AKA, inflation incarnate.
My country is apparently planning to attempt this
What do you think of this bizarre plan? Is it as insane as it sounds?
How many steps closer to communism is this?
AKA, inflation incarnate.
My country is apparently planning to attempt this
What do you think of this bizarre plan? Is it as insane as it sounds?
How many steps closer to communism is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
welp; get ready for your money to be worth less then the paper it's printed on. but have at it!
in 100 years, if we have no nuclear world war, basic income will be normal in delevoped countries
>b-b-bbut its communism and its bad
Free money
It's not free though is it you cunt.
It just makes the value of dollar worth less. This quite literally makes you poorer as you lose spending power.
>but goy! Money would be there to spend
Enjoy buying bread for 1000 quid.
Really depends on how much, and how this works with the other social services spending.
If you keep with effectively unlimited immigration, it will obviously be a disaster because of freeloaders..
If the amount of money is based on cost of living, it will obviously be a disaster, because of inflation.
It could work in a small country such as Scotland.
Let's assume that it works like this...
>Government gets 100% of money generated in a country.
>Gives out the money equally among its citizens
>money circulates in rotation within said country
>Every one is happy
time to buy gold or some shit.
why would or should it be normal?
Money is a representation of wealth. Giving money without earning wealth is surely just devaluing money
I would be in favor of this is my country was like atleast 99% white.
When you have a big part of your population who thinks "scamming" the government and living off welfare is a source of pride, then these programs doesn't work.
Welfare worked in Sweden until the immigration started, because being of welfare was a source of shame and people who got on it, lied about not using it. If you lost your job or had to go on a sick leave, then you'd just lie and say you were living off saved money for example, until you managed to find a new job. This is no longer the case.
The Gods of the Copybook Headings came to mind
"In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die." "
very good, relevant to our times, as it always will be i expect
They aren't printing money; there's no inflation, and you are a retard.
>ITT retards who don't know even basic economics give incredibly shitty criticisms of UBI because they're too fucking stupid to figure out the actual problems
You, sir, are my nigger.
I love that poem.
I don't know how they're going about getting the money but the general idea is to collect the money from general consumption taxes. those who consume more are the rich. they buy more and pay more.
a basic wage is given to everyone, no matter what. so even if you pay heavy taxes, you have your earned money on top of the handout.
>leaves room for charity work
>non-desperate employees require higher working standards to want to work, forcing CEOs to invest more money into their business than to buy their 4th golf course in Dubai
>the average quality of life dramatically increases
but yeah you should be stuck in your greedy twat bubble where you're physically in pain every time a cent of tax is taken from your taxes, you filthy jews
You think the world elite won't rather have all the plebs die off rather than pay them to lay around all day and be a threat to them?
>left wing retards think giving free shit to everyone is a great idea for a prosperous society.
Almost as funny as thinking Obama led a successful economic recovery LMFAO.
another proposal is that everyone is handed out a bunch of stocks from the government. they're allowed to earn all the money they want off of it, but can not check out the actual price of the stock. when they die, the stocks are returned to the government to be handed out to the next new born. this way the risk of 1% owning big chunks of the country is also prevented. jobs stay the same, you can have a high paying job on top of that if you want to.
there are plenty of radical changes that easily can be made to dramatically change life in our countries, but the population is full of inbred, stubborn pieces of shit, so we can't have cool things.
Why is scotland so commie
I'm pretty sure they're less of a threat when they lay around all day. What the elite don't want is a bunch of angry commoners banding together and fucking shit up cause they can't afford to feed their families. Next 20 years are gonna be interesting as robots/automation make more and more occupations redundant.
The "world elite" don't have as much power as you think they do. If it comes right down to it they will accept a universal basic income being given to the population of a country or group of countries.
Yeah, you're right "people power" has always overthrown the elites.
Doubt Whites are going to team up with blacks and mesitzos though lol
If they give EVERYONE a BUI, and not just unemployed people, and forever eliminate welfare and social security, then yes, I support BUI.
UBI only works in a post-scarcity world with massive automation. We're not there yet.
Not really - commoners won't do much against private armies of killbots
>Doubt Whites are going to team up with blacks and mesitzos though lol
>projecting your inbred views as general rules
you're truly retarded
It would work better if Governments fucking used other avenues to get money.
Like fucking real estate. Fml
wtf I love communism now!
Nice. I can be a NEET for the rest of my life.
Not inbred views, ethnically diverse countries basically radicalizes people. You'll see if Norway ever becomes minority Norwegian and the "New Norwegians" aren't European.
Not like I want that to happen though.
Yeah you're totally right, there's never been a political revolution in human history.
Delt dis
OK, so what do you people suggest as solution to automation taking a large chunk of jobs?
That money better not come from england
because A.I. is here to decimate jobs
there won't be any work and a huge population explosion, you either give them money or have them eat each other
technology will eventually turn all concepts of riches and money useless, this is just another step
Those were all by elites and/or they just created new elites.
