How fuck are you, Sup Forums?
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Was nice knowing you Sup Forums.
>get nuked in the middle of nowhere because there's an old navy communications base 10 miles away
>st. louis
Fucked enough
>new york
>looks at map
>mfw I own land in mid-west middle of nowhere.
pretty comfy id say.
I'm in Los Angeles County. Supremely fucked.
What's up with Boise?
>Grand Rapids
At least we die instantly instead of slowly and painfully through nuclear fallout ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>Not even on the nuke map
Fuck yeah
The funny part is if all those nukes dropped you'd die a much more horrible death over time than anyone who was vaporized. Enjoy your cancer.
Downside: You're still living in Alaska.
State capitol, will have some amount of command and control / disaster response / National Guard shit. Breaking that stuff slows down responses and increases casualties.
Ground Zero, so not fucked at all.
Why would they nuke my not-the-biggest city in Arkansas? Is it a population center threshold kind of thing?
Los Angeles
not fucked at all WOOOO!
Why are those 3 blobs in the centre-north getting mass nuked when there are 2000 warheads but not a single nuke in the 500 warhead scenario??
Minuteman ICBM silos. Hardened so takes a lot of nukes, and deliberately spread out in the middle of nowhere to be a c-c-c-c-ombo breaker.
2000 warheads is enough to start blanket nuking areas with nuclear installations to mitigate a counterstrike
dfw here.. would be fucked, but perhaps I could escape west to Santa Fe
Thanks, I didn't know that the US had nukes stationed over there
>Georgia/Tenn. border
>central NJ
Fuck living right?
Baltimore haha
if the bombs don't kill us the nuclear lives matter will
Don't tell anyone
Kind of neat Cold War shit:
Though the earlier Titan bases were way larger:
Mountain Home AFB is close by as well
Northern Arizona. Plenty of innawoods to go to prepare for the second wave of nukes.
>long island NY
I am become fuck
You mean Ghoul's lives matter?
>live out west of the great divide
I'm pretty fuckin safe.
San Francisco.
Downside: I'm dead
Upside: Everyone in this shithole is also dead
Missile silos. Same reason why Montana and North Dakota are blacked.
>DFW area
Lmao like I even have to ask
> eastern massfag
well at least I won't have to worry about trying a no death run of fallout irl
>North of Dallas
Might survive initial blast. Still fucked
I wouldn't feel a thing
>Louisville near Ft Knox
Good knowing you.
Your map there isn't accurate at all ,according to it I'd be safe. In reality radioactive dust would be blowing off my shadow that was burned into the wall next to me
CT reporting, yep I'll be turned into ash, hopefully while doing something neat like sexual asphyxiation
>sexual asphyxiation
That's kinda like how Robin Williams died
I live in one of the shitiest counties on the west cost so no one will hit it.
The best part, though, is that the radiation from LA will be brought over by the winds so we'll die anyways.
>bay area
feels good
>Be dutch
>Little shitstain of a place.
>Literally nobody cares about the dutch.
>Most dutch are pretty based desu.
>Bombs start falling.
>Based Dutch revolt against the lefties.
>The Netherlands turns into a radio-active bloodbath.
>I can see the glow from my house, looks like germany.
>Doesnt smell like kraut though.
>Smells like shit.
live 35-40 minutes from oak ridge national lab and Y-12. FUCKED AS HELL
/937/ Dayton
Wright Patterson AFB up the road. Literal aerial dogfights I'll watch from rooftop.
Would you even want to live after this?
Nuclear reactors are targeted in both scenarios on that map, and I work at a nuclear power plant. So very fucked.
>MFW Michigan peninsula
>underrated kek
We're fucked friend
>tfw only nuclear hellfire can save you from the living nightmare of living in N.J.
I live in North jersey it's pretty great, 99% of the population supports Trump, low crime and barely and shit skins of any kind.
I live north of Memphis and go to university there
in any situation I would die
There is a navy base just a few miles north of Memphis and I live a few miles north of the base. So I'm fucked
No it's not. Trump won the election, comrade idiot PutinTroll.
You can stahp now.
>6 months out of the year I'd be totally safe.
>6 months out of the year, I'd be stricken with fallout.
Good thing there's a lot of deep mines out in the desert.
Fort Worth Texas
RIP in Pieces
>live right next to the CDC headquarters in Atlanta.
