How do we fix LA? It's the biggest city in the most important state in the whitest country so you can't firebomb it
How do we fix LA? It's the biggest city in the most important state in the whitest country so you can't firebomb it
No more parties in LA
>most important state
Gas the Jews
Nobody walks in LA.
I would try and brainwash the liberals into trying heroin since it's decriminalized there, but i'd get the stuff laced with fent
Just let the Mexicans and Chinese fight it out.
You can't fix it. Let's just let #Calexit happen. The state will tear itself apart, and after it's been weakened and borderline destroyed, USA comes in to retake the land.
What is there in LA that is so important?
No agriculture within the city proper, no actual industry. Just lawyers, economists making money off bureaucracy. And then ((((Hollywood))))
I doubt the world would lose anthing if LA was firebombed
Biggest agricultural state, biggest tech companies, biggest media companies, best universities, biggest army bases, most influential state
Sorry to break it to you Cletus, but your backwards shithole in a flyover state isnt important
La and Ca are not important. They bring nothing positive to the US
Please, no more parties in LA!
>tfw America might actually be the whitest country in this day and age
Also to fix LA would be mass deportation and a purge on all nu-males and cucks
>not the most important state
>not the whitest country
I'm from LA, the southern beach cities. Build wall.
>biggest agricultural state
>biggest tech companies
>biggest media companies
>best universities
>biggest army bases
>most influential state
While it is true that the state has a lot of money in tech and agriculture, it doesn't matter too much. The federal aid the state receives is cut off. The burden of gibs me dat programs becomes the responsibility of those with the most money. Power struggle between tech and agriculture, agriculture would most likely lead to farmers( conservatives) making deals to get back to USA. Socialist/Marxist policies lead to mass starvation and thus the state is crippled and easily conquered.
I like the way you think, I can't say I know a bunch about spic drugs except that they're cocaine fiends, you think they would fall for the heroin jew?
Cali thread? Cali thread.
>Voted Trump
I miss this chinese spot I use to go to all the time in Winnetka. Best $5 meal deal ever.
>heroin since it's decriminalized there
what are you talking about?
sup also 818 non white voted trump and live in santa clarita now, i hate how shitty the valley has become
pretty accurate map too
Firebomb like lolJapan?
Ayye Encino here. This map is pretty accurate.
It looks so comfy and reminds me of GTA V. Is it worth visiting? I can probably get a round trip flight for ~$200.
i know bro, i probably put some Gardner cards on your mailbox!
Ya man. Just some important advice.
Don't. Party. Also don't go to Anime Expo. Its totes not worth it.
Also ignore Adult Con and all the cons at the Anaheim Convention center. TOTES not worth it.
>mfw in 818 and inside the black circle
you have to lay siege and cut off all supplies. The dindus will burn it to the ground and kill whitey once the gibs run out. Once its nothing but ash you can walk in, bulldoze the place, and start over.
>no actual industry
Confirmed for being a faggot thats never been to l.a. theres so many warehouses and processing plants they have whole sectors named for them.
Eat a dick irrelevant shitposter
wait for the good weather to come back, it's windy and overcast until april or may
Honestly, the only thing Los Angeles has going for it is aesthetics.
If you are not rich or coming in here to take photos, then this city is shit because there isn't anything to do? Alcohol is super cheap though.
Exactly, the smart whites will have left. Only leftists around to "control" the hordes. Eventually they will be culturally enriched to the point of no return, then in comes the liberation from the USA.
>most important state
Tons of stuff to do. Go biking, skating, surfing, hiking, or camping. Go out on a boat and do some fishing while watching the sun set. Check out some of your favorite food, you can find any kind in L.A. Go to a comfy movie theater with big ass leather seats and watch a classic on the silver screen, or some obscure movie you've never heard of, while they bring you food and drinks. Shit loads of museums, historical landmarks, art galleries. Watch motherfucking satellites launch from Vandenberg. Go to a farmers market, a bowling alley or laser tag. Huge boom in craft beer industry. Watch your favorite bands play a show. There's too much stuff to do in this city.
>tfw valley village
>tfw you cross a street and youre literally in tijuana
The port of LA is one of the highest for tonnage passthrough in the western hemisphere. That being said, California and LA are shitholes.
t. former californian.
>City of Industry
>Universal City
>China Town
We flush it all away and call it Arizona Bay.
If you can't enjoy LA, you're probably a friendless, hobbyless, faggot who downs anyone near him
Yes, but do you have water?
Checkmate, Mexic-I mean Californian.
Like I give a shit. I can do this shit literally anywhere at any city.
I live about 30 minutes from downtown and in the bubble I live in I'm perfectly happy. I live a stone's throw from CalArts and everyone in this town hates those fags. The more conservative areas of California just need to start moving to LA and booting out all the poorfags.
This comment is how I know you're a basic bitch leftist.
>Hur-dur if you don't like what I like you're an outcast, friendless, can't get laid, xenophobic, racist, sexist, blah blah blah.
>HURF DURF nothing to do in LA.
>but but you can do those things anywheeeeereee
How's the Chinese food in OKC?
Probably not going to see many satellite launches out in Seattle.
Do you want to go camping in NYC at this time of year?
Or surfing at any of the above right now?
Right, go ahead and go to the boat launch in Pheonix and enjoy your sunset fishing trip.
I've heard worse ideas
It's not even that, if you can't enjoy cities, where there are lots of things to see and try and enjoy, there's something wrong with you. And I never said anything bad about the suburbs or rural areas
Life finds a way in L.A.
Be patient user, nature will fix it.
SoCal here. You guys need us, we make up half the west coast, very strategic location.
Liberals are definitely an issue. This place cannot be fixed any time soon, perhaps when the older hippie generation dies out we can simultaneously begin proper, balanced education to school kids. It will take a long time to get this place on track
I'm also in SCV. I live by the Valencia COC campus
Alright I can see where you're coming from with the fact that there are lots of things to do in cities. But what if you're someone who enjoys solitude and the beauty of nature? Urban life has little to offer those people and then the argument that all cities are the same becomes relevant. Can I hunt in the city? Can I do archery in the city? Can I fish in the city? Can I hike in the city? The answer is no.
Remember that when you're trying to desalinate enough water to flush your toilet. We will have PLENTY of FRESH WATER here in Great Lakes flyover country, and don't bother with the "Pipeline" dream, because as long as the Canadians have a say in who gets Great Lakes water (and they ALWAYS will) no one in the southwestern US will ever see a drop of it
>beauty of nature?
If you think LA has no nature, I don't know what to say
ITT: Dumbfuckistan get triggered by California's influence
All of that except hunt.
Fishing off the pier(s) and even some public lakes. Hike in the various mountain areas everywhere including horseback riding. Archery fuck yeah.
But definitely no on hunting other the the hispanics and asians who slingshot birds every once in awhile. Can't even do anything but yell at the Coyotes on the Pierce College Farm because people throw a fit at any sort of animal farm.
I'm not denying that there is no beautiful scenery in LA, just that the clouds of smog are a hindrance.
Sure it might have that to offer but at what price? Which government office do I have to pay to do all those activities? I'd rather step outside my front door and have access to it all. And this will sound selfish, but I prefer to not share my little bit of nirvana with the rest of the world.
Not denying that there is* beautiful scenery. There are nice areas for sure but LA is not for me.