Greetings Comrades

This thread is for the discussion of any and all left-wing political ideology, including, but not limited to, Marxism/Socialism/Communism/Anarchi

>Socialism is an economic and social system defined by social ownership of the means of production. (Workers democratically own and operate the places in which they work, as opposed to private power aka capitalism)

>The means of production are non-human inputs the create economic value, such as factories, workplaces, industrial machinery, etc. Socialists refer to the means of production as capital, or private property. Private property in the socialist context shouldn't be confused with personal property, such as your home, car, computer, and other possessions.

>In a capitalist society the means of production are owned and controlled privately, by those that can afford them (the capitalist aka those with capital). Production is carried out to benefit the capitalist (production for profit). Workers are paid a wage, and receive that amount regardless of how much value they produce.

>Communism is the highest developed stage of socialism wherein there is no state, no money, no class system. The means of production are owned by all and provide for everyone's needs.


ABC's of Socialism: s3.jacobinmag.com/issues/ja

Introduction to Marxism by Professor Richard D. Wolff: [YouTube] Crisis and Openings: Introduction to Marxism - Richard D Wolff (embed) [Open] [Open]

Selections of Left-wing Literature:

Mikhail Bakunin - God and the State (short read)
Thomas Paine - Agrarian Justice
Noam Chomsky - Notes on Anarchism
Anton Pannekoek - Worker's Councils


Other urls found in this thread:



Feel free to make an argument at any time.


Hmmm... Another non argument...

Commie fuck. I hope you get deported.

You do to guglag when the revolution comes

Fucking nonpersons. The day of the rope can't come any sooner.


Hey commies, I'm a libertarian that likes the "Austrian" POV. However, I'm willing to learn and read about the opposite pole. What should I read if I want to know about Communism? (like the commie version of "Human Action")


Go to hell commie fag

Why discuss this?! It's common knowledge what communism is modern variant of slavery and all about mass murders.


nice try. RAUS

Is the alt left race/ethno realist? That's pretty much the only thing you could embrace as a leftist and still be edgy.


It is. Some deserve death for there exploitation of the workers.

Even George Fitzhugh, a defender of serfdom and chattel slavery, spoke highly of the rise of socialism in Europe and spoke about it as carrying the torch of the slavery of yore.

When do we seize the means of bull prepping??????

Answer my question, commie

The soviet union proved communism worked at least economically. For pther examples that worked see pic.

Hell doesn't exist.
Go to guglag fascist fag.


It was revisionist propaganda. Famines happen all the time. See pic.





You lost commie faggots

You fucking lost



>everything that is wrong about my ideology is "muh revisionism"



Why does he look like a subhuman
>Low T cuck face
>Small cranium
>Faggot hair/beard

He looks like one of those cringe pics of Bernie supporters

>implying class struggle isn't edgy af
But sure, you can be a race realist and a leftist. Just not an ethnic nationalist, or a segregationist, or some other stupid thing.

I've heard Marx's economic writings are relatively accessible to people with a background in Austrian economics, because they are aimed at critiquing the laissez-faire theory of his day.


>tfw too stupid to embrace communism

So what should I read from Marx?

Poor lenin. And the battle isn't over yet.

And yet blacks overwhelmingly support progressivism, and they have the lowest IQ levels in the world

Honestly, I read up on communism, and the only flaw I could find is that it doesn't control for human corruption. If we were a society made-up of machines and or were fully taken care of by automatic workers with no need for rights or pay, Communism would be a great system.

Communism is the definition of failure.

Why aren't we shutting down these threads

Das kapital and communist manifesto.

Communism =/= Progressive

SAGE SAGE SAGE don't let this reach first page fucking faggots !

Progressivism is the scum of the left. You can't be leftists and still support capitalism.

Easy to go along with somebody saying you should be given stuff.

Triggered, nigger?

You think blacks support capitalism?

They want handouts

Because your all to stupid to sage.

Fuck leftists and fuck communism.

>He doesn't into the best form of Government ever devised by the human mind

Lost what? Communism is just a system. It will come back in the future.

That's because they are not leftist, they are progressive conservative fanboys of the left.

Welfare capitalism is still capitalism. Its still capitalism as long as there is private ownership of the means of production.

