romney is the perfect choice for Secretary of State
The Clintons are good people
The Soros are good people
wtf i'm literally shaking right now
trump was supposed to drain the swamp not this!!!!!!!!!!!
>drain the swamp
>makes fucking mittens SoS
I still want trump a hell of a lot more than hillary but come the fuck on
keep your allies close, and your enemies closer
>elect Trump because he is good at business abs understands how to close loopholes
>hiring goldsacks because they are good with money?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>keep your allies close, and your enemies closer
And keep your enemies controlling the shadow government.
What organization was Ted Cruz's wife part of that Trumpcucks attacked again? Hillary gave speeches to what organization Trump attacked?
thats right
The GS guy was his treasurer and who helped Trump finish at a fraction of Hillary's price.
do i have to repeat myself?
keep your allies close, and your enemies closer
>keep your allies close, and your enemies closer
Yeah I remember when Obama appointed wallstreet shills to fight wallstreet.
Romney was never in the federal government though, and he's a priest.
I get your point but Alex Jones, really? Seriously?
It's going to be Rexasourus.
Mittens will probably be SOS.
We must have faith in our emperor
wallstreet wasn't obama's enemy, retard
My bet's on Tulsi Gabbard. Her foreign policy views are the most similar to Trump's.
>and she makes my dick erect
>wanting a guy so liberal he could be a democrat
Typical trumptard.
ya well rudy shouldnt have told trump he wants secretary of state or nothing else before telling trump that he had conflicts of interests for the position
Have a few speculated Wall Street shills in the cabinet or a confirmed Wall Street shill as actual president?
>wallstreet wasn't obama's enemy, retard
Neither is trump you god dam faggot.
pay debts
I really don't get this Goldman Sachs meme.
He never, EVER, said he wasn't going to hire people who had previously managed big banks. That would be retarded, as they are the most financially literate individuals our country has to offer.
He even said at his rallies that he was going to get the best and brightest from Wall St, "the sharks", to come work with him on behalf of the American people.
Here's what he explicitly said "Draining the Swamp" meant (taken directly from his website, where anyone can see)...
That is why I am proposing a package of ethics reforms to make our government honest once again.
First: I am going to institute a 5-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government after they leave government service.
Second: I am going to ask Congress to institute its own 5-year ban on lobbying by former members of Congress and their staffs.
Third: I am going to expand the definition of lobbyist so we close all the loopholes that former government officials use by labeling themselves consultants and advisors when we all know they are lobbyists.
Fourth: I am going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
Fifth: I am going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections.
So, in essence, he's taking the smartest people from the private sector, putting them to work for the public in his administration, and stipulating that they won't be able to lobby once they're done.
That, my friend, is how you "drain the swamp". Not by refusing to hire anyone who has made over X amount of dollars during their private sector career.
Do people really not understand the difference between having a lobbyist donate to your campaign to influence your positions, versus hiring top level execs, whom you owe nothing, to work FOR you?
>Dude Drumpf's appointing successful people lmao you got played
So this is the new CTR angle I'm guessing?
>implying trump and rudy isnt pulling reverse jewish tricks and tell cnn he won't be part of the cabinet
Nah, it'll be Rex Tillerson
and now the stupid kikes allowed one of their own to be under the thumb of the golden one.
Don't you mean Jon Huntsman? He's basically Romney but has experience serving as ambassador and doesn't seem to be as much of a weirdo
>No Giuliani for Secretary of State
That's a good thing desu
The fact youre here concern trolling shows how much youre petrified Trump will be successful.
Rexasourus is dope
Bravo kid bravo
you seem really upset, they reduce your diet coke allotment after the election?
That would be amazing
No, they don't cause they are all OWS cucks who still think big banks caused all their problems and refuse to take charge of their own lives.
>wanting a literal goblin to be representing your country
top kek. Trump has been pro-Jew from the start. You have to be retarded to think otherwise
I had thought Rudy was out weeks ago when he left a 1hr meeting with Trump and told the press only 'I'm going to get some rest' that is to say 'Trump told me I'm out but I'm not done fighting'.
Rudy has powerful friends and it took Trump a while to really get rid of Rudy. Longer than it took to Christie and Gingrich anyway.
A good leader respects loyalty. He understands it as the supreme value. He will make these people serve the needs of this country.
It's gonna be Jeb. It's Jeb's time to shine.
>is employed by
>is employing
same thing!
kill yourself retard
it isn't going to mitt, if you haven't heard yet, Carly-chan is in the running
Where are Romney's supporters calling him out?
Not being an apologist here but who else should be appointed?
>Not establishment or corporate ties
Pick one.
Mitt romney is anti establishment so hopefully he picks him instead of rudy the crook
The fact he didn't even enterain Rand Paul is concerning.
I guess we'll see what happens now. At least we're now going to war with Russia right guys?
The same idiots that donated millions to Sanders and now Stein.
So did you expect him to pick your neighbor Joe or what?
I'm quite sure every single person with expertise in any field in the US has an affiliation with some corporation.
Can you name a single individual who could seriously be considered for a position, who has NO affiliations with ANY corporation?
>but who else should be appointed?
Backtracking I see? What happened to drain the swamp? Trumpcucks sure turned into Mr. Burns clones the second Trump got elected. All that """""populist"''''' stuff he said about fighting wallstreet like his last ad was just bullshit.
lol you can tell some berniecuck made this
I asked that and couldn't get a response.
They would complain if he nominated someone with no experience.
