Why are Burgers so vehemently against the draft?

Why shouldn't every citizen serve in the military for a certain time, say 12 months? Those who want to stay longer would be the real soldiers, but everyone else in the population would be available for an all out war with Russian and China. Not to mention that a generation full of people who have learned discipline in the military, would be an absolutely perfect generation.

Merkel-Jugend when???

If your country has to force you to fight for its ongoing existence, chances are, your country isn't exactly worth fighting for to begin with.

I'm only opposed to the draft in countries where women are allowed to fight on the front line

Because that's slavery

Conscription is worse than slavery.

Nice LARP but you know damn well if I was drafted it would be to go die in a sandy shithole so Bibi can get more shekels.

Americans hate the draft because we don't trust the government by default (and we're right)

Why should any free nation force a draft. I thought taxation was enough payment to sedate their Jewish Trickery.

I'm not going to be forced to die fighting goat fuckers in some god forsaken desert because Obama and Putin decide to have a dick measuring contest

Anglos, not fighting for their country. You truly are shitters.

It would be different if I lived in an ethnic state or a new white nationalist state. But my country is actively working against my people.

says the guy who just put in earplugs to drown out the screams of his wife as she gets raped by a refugee in the next room

Son, there is a mutual understanding between my country and I. We give them our hard earned money and in exchange they spend a metric fuckton of it on military technology. Pair that with a culture that glorifies armed service and you've got yourself an unnecessarily "big stick."

Can confirm
Served in the DMZ of Cyprus for 2 years against the Turks
Worst time of my life

Because our countries are run by faggots.

As far as i'm concerned i am my own nation and that nation's standing army

Don't tread on me

only one of those were from the UK
the rest are mixed blood americanos

What's left to fight for? we live in a country where being white makes us the bad guysif our military isn't being used to clean the streets at home the why the fuck would I get my legs blown off in some middle eastern shit hole while some ass hole makes millions off my suffering. I don't even care if this country is obliterated anymore. If we want to make America great again we need to remove about 30% of our population. That's over 100 million people and realistically that's never going to happen so I'd rather just enjoy myself until I die fuck this gay earth

If it was conscription to firebomb Germans then I'd be at the front of the (massive) queue.

Because our countries are run by the jewish elite, I will not fight their wars for Israel


it's socialism

I wish our country made you serve in some sort of military role if you wanted to vote.

Get out of America. You can come back when you shake off your defeatist attitude.

The most pathetic part of America is you literally can't make me leave

>yes, stripping radios and writing down the serial numbers for head gaskets will make me appreciate the state

Those countries are nonexistent. The most popular current female fighters are Kurds and thats because their state of existence is desperate.

in america we like to spend our time working

forced military service, especially non-combat positions (human filing cabinets) are a waste of time. if every 18 year old did a year in the army between high school and college they'd be retarded and set back a year

I know this is a hard concept for europeans to understand, but americans like to work toward getting jobs not pointless military desk job "service"

This, besides, the military (expecially the marines and army) are the most uncucked branches of the gov

since a few years ago, no more than a decade

Google didn't turn up anything and sally_7.jpg isn't a lot to go on

Kleidomenos se ena filakio 2 xronia na pienneis esso 8 fores ton mina
Vsk filaki alla me e3odous

Because there are shitloads of people that we don't want anywhere near military service.

Volunteer force works fine if it aint fixed don't broke it.

What country used female conscripts in the frontlines?
Even Israel with its 51% female army uses only men for the "important" operations

If you won't leave please stay in your squalid little room and cry into your pillow. You are not wanted here.

I would totally support mandatory service so long as the following would apply:

1.) The draft exists ONLY for the National Guard

2.) The National Guard is NEVER to be used outside the country's borders or territories (no, random bases in other countries don't count)

3.) It has a 'soft enforcement', meaning there's no legal requirement to do so, but you must serve in order to say, register to vote, get tax breaks, or apply for college financial aid or somesuch. You should be able to get by without doing it but not have all the privileges.

4.) Raise the age limit on the NG

I wish I still had the image of a great explanation as to why women are shit for front lines.

Draft, sure. But for front lines? No.

1. There's usually no stopping for piss breaks in the car. Women can't piss in bottles.

2. Women don't have the upper body strength to wear gear and lift themselves over obstacles. This will kill men.

3. America will not know how to handle women POW. It'll give the enemy an edge.

Germans, worshipping the state and dying for shitskin "refugees" parasitizing said state. You truly are serfs.

He's being a patriot and showing love for his country. That's different from state worship.
Also what the fuck is that picture?

Because (((they))) are creating a generation of people that hasn't experienced harsh conditions nor used weapons, and therefore cattle.

2 3 1

no. pls stay out
we're not lacking for people, fuck off and just buy us some new ships with the money you'd pay them you cucks

Volunteer armies are better fighting forces. In the US, there is selective service. Any male between 18-25 had to sign up. So a draft could still happen if it needed to. Just no compulsory service

This hideous culture of lunatics is making me think we may need a mandatory draft.

Why bother? We can already obliterate every country in the world without trying.

>olunteer armies are better fighting forces.
The only war that really mattered was ww2 and it was 90% fought by conscripts.

Since ww2, America has lost several wars with a majoritly or exclusive volunteer army including Korea, Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

>Why bother? We can already obliterate every country in the world without trying.
And yet you cannot even combat a few ISIS folks. For years they have been doing what they want and only Assad and Russia have stood in their way.

Americucks don't want to fight in Israel's kikewars in the Middle East that Trump is inevitably going to drag them into

From my personal experience in the conscription army of Finland to which women can voluntarily enlist, the physique of some of those women can not handle the army service. They get stress fractures simply from marching in partial gear. If some of them can't handle the service, how could they fare in a state of war? So, I think women conscription would be idiotic.

Conscription makes sense if the country is constantly under threat which burger is not. In terms of making people better I do agree with that point.

Some part of me thinks of this too.
It would put some backbone on sjws

>And yet you cannot even combat a few ISIS folks.

Our government supports the rebel groups and opposes ISIS/Russia so you have it backwards. The only military force we've used so far has been to help ISIS. The next administration is the one that opposes it.

*opposes Assad/Russia rather

what did he mean by this

Military teaches how to be lazy with out being noticed and getting quickly dressed at incredible high speeds
t. corporal

The transgender training I just had to complete begs to differ.

My boyscout days taught me how to wear socks while standing. Its now hos i wear them

OP, it's because burgers are lazy fat fucks. I think two mandatory years in the military would be good for any teen. At the end it would give them either some nice pocket money for school or a trip and if it doesn't work out at least their funeral expenses will be paid for.

foreign flag. do not answer.

I'm all for conscription into a reserve force, but there should be no obligation to serve overseas unless you volunteer.

People should only be forced into combat if their homeland is invaded.

The West doesn't have a problem with volunteers for the military anyway. Australia has a 10 years waiting period if you want to apply to be a riflemen.

Positions like cook and musician are much harder to fill though.

Wait you get paid for mandatory M.service?

>transgender training

Did you have to suck hir girl penis to pass?


Was going to give you some examples but then I realized what you were saying.

I agree with you.