No it won't, because your class envy bullshit is dying

>ITT Pictures that trigger left wing retards
Really makes you think huh.

Communism is a failure

That picture is sad...
He's so twisted and demented from his schizophrenia/PTSD that he can't recognize people as people.

The rich are trying to keep the middle class happy. It won't work for long.

You realize this rhetoric about the means of production is crafted to match the socioeconomic climate of early 20th century Eastern European society?

Things are a little more complicated now


Not really, Marx said that capitalism is necessary to develop a country.


>commie threads are getting posted multiple times a day and are getting the most attention compared to other threads

what a time to be alive lads

It is already considered a shitpost to unironically brand yourself a stormweenie. You're doing G-d's work

Commies get out or get thrown out

Doesn't matter. Think of a business that surplus value doesn't make sense with.

You speak like a foreign gimp.
There's nothing wrong with debates over new or old ideas. That's the whole point of a political discussion board.

Feel free to respond by not saying ''not an argument''.

Believe what you want

The fact is that under capitalism, billions are escaping poverty. Under communism, tens of millions starve to death.
South Korea was a 3rd world 50 years ago, now it's one of the dominant economies of the globe. Similar story with Japan. China is going the same way

Even India is solving it's poverty problem

Now step into the shoes of someone else who sees this happening. What are they going to think when they hear you denouncing capitalism?

When the revolution comes all fascists will be thrown out of helicopter into a guglag.

Tomorrow's the 10th anniversary of his death.
Kinda hard to toss innocent civilians out of your capitalist pig helicopters when you're a dead man

Who owns the means of production at Google? The people who produce the silicon chips? The people who own the building where the engineer work?

Tell me OP, do you think it's fucked up when people act like facists and use nazi memes? Do you think it's offensive, or what? Just a question.

Yeah it's work very well
Just look on all this food.

Jason is only fat because he's addicted to refined sugars. He has to drink a liter of Coke a day to avoid going into withdrawal. He also eats Burger King every day.

Everyone should own it collectively,

what's "foreign gimp" supposed to mean?

see pic.

You speak like you're a fuckboy from not around here.

Nigger, have you talked to the average person?



How you thing guys how fast starvation begin after communism victory in US?!


Which part of my post exactly lead you to that genius insight?

Anyone can buy stock. Your grandpa probably owns some

>MFW True

hopefully soon

I want to see americans experience first hand what russians went through

But people with more money can buy more.

And AMD with Intel collapse, then google, valve goes bancrupt. Wtf we will do after all this?!

Reminder that lefypol and r/socialism have no arguments.
Reminder that everytime they get proven wrong w/ historical data/facts their ready made excuse is "lol not REAL communism"
Reminder that their board doesn't allow free speech.
Reminder that there is a commie mod pushing them to come here and banning anyone that reports raid threads.

>And AMD with Intel collapse, then google

it will all move to asia east

all the americans will have are niggers and mexicans

would probably have to learn japanese or chinese too.

Heh. I don't care.
If lefties want to enter the wolves' den, they can come right in.
Let's see if they can do what paid CTR shills couldn't.

Thanks, will do

Yeah they can, when in commie society they can't buy some stuff no matter how hard they work and how much money they have, because it's just forbidden. Like this Stalin's dacha. Only stalin and his friends can have such thing.

>ll move to asia east
>all the americans will have are niggers and mexicans

Oh common, you overestimate asia.


Reminder that they are pissing in an ocean of pissStop shilling your shittube channel jason you fat cunt.

this nasty kike shitbag is still alive?

hahahaha fucker should kill himself or have someone do it for him

just found out it parasites off canada

God Id love to live close to him

I'd toss a grenade through his home window

As opposed to literal stormfronters organizing constant falseflag raids, and TRS getting caught doing so as well?

This is not your personal echochamber. It was good to have a healthy discussion about the holohoax, IQs, Hitler and all that, but you guys started turning into a literal subreddit by branding everyone you disagree with "CTR" and creating a literal cult around Trump. And then you started unironically mass-reporting everything you disagree with (and you're even unironically whining about being told to fuck off and stop false reporting), which shits on the free speech of this place.

You stormweenies are as cancerous as those you oppose.