I think UBI would only work if people had to pay money to reproduce, like a very significant sum that couldn't be gained without working.
A.I is being made to censor the web, no automate labour, we have a massive slave labour force for cheap labour, why spend the money and materials to make robots?
You just know it will.
It's not "free shit" you retard, it's paid for by taxes
>when you dislike UBI, but you're too fucking stupid to actually figure out what's wrong with it
I have nothing but contempt for retards like you
>implement ubi
>plebs now have even more incentive to sit around shitting out kids
>look at all these eternalities piling up on public services
>also labour competition has reduced wages to below ubi
>literally nobody works
This idea is paint huffing retarded
People fail to realise that below living wages aren't a flaw in capitalism but how the market adjusts population into equilibrium with that required to fill vacancies
And welfare fucks about with this equation
Go to sleep wagecuck you got a long work day tomorrow someone needs to pay taxes for my neetbux.
>kebab for dinner every night
Straight to the terrorists
>ITT pictures that trigger left wing retards
I never said they didn't create new elites dumbass.
I'm so glad the scottish pound isn't legal tender in the rest of the UK.
>ai decimates jobs
>remove welfare
>people starve until the population matches the vacancies available
It's a great idea if you were to eliminate all forms of social welfare for the poor and elderly.
Fan fact: making average adult human costs less the making average US sedan. And people think machines will replace humans. Humans are most perfect robots ever designed.
>tfw you can't get your independence due to economic reasons so you decide to destroy the Anglo's currency aswell as take more gibs from them
I'm proud to be a quarter Scottish now. TIOCFAIDH AR LA ALBA!
because a single machine will most likely outperform legions of human workers for much less
they don't require shit like medical care, or dental plans, or 8 hours shifts etc.
Why ruin scotland? Ruin london. That place already sucks.
If it's done "correctly" the money will mostly come from corporate taxation.
Consumers will be relegated to resource distribution within society and will stop paying taxes. Corporations in turn will earn the right to vote while consumers will lose the right to vote.
It won't be much different from how it is today, except democracy will be completely dead instead of mostly dead, you won't have any choice in what your country does, and the state will control the citizens in the most totalitarian grip ever devised by mankind, where you cannot so much as piss in the government's flowerbed without having your ability to live and survive cut off from you.
That's why there's a UBI push - has nothing to do with making things better, it's about controlling you.
Why not just give people housing but then remove minimum wage? The only thing people bitch about here is the cost of rent, take that away what is there to bitch about.
It'll be free shit for all the shitskins that swarm the country once they find out there are free gibs.
They'll riot and lie and fraud their way to citizenship lime they always do.
This will crash and burn hard, if implemented.
Glasgow when? I can become the NEET I'm destined to be.
Technology will continue to see accelerated growth. The vast majority of labor will be more cheaply done by machines
>it was not until he was on hes knees sucking off a terminator for mercy that Ahmed realized machines would replace his useless ass as well
I'm not left wing, moron. I'm calling out your idiocy because you're not intelligent enough to criticize and just spout buzzwords and memes like the dumbfuck retard you are.
Yes, it is. Your understanding of economics is primitive and limited to pay cheque-to-pay cheque household budgeting.
You simply make the conditions for saving undesirable (NIRP), and issue a basic income.
Now, your mistake is you are thinking of this in volume.
That is incorrect.
You should think of this in terms of -velocity- instead.
Imagine a quantum superstate of money - where a single £1 coin can be transferred so rapidly from one bank account to the next, that you can place it into - and remove it from - the accounts of everyone in the land before anyone has had a chance to spend it.
In that situation, you have created £65mn in deposits, and £65mn in outgoings, and it has only cost you £1.
The sooner you stop thinking about "money" as the notes in your pocket, or the finite numbers on your bank balance, the closer you will be to understanding the physics of finance.
>the corporations will pay for it
Or they'll leave, are you trolling or just retarded?
UBI is basically Nigger paradise. You're going to have a Nigger world. They're going to be the majority of the world population and it's just going to be fucking terrible.
This sounds dystopian
how will they afford food?
i cant wait for the upcoming disaster that basic income will be.
You mentioned that first and brushed it aside like some kind of minor side concern. And then spent a post praising your incomplete analysis of the situation.
If you're giving money to people who already earn money, then who are you taking it from? The middle class all pay and then get given money back ? how does that cut down on bureaucracy
As for the extremes of it, its literally redistribution of wealth. From those who have it, for any reason. To those who don't have it, without doing anything to earn it.
Isnt that pretty much communism?
I'm not a muslim and i'm not afraid of judgement by the market you parasite
A Brit defending the BS English economic theory about inflation. How predictable.
People receiving money doesn't cause inflation. Inflation is caused by 2 things:
1. Increased demand
2. Excessive short positions on a currency and tying that currency to foreign currencies.
I make $200k/year while the median income in America is $30k.
