Varg makes a video thanking Muslim Turks for *CRUSHING* the Byzantian Orthodox Christian Empire.
Has Varg gone too far?
What do you expect from a churchburner that fled his country?
really tickles my pickle
He seemed pretty based, with mythology and stuff, but now I feel he may be crossing the line.
Yep, I suspected he favored Muslims as he has said stuff similar before. Fuck him, he lost any small bit of respect I starting having for him.
He's an immigrant who burns down churches right?
How come he doesn't get deported
Hes Telling Turks Islam is not their Religion but Tengrism is Turkish real Religion.
>>OP can you read
Varg is a delusional man and a hypocritical one at that .I fell sorry for him,and his children.He cuts himself away from ,,evil'' civilization (talks shit about capitalism but has no problem using the fruits of it ) and forces his family to live in a middle of nowhere. He rejects Christianity( Christians are always there to get him and his ,,true pagan europeans'' they are like Jews for him always everywhere and always ready for harming his culture), but believes Norse gods are real ( thinks Thor is a god of gravity or some batshit crazy thing like that and gods are not gods but men depicting gods (wtf btfo ) ),and thinks that living in a forest is the best way of life,honors ,,forebears'' and he and his crazy wife think Europeans are neanderthals and they would have proven it if it wasn't for the Christian media!.Also this fag killed another fag that was probably guilty,but at least wasn't as delusional like he is. In the end he sad this shit because he is salty about Christians pawning pagan barbarians and converting them to Christianity and Varg has been a salt mine ever since he found out.
Turks cuck Abrahamic Religion LOL
>thanking mudroaches for ransacking the succesor of eastern Roman empire
>Siding with mudslims
Epitome of a cuck
He sides with Mudslimes due to a "Christian invasion", which he says is similar to what happened in Norway several centuries ago
As far as I know he still hates Mudslimes though, which was the reason he got fined for hate speech in France
Burned down Churches in Norway, he lives in France
Hes an excommunicated sociopath, hes just pandering to feel relevant, we where savages worse than muslims before we got christened.
Imagine snowniggers padling down a lake near you and snatching your women and valuables.
Luther was wise to the jews so religiously theres nothing wrong with norway we just need to stop having weak willed priests.
Its because his perfect white genes and flawless european ancient culture cant understand the concept of the lesser of two evils.
Dont wish it to him, but he and his family may get killed and raped in during a muslim chimpout and he lives in france so its pretty much a given if they dont uncuck themselves.
Suddenly all these anti-varg threads.... I wonder what's going on....
Is it because newfags on Sup Forums are finally growing out of (((Milo))) and Molymeme and moving on to the glory of the Iron pill through Varg?
Varg doesn't like Muslims, he wants to put pork on their fucking graves. He doesn't like any "Desert" religion. Your just jealous he lives in a gangster forest with an Aryan wife and SIX BLONDE HAIRED BLUE EYED CHILDREN. BEAT THAT FAGGOTS!
If the Zog machine broke tomorrow, we would be starving or dead in weeks. Varg will be playing MYFAROG by the fire with his aryan family with food he grew himself drinking water from his well.
his doen't side with Christians or Muslims hes making fun of both religions.
(((Christianity))) is dog shit.
Maybe he just sides with the country that's being invaded, who knows?
>six children
I thought he only had three? (Two boys, one girl)
Did this event trigger the Rennaissance or did it not?
>guy responsible for churning out utter trash like burzum found churning out more trash
wow what a fucking surprise.
Yes. He's fucking lost it. I've watched Varg for years but the last few weeks he's turned into a nutcase. Endorsing Communism and now Islam. The retard is fucking irredeemable.
>he listened to haram music
He is so blinded by his hatred of christiannism...we will deport muslims and wer will deport varg too
He points out Turks religion was Tengrism but they turned to Islam a form Abrahamic the 4 Religions of Satanism Islam Christianity Judaism.
>>Can any of these people read
>>Semitic religious people are fucking Retarded
>we will deport muslims
I expect to get a great view of that event on my flying pig.
,,Muh blond blue eyed European all-white true religion''Fucks raid churches and rape slaves.
We get shit done fag,Christendom has achieved more then show-nigglets could imagine.
