Is it cool to like him now?
Is it cool to like him now?
>uploads a video to 50 million people of him watching Hitler and smiling
Pretty much, yeah.
PewJewDie has always been cool.
>Is it cool to like him now?
I never disliked him. I only saw a few of his videos and it was obvious he was just putting on an act.
He brought all the bad attention he's getting on himself. He's just a dumb faggot.
Man, I haven't seen his stuff since he was doing amnesia videos.
When did he turn into Filthy Frank?
>nazi uniform
He's playing these """news""" outlets. The entire video he just went on and on about how dumb it is that be can't make a joke or ironic comment without some journalist blowing it out of propoortion and demonizing him for it. The last 10-15 seconds of that video were him in the Nazi uniform, therein causing coverage by some bullshit outlet.
Really makes you think
Noticed that. I hadn't seen one of his videos in years and the latest one he was clearly ripping off filthy frank in editing, delivery, even the fucking voice
>Green nazi uniform
Fucking this
watch the actual video tards. Trolls are trolling trolls. Oh wait, but the (((media))) have now decided that "trolling" now means calling people rude names, not what it used to mean.
I've really only started to like him recently. Don't do lets plays but those that aren't about him playing games I like
hi there felix
An influencial redpilled guy, which plays the media like a fiddle because he knows how they hate him for being rich and succesful.
Really makes you think...
Bug off @notch
Pewds is the new milo, boys! And reddit will take over 4chin xDD REDDITORS ASSEMBLE!!
anybody who didn't get on the brotrain when it became obvious he was /ourguy/ a few months back is a mental midget
I can see how it's like straight rip offish but papa franku has his lore and no one can top that.
I've always liked him, but he's the junk food of let's players. He isn't even good at playing games, he's got no insight into them, no tips or tricks to share. He's just there to make jokes and act retarded.
But it's still funny.
I think it'd be almost impossible for him to not be redpilled with all the shit happening to his home country, but he's probably having a hard time coming to terms with it.
real felix confirmed
He's ironically, unironically, ironically doing this though.
I'm not a fan of his content. There is a lot of pointless hate on the cunt but it's clearly not enough hate to stop him from making bank.
Liberals are idiots...They think being a troll means being like a bridge troll instead of fishing for a response.
Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait fish, are drawn through the water. This may be behind a moving boat, or by slowly winding the line in when fishing from a static position
My boss subbed to him just to get him to 50million so he'd delete it. This marketing tactic was stupid brilliance.
>Nazi uniform
Did the faggot delete his account?
i love the evolution de pewdipie
typical bluepilled shill
starts getting bashed by the media
now he is in the stage where he is redpilled in some ishues but most of them he just says them ironically
how long until he accept it fully?
let's plays are pretty much dead for anyone who isn't 12 or autistic
filthy frank style "ironic" humor has been the new money maker for the past 2 years or so
>only on 3 layers of irony
He is like little baby.
Hasn't he said that he wanted to delete his channel today?
I am glad I am not only one who noticed this. The voice was pretty obvious to me.
You gotta go back
i have been on here since the news times and I never thought of this
I hate you all, really.
I made a thread months ago saying Pewdiepie is redpilled
You were all there with your pitchforks "Lol provide me an actual source" "you're a faggot if you think this" etc
whew, humanity.
He talks and acts like a homosexual.
Ernst Rohm tho.
Well, there were fieldgray uniforms at least.
He was and will always be a flaming faggot
But he was attacked by Leftists so there goes that
>not wearing the Wehrmacht dress whites
Only gaming videos on youtube I enjoy are Ahoy's desu senpai
He did. His 2nd Channel. Honestly anyone who really thought he was gonna delete his main channel is a retard.
he deleted his second account
tip o' the spear m'dear boy-o.
MSM confirmed
show me this vid because that doesnt look anything like a nazi uniform. more like imperial japanese uniform.
Having actually watched a lot of his videos because you faggots keep shilling his channel, no. He's a waste of oxygen.
Jesus fucking Christ people are stupid. He used a hyped up lie to earn extra cash from gullible fools and then went back on it making everybody who fell for it feel like retards.
He's like a Swedish Trump.
we know he lurks Sup Forums
news are so fucking retarded and pitiful
it's satire, you wouldn't understand
Pewdiepie is the absolute money maker, now that he has gathered all the 10 year old liberal audience he will go for the 15 year old Internet nazis. Smart man is smart.