Gay marriage isn't a slippery slope to beasital


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>2D is not 4D
>Up until they legalize at which point they'll toss that fallacy defense aside and declare themselves pedo

how about cross-dressing bears?

The nose knows.

HAHA this is wonderful, all the deviants from the US will probably end up in Canada.

Holy fuck that pic is really something

I think we have a new top-cuck contrnder

i laughed too hard at that image

Isn't that anons wife?

lel in my state and a few other surrounding it it's been legal to fuck horses and shit for decades. This isn't even new.


Link you dirty leaf.

dood between but secs with little boys and butt secs with animals canada could care less if it becomes a third world country

they know god hates them. living in the shadow of the hammer ... knowing it can drop on them at any moment

One of these is not like the others and if you have a problem with that you're a hate monger

I'm glad that Trundy has his priorities set straight.

No, you morons. Why would they legalize grooming your very own baby-factory?

It's man-boy, cuz rape hysteria is already aimed at heterosexuality.

You guys are being lured into this so easily.

You're only going to like this if you're a fag, and the purpose of this is self-sustaining depopulation.

Pozzed Man -> Pozzed Boy -> Boy grows up, cycle repeats.

How do you confuse "weed" with "bestiality?"

All Holes Matter

Jews and christians?

>Jewmen marrying non Jewesses
I agree

>Eve having sex wasn't the real and only start to this
>Imma have more Eve apple sex

Literally shaking rn...

Name one thing that's wrong with having sex with animals

Aside from the obvious "not ensuring the survival of the white race", of course

Exodus 22:19-20

That passage doesn't even specifically state that there's anything wrong with it, just that people that do it should be put to death


Fuck off moral relativity creep.

I'm just saying that a bible passage stating "Animal fuckers should be killed" doesn't explain why it's bad
Maybe find a different passage or actually think for yourself or something

Reducing reproductive act to rubbing anything remotely similar to genitalia against each other.
Once you rationalize it it will become your habit. Next it will start slipping into society and become normalized.
At that point there is no society left. No limits no culture no self preservation. Only mindless acts committed for short lasting pleasures
slowly sucking all happiness from your life leaving you constantly craving for more wondering how did you end up in this situation.


Courts don't make laws. They can't legalize anything.

they don't kiss you good night afterwards

It does, you are just too stupid to understand the bible. You haven't even read it.

Canada please fucking stop

I'd rather have deviants fucking their animals in their homes instead of Pride Parades.

U know ppl joked about this for a long time. I never fucking believed them though. IDK what 2 degenerate 18+ consenting adults do but wtf leave the animals alone you sick bastards and I even eat animals. Don't fuck my food!

The animals can not consent, just like child, it's less damaging to an animal rather then a child because the animal doesn't really give a fuck, but it's an abuse of trust of a creature you have dominion over.

They are both reprobates.

>tfw no loli gf

Jesus Please Deus Vult Naow. Please Kek help me find these degenerates no meme.


god damn import lolis from japan and women fucking horses / dogs from canada

Animals can consent. It's one of the few things they can do, fucking. Not that consent is needed for animals. Fuck 'em! Make them your meat or give them your meat!

>what is common law
Courts always derive "new" laws by twisting existing ones, and then the government has to establish new codified legislation to specifically undo the courts handy work


Where's the sauce Lukas

Source my good and time old friend?

I don't give a shit about animals. Let people keep pets and do whatever they want with it, as long as they keep it private.

At least animal fuckers will never campaign for social acceptance. They're content with tolerance.

Plz don't kill yourselves leafs. We're coming and not to burn you when we rake you but to hold and love you and treasure you in our Natural History and Ecology Books. We will keep you safe from Trudeau and you can come winter down here where it's warm. Plz hold on leafs.

>Reducing reproductive act to rubbing anything remotely similar to genitalia against each other.
I don't understand what you mean
If you're trying to say "rubbing genitals against genitals is sex", then yeah, I'd say you're more or less right
>Once you rationalize it it will become your habit.
Rationalize what, exactly?
>Next it will start slipping into society and become normalized.
Even if it was socially acceptable, I doubt it'd be widespread, simply because instinct tells most people that animals are not viable mates
But even so, it's not like you can't have sex with animals and humans, I doubt it'd affect much
>At that point there is no society left. No limits no culture no self preservation. Only mindless acts committed for short lasting pleasures slowly sucking all happiness from your life leaving you constantly craving for more wondering how did you end up in this situation.
I am failing to see the progression from "jerking off my cat" to "constantly seeking instant gratification"
You're acting like my cat cums heroin or some shit
On the other hand, they also can't give you herpes
If you're so knowledgeable about the bible, then surely you'd be able to pick a few passages from it that'd better suit your argument, yes?
So if I bend over and let a dog mount and go at me, he's not consenting and I'm abusing his trust?

Both are sexual deviants, and their behavior shouldn't be permitted in society.

Mexico is mostly catholic conservatives the cartels are a minority. I want the northern wall more and more.

Being a sexual deviant is in itself not harmful to society. Everyone is a sexual deviant. Every single person is in some way or another.
Animal fuckers keep their animal fucking in private. They even treat their animals very well, since that makes fucking them easier.
Legalised animal fucking is a way for individuals to sate their deviant needs, so they are happy, productive members of society, at the cost of some animals getting "raped" instead of eaten.

Faggots on the other hand are having pride parades and campaign on harmful policies, like gay adoption, gender nonsense. The homo agenda is actively weakening traditional male role models.