>So did you expect him to pick
He's part of the swamp. Maybe for some health position, but he has no experience elsewhere.
You failed to name one.
Rand Paul must have came up short.
Professor Richard Wolff.
Tell me where should he get his picks from?
Always these shills. There is nothing wrong with criticism at all but at least let it be constructive criticism.
>At least we're now going to war with Russia right guys?
yes he is, thats why he is keeping his enemies closer
it's going to be patreus, fill the whole place with generals.
>What happened to drain the swamp?
Who was he referring to when saying that? I got it as career politicians.
Thank you for clarifying this. I was starting to get really discouraged when Guiliani announced that he removed himself from consideration for SOS.
But on the otherhand, its either going to be Mitt Romney or a Exxon-Mobil CEO in charge of our foreign policy. Scary shit...
>pic related - mfw I realize its going to be one of the two mentioned above.
>Tell me where should he get his picks from?
idk how about not from the short list of "oligarchs, plutocrats, and military generals for civil unrest."
This guy gets it
You wanted him to pick a literal marxist?
Nice try, commie faggot.
Rather pick the top executives of Goldman Sachs than single marxist.
Are you actually still buttmad a month later or are you taking money for these posts
Two different authors, two different opinions.
The MSM would write 2 articles within hours from the same author. The first article would support X. The second artile would oppose X.
>hurr durr you are not allowed to change your mind ever, because muh political hivemind
Rudy would be a good powerhouse name that cleaned up New York but he is a neo con war hawk who is good as a mayor and somewhere in a cabinet but not defense or SOS
He has no experience outside of teaching.
I never understood why these people are so praised, yet only stay in academics and aren't brought out to fix the economy.
How much pleasure would Trump get from having Willard 'Mitt' Romney say "Yes Sir, Mr. President" all the time. If I was Donald Trump I'd get a hell of a lot of pleasure knowing Willard 'Mitt' 'Loser' Romney has to follow my orders at State.
>its either going to be Mitt Romney or a Exxon-Mobil CEO in charge of our foreign policy.
Says who?
>I never understood why these people are so praised, yet only stay in academics
1. Academics praise other academics, because they have no clue how the real world works
2. They wont survive one month in the private sector, everyone would see how incompetent they really are.
Trump should pick McConnell. Get that neoconservative turd out of the senate.
Copying my response from above, you retarded nigger.
>He never, EVER, said he wasn't going to hire people who had previously managed big banks. That would be retarded, as they are the most financially literate individuals our country has to offer.
He even said at his rallies that he was going to get the best and brightest from Wall St, "the sharks", to come work with him on behalf of the American people.
Here's what he explicitly said "Draining the Swamp" meant (taken directly from his website, where anyone can see)...
That is why I am proposing a package of ethics reforms to make our government honest once again.
First: I am going to institute a 5-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government after they leave government service.
Second: I am going to ask Congress to institute its own 5-year ban on lobbying by former members of Congress and their staffs.
Third: I am going to expand the definition of lobbyist so we close all the loopholes that former government officials use by labeling themselves consultants and advisors when we all know they are lobbyists.
Fourth: I am going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
Fifth: I am going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections.
So, in essence, he's taking the smartest people from the private sector, putting them to work for the public in his administration, and stipulating that they won't be able to lobby once they're done.
That, my friend, is how you "drain the swamp". Not by refusing to hire anyone who has made over X amount of dollars during their private sector career.
Do people really not understand the difference between having a lobbyist donate to your campaign to influence your positions, versus hiring top level execs, whom you owe nothing, to work FOR you?
>Trump cultists are still deflecting all criticisms of their God-Emperor as "shilling"
Guliani would've made an awful Secretary of State but a good Attorney General
But picking Romney would still make him a cuck.
He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.
Except in this instance Romney would be the cuck, not Trump.
>didn't refute his point
Wew lad
we will see what they do. if he fucks us kike diaspora in the US will never let go of power thru compromise, we need to run literally hitler whose entire platform revolves around deporting the kikes to go kike in israel.
ironic multicultural support for deporting the people who push multiculturalism will be had.
>Former Governor
>Former ambassador to Singapore
>Former ambassador to China
>deputy assistant of commerce during Reagan
>speaks Chinese
>actually believing Trump would fight the Jews
how delusional could you have been OP? Everybody here with an ounce of brain knows the federal reserve and banks run the show. If Trump wants to fight the Jewish leech they would crash the economy and bring us all into a depression under Trumps reign. He want's to be a good president, and he needs to work with the Jews to make his Presidency a general success. He doesn't aim to be a GREAT president, because a great president would destroy this country which is what we really need.
We'll see if Trump throws us plebs a bone when he's actually president.
Don't place your faith in a plutocrat. You will be let down.
If nothing else, the meme war was fun and seeing the Bush dynasty feat. Jeb! get ripped to shreds was nice.
Conway has pretty much come out and said that Mittens is no longer in the running. My money is on Rohrabacher or Bolton
Romney bases Trump, calls him a phony, a fraud and gets rewarded as Secretary of State?
Trump even financed his campaign back in '12.
How does that make him a cuck?
Trump will be the biggest cuck in history if he picks Romney.
I hope he picks mittens. Trump doesn't want to be like Obama, accomplishing nothing outside of executive orders. He wants to make his presidency really count. This requires a delicate balancing act of shaking up the current system while also keeping republicans on his side.
He has the advantage of a house and senate majority and he doesn't want it to go to waste.
Huntsman is based. I wish he did well in 2012. I would have voted for him