Yet, I don't own fucking 7 cars or 7 homes. I own only 1 car (Honda civic) and 1 modest home.
Just because I earn an extra $10-30k for free doesn't mean I'm going to buy another car or home. That money is staying in my bank account.
Basic income won't cause inflation, because people limit buying regardless of how wealthy they are.
Now basic income combined with immigration would definitely cause inflation, because more people means higher demand.
It's never free shit. At least try to fucking learn the basics of how a UBI works, jesus fucking christ how do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you don't even understand what you're trying to talk about?
This is as bad as those basic algebra threads where you dumbfucks can't even do bedmas
>medical care, or dental plans, or 8 hours shifts etc.
>Human workers require this
Improve your management.
>AKA, inflation incarnate.
It depends.
K if you say so.
>muh automation
They said the same thing about industrialization.
Communism will never be a thing. How does it make you feel to know that no matter what happens your prediction of the future will never happen.
Well that was amusing as fuck. Did you make that up yourself?
No, it wont.
Chinese people are disposable and get paid in pennies, machines will need all kinds are rare earth metals, and will need constant electricity.
Pay your reparations britcucks.
Don't fall for the (((basic income)))
European countries can't justify the fact that more and more foreigners are abusing of wellfare, in most of europe, non white only live on wellfare while white people are working to feed them.
You guys have to realise that universal basic income is litterally the last step of white genocide.
The parasyte is in our house and is destroying us
Those same robots make killing mass amounts of poorly armed humans very easy.
what benefit does UBI have over a regular unemployment welfare system?
If you have a full time job you don't need UBI and if you don't have a job or have small/irregular hours most countries have welfare in place for that anyway.
also I find it funny that people in Australia whinge about dole bluggers when unemployment payments make up like 10% of welfare. The vast majority of it is old farts on retirement pensions.
I think UBI will only work in countries that nationalise their economy. Like Norway did with oil. Otherwise large companies make use of tax shelters and how can you afford to pay for of all this?
Care to explain why? Oh i forgot. communist don't really have any understanding of economics and fail to create any argument for their communist ideals.
They get citizenship and voting rights and legally control the country in exchange for the taxation, and the system gives them essentially total control over the population.
The only retard here is you, because you apparently can't fucking read nor understand why a corporation or group of people would want a system like this even if it costs them some fucking monopoly money.
and i guess the english will be paying for this then.
They have more people sponging off the state than we do.
You pay them not to reproduce
Is the goal of Universal Basic Income to increase savings then?
This is not a new system, this is slavery. The global societal default is patrones-clientes and here is a system where all the people are clients to the State. Exactly how often do you think these people will criticize the State that feeds them?
Actually, you are wrong. If inflation is caused by two things, then it is:
1. the availability of cash currency
2. the use of that cash in the competitive purchasing of finite resources.
In that situation, then your savings will diminish in value and you would be a fool to yourself to sit on a pile of paper gold.
It would only take the introduction of a relatively soft negative interest rate on savings (-0.2%, say), or a single "bail-in" event to convince you that yes, actually, a second car on your driveway is probably smarter now than that cash deposit.
It definitely does depend.
Inflation is mostly correlated to population growth, because more people means more demand.
Someone making $100,000 a year will most likely buy only 1 phone every 2 years, but if you have 2 people making $50k each, they'll each buy 1 phone, so you'll make 2 sales.
As long as there is no immigration, basic income won't cause inflation.
The goal of UBI is to control the population and cut off UBI to anyone who questions their corporate / government masters.
They're just gonna fucking kill you.
Who will give the people medical treatment then? Who will fix the machines. What will be humans purpose in this world except for sitting alone in their small room circling into more and more degeneracy.
>judgment by the market
Start growing your own food m8.
Holy fuck, I'm remembering Zeitgeist. That's a great way to control a population. Have them completely dependent on you and be able to lock their bank accounts.
Inflation has nothing to do with pop. try again.
That sounds like a very bad idea.
The goal would be to keep the masses content while they lose their jobs. But the people who control everything won't allow the parasites around forever.
Of course, the next generation is going to all self-castrate. They're already in the process of doing that.
A weak bluff. I've completed post-grad in macroeconomics, so some random leafposter isn't going to make me doubt my understanding of the velocity of money supply, thanks.
>also I find it funny that people in Australia whinge about dole bluggers when unemployment payments make up like 10% of welfare. The vast majority of it is old farts on retirement pensions.
Because the old farts on pensions paid into the system?
Ya. Are you not scared of being killed off?
You're probably a middle-income to high-income faggot who thinks your services will be needed forever.
>but who will
>well who will repair the machines?
initially people, then machines
>What will be humans purpose in this world except for sitting alone in their small room circling into more and more degeneracy.
anything you want my man, I know I'd make the most out of my free time