Oh fuck off mate, we never liked Milo. He was just spammed here every day. Varg is right on a lot of things but he's uneducated on most of history and always likes to act like a big fucking know it all. Honestly, the guy should learn to shut his mouth when he doesn't know.
Wtf I love Varg now
>so retarded
>that they won
P salty.
Algeria deported French people just 50 years ago
Won what ??
>If the Zog machine broke tomorrow, we would be starving or dead in weeks. Varg will be playing MYFAROG by the fire with his aryan family with food he grew himself drinking water from his well.
Fucking lol! No he wouldn't, you Varg dick riding idiot. He's even admitted it in this video.
Varg is a mentally unstable jackass who purposefully makes his family live like paupers all so he can prove some deluded point about how Christianity is the worst thing ever.
Yeah he has
I can't be fucked with him now.
You never ever take their side. Ever
This. What are his ancestors achievements exactly? Oh right, sailing around in boats, raping and stealing. Snowniglets indeed.
>Varg will be playing MYFAROG by the fire with his aryan family
those poor bastards
Don't surrender that quick baltnigger,it's not impossible to deport millions of people,arabs did it with french people who lived in Algeria
Yes, I didn't mean that kind of ((( education ))).
What, do you expect the Algerians in France to deport their own?
Don't care. sage.
You forgot to mention he's also a convicted murderer.
>it's not impossible to deport millions of people,arabs did it with french people who lived in Algeria
I'm not doubting their expertise in deporting French people.
I find it odd that you'd refer to and identify with the Algerian deportation efford, Pierre.
When you erase most traces of your enemy and in its place put your culture.
Seems like a solid victory to me, maybe if your pagan culture didnt suck so much.
Algerians deported the French when the French made up 1/3 of their country, so the French can easily deport the muds who make up maybe 10-15% of their country
The French aren't Algerians. Muds aren't French. I have my doubts that this would go over as easily, especially when you look at how there's no one even talking about it.
And that's why people are forced to take up Islam to get rid of Christianity, because we all know how little of Rabbi Jeshua is still prevalent in the previously Christian Middle East :^)
Off course you do cockroach.
The man wanted to kill him, making a torture snuff video of it, so fuck this conviction.
Your question should be how did a convicted murderer and arsonist gain citizenship of another country?
Why would France allow that?
>there's no one even talking about it.
all the french nationalists are talking about it
Northern European pagans were a bunch of cucks. Would let other men fuck their women inside their hut as long as they put their weapon outside so they wouldn't walk in on it.
Also there's no Pagan bible or unifying belief system, so there's nothing to switch from Christianity to. It's better to just go back to uncuck Christianity which encourages traditionalism and can help combat feminism.
But they are talking about it. There's French people who are discussing "remigration" now
Then why wasn't it ruled to be self defense?
>The man wanted to kill him, making a torture snuff video of it, so fuck this conviction.
Says Varg.
Rare Negro Mountain flag!
Christ, all those edgy "pagans" in the comments
>all the french nationalists are talking about it
>There's French people who are discussing "remigration" now
Really, can you name some? What has been the response and why doesn't the EU propaganda apparatus not work against such a racist endeavor if its realization is anywhere close to being realistic?
With the Power of Christianity is doing wonders for Colombia.
vargs identity is wrapped around a persecution complex with a huge bias against christianity. he picks one small period of time and larps it up as the only cultural european standard ignoring years post being snow niggas.
I thought this moustache nigger was OUR GUY.
He will hang by his beard.
True wise words
The words of a true civic nationalist.
And that is why christians crusaded the fuck out of them in the past and will in the future.
See, the thing is christians are saints compared to muslims because they stopped enforcing their laws and shoving down the throats of others.
Which is why he stabbed him 17 times in the back instead of calling the cops about it?
what does a post defending christiannity has to do with civic nationalism you dumb nigger ?
Varg is BASED
He is right we should abandon the false religion that is CHRISTIANITY which only leads to NIHILISM
We honour our FOREBEARS and NATURE
Also everything good about christianity is actually PAGAN IN ORIGIN
All christian holidays are PAGAN HIGH FESTIVALS
ORTHODOX and CATHOLICS are PAGAN. Take away the bible and what's left is PAGANISM. (which is why PROTESTANTISM and SOLA SCRIPTURA are JEWISH)
Christianity (or JUDAISM LIGHT) never won. PAGANISM is still in out hearts.
