People with brown eyes are not white.
Prove me wrong.
People with brown eyes are not white
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not an argument
How so?
Shrek green
I have dark brown eyes and I am extremely white.
Phew, thank God.
A list of the greatest men in history will mostly feature brown eyes
You can't be if you have brown eyes, user.
no you're not
Tfw black and green eyes. Thanks Sup Forums
i'm blond with light brown eyes. Guess i can fight for both sides in the future.
you gotta go back
Because almost all people have brown eyes you fucking idiot.
There's a difference between the brown eyes white people have and the brown/black shitskins have.
blue eyes are for REEEEETARDS
now what?
I am though. Pale as a white plastic glove filled with milk. I don't know much about my ancestry other than that my great grandma was from Ukraine. I guess that makes me partially a dirty slav.
>tfw green eyes, red hair
>tfw mother has blue eyes, red hair
>tfw father has green eyes, brown hair
Feels good, man
only an idiot would think otherwise
my eyes are brown, my brothers eyes are blue, we come from the same parents, is he white and im not even though we both come from the same people?
>green eyes
Into the furnace you go
My brother has blue eyes. I have brown. Same parents. By your logic my brother is white yet I am not. You are retarded and your Jew division tactics won't work here.
sounds like your dad got cucked by some shitskin
Prove they aren't white.
what would sardinians be though?
Nah. My parents are Mormon. My father kept my mother at home and popped out 8 white kids.
anglos are not white, prove me wrong
>tfw mother has blue eyes, blond hair
>tfw father has brown eyes, brown hair
>tfw my brother has green eyes, blonde hair
>ftw when I have brown eyes, brown hair
I am the shitskin of my family.
Fuck you brown eyed nigger
Where did the brown eyes = not white idea come from? Is it a meme or is this an actual idea or...?
Go back to your filthy country
Speak for yourself you disgusting nigger
I have blonde hair and blue eyes, basically everyone around here is like that. Perhaps your grandfather was from the (((other))) side of Ukraine. West Ukraine is filled with nothing but white Aryana while the Russian easy is full of half breeds such as yourself
wtf do you mean jew division tactics?
Do you even science?
What about hazel eyes? Pic related, closest I could find to what my eyes look like
it's a meme used by jews to divide
>basically everyone around here is like that
try again, perogie.
Ukraine brings the heat! lels. Browneye'd niggerslav btfo.
Who /blue/ here?
Who /green/ here?
My mom has brown eyes and did a genetic test which came out 100% Northern European-- she is very white. My father on the other hand has darker skin and is part Italian and Slovakian.
>TFW I have greenish blue eyes, blond hair, and light skin; no nigger nose or big lips either.
Obviously, I have her to thank for my whiteness so I disagree with OP.
Tactics used by Jews to divide white people. Somehow my brother would be considered white while I am not even though we have the same European ancestry. My sisters with brown eyes are not white, yet their kids who have platinum blonde hair and blue eyes are. Don't fall for Jewish tricks.
Why stop at eyes? Dark hair also isn't particularly white.
>Be Celtic red haired degenerate
>Get invaded by mantlet Superior romans
>Mom gets OLIVED
>Get invaded by Vikings
>Sister gets BLEACHED
>Get invaded by Normans
>Daughter gets BLEACHED
>Get invaded by Frongs
>(You) get BAUGGETED
>Make a post on a trans-jordanian afroasiatic carpet selling forum about whiteness
Wew laddieoy.
>tfw Lativan father has bright blue eyes, black hair
>tfw Russian mother has dark blue eyes, blonde hair
>tfw German grandfather has blue eyes, blond hair
>tfw Russian grandmother has green eyes, black hair
>And i have green eyes and blonde hair and my iq is 139
Feels extremely good
Eugenics at its finest
Looks like I'll just have to do the ole 23andme to find out, you fucking cossack slime.
>tries to prove a point
>fails to notice that the data lines up with what the Ukrainian said
You do realize half of Ukraine is covered, specifically the half the was in question
Of course they are not white. They are very light gray/pink.
Nigger do you understand that the map includes "blonde, light brown, and red" and not just blonde? It is literally physically impossible for 50% or more of Ukrainians to be blonde haired and blue eyed. There is no place on the entire planet where 50% of the population is blonde haired and blue eyed.
yeah, but it's not uncommon for your hair colour to change if you move to a warmer region.
Used to know this blonde guy who moved to spain and came back with almost brunette hair.
> Latvia
> good genetics
Enjoy your potatoes and potato vodka in your tiny little shithole country that no one can find on a map.
That's fine since no blue eyed people really contributed to modern civilization.
ok, le 59% burger man.
ass destroyed shit eye detected
>tfw when half anglo half aryan
>tfw light brown hair, grayish blue eyes
>tfw im the perfect hybrid
what are hazel eyes? are they mixed with nigger brown genes or are they something else entirely?
There's no such thing as Hazel eyes. Hazel = brown. Hazel is a concept made up by special snowflakes
Then what am I smart guy ?
I swear, my eyes are not brown!!
Look, that's clearly blue!!
i'll trust your insight, anonymous nigger on internet
>ask a question
>be upset when someone answers it in a way you don't like
you've clearly already made up your mind so why even post? nigger
in hindsight it was pretty pointless
What about Hazel??