R they trying to trigger us or are they pedo anti-semites? Can't tell. Must lurk moar.

Nice link faggot

>not cucktender

question your continued existence

>assuming they won't campaign for social acceptance
they will

But but animals are innocent. Faggots deserve to give each other AIDS.

>Fuck off Hans, I'm not a sexual deviant.

projecting this hard because you have a reprobate fetish. KYS

Stop fucking your pigs Hans. No one supports that.

Not that I enjoy this kind of degeneracy, but it's Anemone Syndrome.

Is this to attract more Muslims and Mexicans?


How much concentration does it take you to not do kinky shit during shit?

I'd say most animal vaginas don't really look all that great, humans included, but pig pussy does actually look pretty nice

I don't fuck american women.

This guy sort of gets it. The problem isn't Canada, it's the US:


However, he forgot to mention that OP is a faggot with poor shooping skills, so that actually it's only the US where sheep fucking is legal*.

*sorry kiwis and taffs, you might want to, but you can't


not surprised

Just because the dog wasn't smart enough to realize that it was a cock covered in peanut butter, doesn't mean it didn't lick of the peanut butter withi it's own free will....

Peanut butter is fucking stupid anyway
I'd hardly even call it real bestiality
Animals have legitimate genitalia, do something with them

But we don't advertise them as a tourist attraction sex industry. Well not publicly.

I only feed my dog peanut butter through his back mouth :D

Is sex is something more than just rubbing anything similar to genitalia against each other?

>Rationalize what, exactly?
The act.
>Even if it was socially acceptable
It's not. Same thing with a crime. You don't just do it. People have to rationalize it for it to become "normal".

How to implement something this degenerate into society? It always starts the same. First it's few individuals.
Then it's a group. It turns into a fetish. Latter becomes so recognizable that nobody can deny it's place in society.

How dose those acts of bestiality benefit us? In no way. It's just a new drug for overstimulated people.
Once the get bored with this they will move to another thing. But we are getting closer to more and more inhuman practices.
So what we are up to next? Necrophilia? Pedophilia? What will satisfy those people?
We are throwing away everything that makes as human in the first place just for another fetish?
What you don't see is this road with no limits leads to literal hell.

>South Americans and Latvians asking for sauce.
Y'all need to get Spaniard'd again you fucking heretics

Nayyyy, means nayyy

ever let a horse eat sugar out of your hand?

Horse pussy

Based Poland.

This, God gave us this earth, so we could be stewards of nature. Not so we could preform whatever sick fantasy we have.

not going to the pearl of the animal kingdom


this argument is the first true religious red pill

if you're not religious, you're a dog fucker.

>people that do it should be put to death

That it's wrong is kind of implied.

>penetration still not legal
what the fuck is the point then?

oral sex with dogs was legaalized through some liberal word game of the existing statutes.

desu idk why they haven't fixed that. seems they're embracing it.

>people earnestly defending beastiality

Well, by definition, any sexual activity counts as sex, ergo this would include any rubbing of sex organs
But generally speaking, most people would only use the phrase when referring to anal/vaginal penetration
And given that doing anal with animals is generally not a good idea, this'd leave just simple benis in bagina, maybe scissoring
But I digress
>How to implement something this degenerate into society? It always starts the same. First it's few individuals.
Then it's a group. It turns into a fetish. Latter becomes so recognizable that nobody can deny it's place in society.
You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that, in spite of everything that's happened over the past century, 90% of people are still straight, cis, and not into anything particularly degenerate
>How dose those acts of bestiality benefit us? In no way. It's just a new drug for overstimulated people.
Actually, it's not a new thing at all, but you already knew that
>Once the get bored with this they will move to another thing. But we are getting closer to more and more inhuman practices.
So what we are up to next? Necrophilia? Pedophilia? What will satisfy those people?
Pedophilia actually harms people and necrophilia, while not harmful to anyone but the person practicing it, is still pretty damn disrespectful to everyone that knew/is related to the deceased person unless you're fucking a 100+ year old skeleton or some shit, in which case I doubt even you care, so I doubt either will go the same route
>What you don't see is this road with no limits leads to literal hell.
You're blowing things out of proportion and making wild assumptions

But regardless, this is still not quite addressing my question
If I were to go downstairs and jerk off my cat right now, exactly what is wrong with what I'm doing?
Still not really a fan of it
Implied, but not explicitly stated, nor is any reason for it given in that specific passage

>the pearl of the animal kingdom

Ughhhh why do both our neighbors suck so bad

I've noticed all the degenerates here too.
it's like they don't know about b/ yet so they post it here

pol told a long time ago that the goal was to normalize gay marriage, then bestiality, and then kids


>That it's wrong is kind of implied.
No, that the author of the passage dislikes it is implied. Consider the following:

>All people who browse Sup Forums must be taken outside the city walls and stoned to death

We can be fairly clear what the authorial intention is. What is lacking is any justification.

Just for the record, I'm perfectly happy with a world which views bestiality as abhorrent, for reasons that have been enumerated ITT as well as many other places: I'm simply picking you up on your logical error.

>"a man who lays with an animal as he lays with a woman should be put to death; this is a disgusting sin!"
Wew lad what an implication

Cuba and the Dominican Republic?


Ok, so the argument is "because god says so"
If that's good enough for you, then you might as well just not even bother getting in an argument with someone that clearly doesn't care nearly as much about what a 2000 year old book states