This guy has over 180,000 followers O_o
This guy has over 180,000 followers O_o
Other urls found in this thread:
South Africa
Black Lives Matter.
Malcolm X.
he banned a guy i know for bringing up Japan in a non-demeaning way while also providing a scholarly journal source
What about flooding all white countries and only white countries with immigrants? Do it to Tibet and it's called genocide.
Also Barbary slave trade.
>It's only racism if it fits my fictional definition of racism
Really activates those almonds.
Affirmative action
South African slaughter of white farmers
>it has to be GLOBAL
Sorry I forgot that Jamal getting shot dead in Detroit affects Mr. Nbonga of tiny African village #234236.
Japan towards anyone who isnt a jap.
South africa litterally killing whites at genocide levels.
Zimbabwe being a shinning beacon of stupidity.
Any position that will turn down a white person whos more competent to fill a spot for a colour/handicap/person
>Currently, I'm writing a 5-book series that spans roughly 3500 years, so I've done hundreds of hours of research on human history and have maybe 6000 pages of printed material and I don't know how many websites bookmarked in my "Research" folders, but it takes me a solid 2-3 minutes just to scroll through the list.
I've not come across a single point in time when white people have been oppressed by systemic racism, nor have I come across any historically significant incidents of a white person being victimized by racial discrimination. Not one. Anywhere.
>UHHHHHH those things aren't global, shitlord
>most non-whites vote for Democrats
>Democrats want to decrease the # of whites in the country by supporting open borders
>shut up whitey, diversity isn't racism
And? How is this even political? You cucks will make anything about race
Neither is their perceived "oppression".
Niggers just happen to suck at life everywhere in the world.
Try getting into a korean nightclub as white.
>systemic racism
how is it NOT political?
>What is Dharma
>he makes a post being offended on behalf of Mexicans for 5 de mayo
>tell him his a race baiting dumbass because Im a Mexican in Mexico and no one gives a shit about gringos getting shitfaced in our name
>get reported by a generic white liberal chick and banned by a black mod
it's because of people like them that if I could have voted in America, I would have voted Trump. Hell, it's because of people like them that Trump won in the first place. Funny how their response to that was to shove their heads further up their asses.
systemic racism doesn't exist
Does jews controlling the media count?
Systemic racism is a buzzword for the dems.
> academic sources
Oh, so only liberal sources then. Ok.
South Africa
Barbary Slave Trade
>we have defined racism in such a way that only whites can be racist
>now prove that there is racism against whites
>i'll wait
These games are simply designed to make white people feel like shit.
There are no examples of entirely non-white groups oppressing white people, because white people have ruled the world for the past 2300 years and only Asians have proven capable of keeping up with us when we let them.
Mass immigration and displacement of white people. Yes Jews are POC and not white.
Where's that "counter signal meme"/"smuggie"/whatever they're called of the guy going "you have to prove your point using this very specific criteria that I've laid out, what's that you can't do it? Look's like I win".
Are jews considered POC? They aren't white. There's an argument to be made as far as jews systematically oppressing whites.
Systemic racism is a farce anyway. America may not be a meritocracy, but in the end you generally get what you give.
Zimbabwe's president Mugabe had a mass deportation/"polite coercion"(at gunpoint) of all white farmers from the country
t. son of Rhodesian
this desu
Planet of the Apes
Never mind, found it.
Fuck's sake, these are supposed to be exaggerated parodies but this fits him to a T.
Someone post it.
>Barbary Pirates
all of these opressed and enslaved whites
The serfs system
Malcom X
South Africa
The Ottoman invasion
The Moorish invasion
There's a few more too.
Arab sex slave trade.
wow that was easy.
affirmative action
Affirmative Action.
>planet of the apes is a documentary
>On a global scale
Perfect. the only systemic problem area that has been truly proven to be an evil again and again on a global scale is.
Wait for it.
The religion of Islam which is distinctly not white. But I suppose you equate protestant christianities moral pressures with the desire to blow one self up to enjoy some virgin pussy in the afterlife.
Thanks for your time.
wtf hivemind
Just so I'm clear.. racism is only racism if it's started by someone of another color? So Irish slaves don't count, because other white skinned people were the ones causing it?
So the Japanese peoples use of Comfort Women and the forced labor camps were okay.. since the Chinese were basically the same skin color?
And I guess that whole American Slave trade thing... if you were originally recruited (read: sold to the whites) by another African... you couldn't complain either...
You make the claim, the burden of proof falls on you
>it's only racism when it's systematic
When are these fucking idiots going to stop conflating personal racism with systematic racism?
Jizya tax under ottoman and various other muslim rulers
dunno lol
Post what? I did post what I was talking about.
