This is the future you chose.
This is the future you chose
actually thats the 2020 map if hillary won and imported millions of shitskins
What are you trying to say, I can't really...
Consider this: voter ID before 2018
lol no
look how many states turned this election. more and more people are becoming convinced that the left are mentally unstable and emotionally explosive.
We will all be red in the end. Except maybe California. But the only people who give a fuck about California are people living in California, so fuck 'em
Fucking mexicans, amiright
Do you realize it's a pendulum swinging? Why does nobody see that? First there's a left wing president, everybody gets tired of that, right wing, and back. There's no 'PEOPLE ARE FINALLY WAKING UP LOL!' on either side.
White voters will decrease in percentage every cycle until it's a one party state ruled by Jews and well off white liberals and their black and mesitzo pets.
well memed
Not only that, but consider a quota-based immigration system and raising the voting age to 25. Also all Trump has to do to win Florida is talk shit about Cuba.
And after that we can have White Nationalism.
>hey guys check out my gay ass coloring map!!! :D
the election was last month nerd
It's different, the Democrats were unable to gerrymander themselves into power like the GOP could in 2010. Likewise the Democrats did not try to open up immigration (at least to a large degree) before they were voted out. The GOP will enact laws that fuck over Dem voters this time around.
The term "white" will gradually include most hispanics (at least Cubans and Mexicans) as they gentrify. This is the long term affect of having an immigration crackdown.
Toothpaste be quite
>quota-based immigration system
The US immigration system is already heavily weighted. An immigrant from a black or brown country will have 20x the chance of being accepted over one from, say, New Zealand. Most people aren't aware of that. It's like affirmative action for immigration.
Our immigration is basically a man bent over, spreading his butt cheeks, begging to be fucked in the ass by homeless people while yelling at all the respectable people that they're welcome to watch but not join in.
that was true when america was white. its not true anymore. many states have solidified. california, new york and illinois are never going red again because of the ever expanding super-cities that reside within them.
>The term "white" will gradually include most hispanics (at least Cubans and Mexicans) as they gentrify. This is the long term affect of having an immigration crackdown.
Idk, possibly the white hispanics who will intermarry. Mesitzos will definitely not be considered white.
>ever expanding super-cities that reside within them.
You mean nigger hives
Trump wants to give all the illegals citizenship so how does voter id help?
I fixed the map for when california secedes
>Trump wants to give all the illegals citizenship so how does voter id help?
Source that or shut up
He constantly talks about illegals will be allowed right back into the country.
FIFY after Trump deports all the illegals who have been voting democrat for the last 20+ years.