Who would win one on one?
Romania vs Hungary WAR??
check the flag
get out toothpaste
Modern Romania don't have the resource to compete with Hungary.
the jews
Trianon was a mistake
Romania has nukes, so they would win
Judging by this... Even if the Romanians sent only gypsies to the front with this kind of technikal superiority... Also take in mind that Hungary is as flat as a loli while to get to Bucurest you have to pass through Tranaylvania/aka Carpatian clusterfuck meat grinder.
>Tl;dr: Hungary is kill
Check flag
See a beaner get out
Greece 1300 tanks? Fugg
>Romania get BTFO
>Gypsy refugees out the ass
>Bleeding heart liberal Hungarians let them in
>Welfare system collapses from the amount of Gypsy leeches
>All copper piping has been stolen
>Shit piles up in the streets
>EU calls the government racist if they try and deport them
>Economy crashes
>Hungarians form bread lines
>Gypsy's driving around in luxury cars asking for money through their windows.
That debts has to come frome something man. I guess having roaches next door forces you to have a large military.
Hungary lost every war to Romania so...
What year was this made and what was the source?
Warious sources a few months ago in a Balkan thread that was focusing on military. Everyone contributed with local sources and translations. Was epic.
Sounds like Romania atm
perhaps they want to suffer the same fate as the ottomans
pic most certainly related
Kek! 24 hours and the Romanian Army liberates Budapest (again).
du-te dracului cu comunisti mati
Rest of the world
Remember 1916?
The people welcomed us so much, the soldiers didn't beleive it
You can shitpost as long as you want, you won't achieve anything
We will never forget/forgive u fags for that !
I don't think that the *muh clay* people could cross the border after the "alarm" .
24 hours to "eliberate" + another 24 to anex due to romanian bureaucracy.
You fags are shit posting/hate posting against us all the time Sup Forumspol you name it ... we did't do this shit.
Now some guy asks , and even with evidence you can't get your head out of your ass.
Trianon - problem ?
>comunistii 2 x 'i'
>ma-tii 2 x 'i' + " - "
These are 3'rd grade rules , keep that in mind when you vote next time.
The hungarians have built a wall so they don't need to fear a gypsy invasion.
>be op
>living the soviet life
>drinking vodka and compot
>thinking about the days when russia was great and strong
>such life in the zone
>We will never forget/forgive u fags for that !
We neither, we were so happy :DD
Oh and yeah, keep shitposting and insulting, surely it will have any effect on your "history" and "achievements", implying anyone will give a single fuck, since everyone hates your country and people.
Ask people about us, im 100% sure 9/10 of them who knows us, will says we are great people. (Asks those 10 people outside from gypsistan, + hardmode, those who you ask can't be Roma-nians)
La munca!
>tfw Transylvania is Hungarian clay
You spend too much time on \pol
Truth hurts eh? So you can only insult again.
And what if i do, what if i doesn't?
I can do whatever i want in my free time, because i doesn't have ONLY FREE TIME. Because i actually have a work, so i don't have to rely on gibs and stealing copper/iron.
Get the irony?
I guess the y only
Because you already stole the iron part
And before you come with the
> le im just baiting, trolled, lel, butthurt, triggered
No you are not, just trying to sound cool
GTFO gypsie
So much salt!
I was trying to tell you clay fags that we did not shit/hate post against you , but you did !
Talking about fair-play keep in mind that in case of a conflict we can litteraly fuck yo shit up !
Romanians are not 100% gypos you 4'th grade thinking hun fag.
We have engineers , doctors all over the world , even yesterday the "engineer of the year" award in saudi arabia had a romanian winner , who was working for a londonstan company.
Never heard of your scum kind ever doing shit , in fact the only thing i like about you fags is the hungarian rapsody , only thing that you made remarcable.Yes fag we have gypos belive me i would kill them all as i would kill you hun fags , at the blink of an eye and without thinking more that 0.1 sec.
Go back to fucking mongolia you worthless shit worms.
I know you are making another lebbit meme from me, so why the hell not, i shall continue
I am not angry, im more like disappointed and disgusted at the same time how can people be so retarded
Nah, you're just a funny butthurt retard.
Let's agree on 1 thing
Stop calling each other gypsie and mongol/bozgor
You can call me a hun fag, but im 9/10 swabish, i don't really give a single fuck most of the sheep people in this country, the good ones are all emigrating, or already settled down with a good job. But what your fellow countrymen do online, gives me a reason to treat 99%Romanians posters like this. It's hard to spot normal people, my sorry
I readed my previus comments, yes i went a bit nationalstic shitposter level, but this is what happens after all of those retarded Elephant-Pepe memes.
why do people constantly make these threads only to provoke a fight between magyars and romanians
Just as SJW's are easily triggered, so too are Magyas and Romos.
>tfw mentioning Transylvania as Hungarian clay is enough to trigger half of Romania
They provoke us ... brainwashed people ... from the ultimate autistic hun to the well schooled and inteligent , they all have the same in mind .
After the trianon pact we did not slaughter them as they did us in 1916 , in stead we offered them safety within our lands places to grow crops and so on. Years after even to this day we made changes for them so they can have schools in the hungarian language but they don't score above 7 out of 10 & tons of other shit.As a "tank you for not rapeing and murdering us" they want autonomy ( own laws own army ) a state within a state here in romania.Some brainwashed hun haged a doll that represented Avram Iancu( wiki) they beaten a girl for wearing a coloured scarf representing our flag on nation day out of pure hate.And my blood boils every time i see these ungratefull shitlords insulting every romanian
Would you fight someone , knowing that you could go fully "gandalf" on his ass ?
Romania. Thats the reallity.
I pretend that americucks have historical education.
Romania wins, but knowing muslim countries they will take advantage of the war..