I've only got a version for ants.
I meant in the FB thread
You say they grow apples in California? Oh yeah, well here's your chance to prove that, show me where they grow MICHIGAN APPLES in California.
Ottoman Empire against Balkans.
That was easy.
Literally anything involving Mugabe
fucking chinknigger
Is Genghis Khan conquering and raping the fuck out of most of Eurasia global enough?
Really fires the old neurons.
Took this fucking thread long enough.
Also, the Jews in Russia and the rest of the Soviet Union.
Also, to stick it into this fucking Dink's eye, tell him to look at what the Japanese did to the Early European Christians. Martin Scorsese made a movie about it.
I have to admit though. The greatest whites ever made was giving their women power. RIP whitey. Nice work until about WW1. The interwar years were where whites sold their race, religion, nations, and families out to the Jew.
The first and second Barbary wars
there (((IS))) global systemic discrimination towards whites
you disappoint me
also, he wants sources
just look for all the companies exclusively hiring people of color as they call it. in canada, usa and yurop
I actually saw that picture in an article and it said that those were Barbary men who had Turkish women in their harems.
Easy, Islamic aggression against Europe 1100-1500.
>So you say black people can be racist to white people?
>Prove it by providing examples that fit in my very specific criteria and narrow world view while also being applied in a global scale by every country on earth :^)
>never being oppressed is a bad thing
They hate us cause they anus.
Under their logic, Obama
well you could say jews on even more shit, like they were the ones who helped the moors conquer Europe for example, but everybody would just see it as a conspiracy theory
all of the above are well known facts doe so nip btfo
>White people control most multi-ethnic countries because they conquered the world
>Why do only White Countries discriminate against their ethnic minorities??????
Ottoman imperialism in the balkans
Crime statistics that show blacks commit more violent crimes towards white people than they do towards any other non-white ethnic group
non whites are dumb, we all know that, that's why they believe racism can only be institutionnal, it has to involve a power or an authority applying it to be called racism.
As a potato nigger I'm triggered.
>literally shaking
See, the that pisses me off most is the fact that asian cucks post shit on the internet like they are the greatest race alive, while in reality they're just inbred autists trying to live up to the Western standing
>hitler 'stache
In 2020 the South African government has to present its justifications for apartheid styled legislation aimed at excluding white south africans from the market to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination at the UN.
Post that on his facebook, I dont have an account. The only justification for it is "Whites in South Africa deserve it."
>haha no you can't argue the points that would make an argument because I have descarded them beforehand as being invalid
>Haha watch gonna do nazi?No arguments?
>*Sips tea*
Fuck, these idiotic liberal leftists snarkiness and anti-intllectualism
In many African countries white are targeted by the state to have their property compensated
Jewish over representation in government, hollywood, college graduates, wealth etch.
but jews are white
They say they aren't white though. They don't follow the one drop rule anyway.
lol. i got instantly banned for commenting on that page
Someone post that year-by-year news pic about white farmers not being allowed to own land.
Also when the fuck are asian people opressed? The only time they were was after pearl harbor for like 8 years.
He literally got the stache because he wanted to be like Hitler, and has even claimed to be the "Hitler of his own time."
Shit makes me want to get some green shorts and my father's FAL.
Ignores Ottoman Empire and other Muslim invasions.
Ignores mass slavery that happened under those rulers.
Ignores that European powers didnt "colonize" africa up untill the 1800s and most African slaves were captured by Arab Slave Traders.
If Jews count as POC, that won't be hard at all.
LITERALLY Affirmative Action
Stupid fucking progressives think they're so smart
More like "The Ideological Swill Of An Asian Dickhead".
Here's systemic racism: forcing white nation states to take in loads of non-whites who then whine about imaginary racism while destroying white societies through subversion.
Does this Asian Guy live in a white-majority country, and if so, why is he there?
Pretty sure the rape epidemic of white women by black men is systemic racism desu~
Also this kid looks like a huge faggot
Barbary slave trade
Its funny how sites like this that promote racism against white people are not being taken down, but if we people had a site like blacks and asians that would be immediatly removed, i reported them for racism :P
Asians need to be slaughtered like cattle, their is 4 Billion of them we need to decline their population. African niggers too, stop reproducing like Animals in Africa then maybe poverty will decline.
affirmative action
>giving white women power
Nice meme, but feminism was originally about resisting the drafting of men into the military and was a movement to support nuclear family values. It wasn't until the (((Frankfurt School))) that feminism was weaponized and went far left
You've been jewed if you think white women are the problem.
>global scale
where's systemic racism against coloureds on a global scale?
Ottoman slave trade