I'd be pretty fucked in a lot of SHTF scenarios...
Think he was memin and meant theoretically instead of literally
>Wilmington DE
Yep, good spot to be, dead in the first wave for sure.
>Live right in a valley
I feel bad for you city/prairie losers
Alaska is one giant AFB
you're dead and don't even know it yet
fucking cause of tinker afb
nukes aint the real problem.
the real problem are the nuclear power plants. after the collapse of society, they all will melt down. releasing a far worst nuclear disaster than the nukes.
meaning that it does not matter where are you on this map. we all going to die.
that is my question why would any one nuke Long island. there is only fags there (myself included)
They are targeting places that voted for Hillary.
i hope you are being sarcastic.
you are being retarded if you think a bunch of nukes release the same amount of rads as a melted nuclear powerplant.
these numbers at the end of my post suggest a great happening will occur soon.
I guess I'm pretty fucked desu
I'm in Raleigh, so I'm screwed, but I grew up in Charleston, WV.
Nuking Charleston is the biggest display of conspicuous consumption a nation could ever perform. Even total annihilation is going to be a minor kill count, and you'll get virtually nothing if the people have enough time to grab their emergency supplies (everyone there is a prepper) and head to the nearest cave (it is literally impossible to be more than 5 minutes away from an old mine while in Charleston)
>unironically calling radiation 'rads'
>not knowing the magnitude of 'modern' nuclear bombs versus our completely outdated nuclear power plants
>not realizing that the number of nuclear power plants in the U.S. is small, and would leave the majority of the land in the continental United States unharmed of first hand radiation exposure
>not living where you were born
>not living in the state your great-great-grandparents lived in
You've got to go back. See .
Sorry, senpai. I'm too busy stealing your jobs to leave right now. Nice trips, though.
dead as fuck
and i god damn deserve it
i live in a leftist shit hole of a city
in 3 months i will be moving to gods country
where its 98.4% white lord
will still be fucked and hit by nukes but not as bad
WV is actually alright and it's better you than some Indian or New Yorker. My great grandfather and his dad used to distill moonshine, so we have that in common.
Same. I have family in western WY and I think I'll go visit them if I have any warning.
>the most rightwing first world nation is lefwing
Me too. Feels great.
>not-the-biggest city in Arkansas
do you have a nuclear plant, like in Russellville?
modern bombs are "tactical" so to speak. meaning that they are not as retarded as the tzar bomb. look at the specifications of the transcontinental misiles of usa and russia.
also you really dont understand how nukes blow up. if you want to maximize the destruction radius, you blow up the nuke at 10k feet to use the 5psi killing blast, if you blow a bimb on ground level, the amount of destruction is lesser.
meaning that the radioactive contamination of the gound is less harsh as if if the bomb is blown on ground level.
even if the bomb is blown on ground level, it is dwarfed if you compare it to the severity of the melting of a nuclear power plant.
in case you did not noticed, Fukusima and Chernobil are two of the worst nuclear disasters in terms of contamination in the world, making both places no go zones because of the radiation. on the other side Nagasaki and hiroshima are rebuilt, and totaly functional.
so you gonna keep saying retarded shit or want to discuss something else fag?
>CT reporting, yep I'll be turned into ash, hopefully while doing something neat like sexual asphyxiation
maybe in a 1000 years, neo-neanderthal archeologists will dig up your pompeii-esque ashen body, with one hand clutching the rope and the other your dick
I'm took close to Oshkosh and Green Bay for me to reliably survive.
>no warheads on Camp Lejeune
Can't tell if Fort Bragg is on there or not.
Come to Carbondale in Southern Illinois and hang out!
Why does Idaho basically get nothing
No, you are fuck
>tfw right in the center of that clusterfuck in Washington
>rapid city
>lives by airbase
>mfw live 5 miles from Camp Pendleton in San Diego county
Well shit, I start my new job tomorrow and I'm right smack in the middle of one of the triangles
i just drive an hour east and dig a hole i guess. northwest indiana here
Because nobody lives in Idaho
You know that black spot in Colorado. I would die.
wtf why Savannah??
>30 minutes from DC
At least I'll die instantly.
Charlotte, NC, here. Ded.
At least we will have the satisfaction of knowing we made them waste a couple of bombs that could have blown up something of more significance in the war, like all that shit out west that is important enough for dozens of bombs , but gets nothing in a 500 warhead attack.