Before christianity EUROPE WAS GREAT
We didn't need TECHNOLOGY which only CORRUPTS MAN
We didn't need writing, we could REMEMBER EVERYTHING
If you want to know if you are EUROPEAN just look in the MIRROR
If you have BLUE or GREEN or GREY EYES you are EUROPEAN
We've done pretty well, people arent going around sacrificing children anymore and not building proper buildings.
Varg's great on many topics but his hatred of Christianity is pants on head retarded and if he seriously thinks the Ottomans were better than the Christian Byzantines he's insane. If Byzantium would've survived and recovered they probably could've crushed Islam out of existence and saved the entire Middle East and other Muslim dominant areas.
>Filosophem is not a masterpiece
Just stop posting
Because mentally challenged have a hard time reading.
Varg is literally a WE WUZ PAGANS N SHIET larper. Does anyone actually take this guy seriously?
>And that is why christians crusaded the fuck out of them in the past and will in the future.
The crusades happened, yet look at the place.
More importantly, what's it with jungle niggers and other assorted subhumans thinking they're tough shit because they share the same lowest common denominator religion with some badass European groups centuries ago?
Our christian ancestors who established an ethnostate on this continent weren't civic nationalists. You can be a christian and want your country to stay white, Christianity was like that for the majority of its history.
The main thing is to influence the culture towards nationalism and traditionalism. Christianity has largely degenerated because the culture itself has, and the church has to keep appealing if it wants people to show up and donate.
The Pagan movements I've seen are pretty pozzed as well. There are tons of memepics where nonwhites are worshiping Odin and shit. It's very cringey.
What does she say? I don't speak French.
Yes he did, and he was kinda ironic about it. He hates muslims and christians too.
Varg is smart on some topics but Christianity isn't one of them. He wants to mope and cry about the death of paganism yet ignore the many benefits of Christianity and how it was Christianity that helped keep worse religions like Islam out of Europe.
>one Abrahim religion destroy the other
Pretty based t b h pham
She speaks about creating the conditions that would make muslims uncomfortable with staying in France rather than active deportation, but she uses the term "passive remigration"
He made a video specifically for you:
Why do you guys care so much about what this Norwegian equivalent of a redneck has to say?
So says the country that couldnt uncuck itself.
you actually think there were no wars in europe before christiannity and that paganism istn't based on superstition ? wew lad
Oh sorry it's my civic duty to cuck a middle eastern religion at the same time fight another middle eastern religion.
This is gold
You're the Turk who always hates on Christianity seemingly 24/7 so don't you go hating on Colombia.
Because atheism is a codeword for islam. Always has been. Once you crush the oppressive and bad christianity you are left with a spiritual void that ends up preparing a nice spot for something far more vile and totalitarian.
it's usually either islam or totalitarian marxism.
Atheism is like a cancer
>She speaks about creating the conditions that would make muslims uncomfortable with staying in France rather than active deportation
So completely unrelated to what we were talking about? Got it.
Muzzies would just chimp out more since they're not like the French that sat around in Algeria. And chances are they'd get their way.
his is /ourguy/ he just isn't a fan of semetic religions.
Sorry, but that shipped sailed a long time ago. Either you become Positive Christianity or you become pagan, or Islam takes over Europe.
If showing that Marion Le Pen is aware of the concept of remigration is unrelated to remigration, then I guess everything is unrelated to it.
That's like saying he is /ourguy/ but he just hates Europe and Europeans.
>more than 25% in ANY Christian belief system
The age of the Christian is over, now begins the age of the Orc. Or you could just uncuck yourselves and realize that religion needs to be a racial expression.
>You're the Turk who always hates on Christianity
You don't have to be of foreign ethnicity to hate on that shit religion. As points out, my Christian majority country is cucked - I'll blame worshipping Joseph's wife's son for it.
Read back, the point was them deporting muzzies.
Not going to happen since even the most hardlined nationalists like her don't even dare to say that these people need to be kicked out.
That like saying Christianity is a European religion. Even during the times of the crusades, Christianity was still a loose cohort of pagan beliefs diluted with a semitic religion.