>Call someone a faggot
>"You're just projecting"
Is projection even real? It seems like a non-sequitur that people use to assume superiority in an argument. So tell me Sup Forums, is every insult that you say actually just projection?
Beguile me, Sup Forums
only real for lefties. conservatives never project.
seems like you already beguiled yourself there faggot
I'm sure you mean
Bump psych thread
its something real that exist.
that said, its way too overused now
Also bumping this. Also, is psychology a meme? Is consciousness a faculty by which we perceive that which exists (like the Ayn Rand fanboys say), or merely that which we believe exists?
Calls someone a faggot, gets called a faggot.
Confirmed faggot
Guess it's really case by case, depending on the mental framework in which the insult is made.
I'm not a tall guy, but I don't have self-esteem issue over it, and when I see a guy on /pol who's taller than I am but he is super focused on height by calling himself and others manlet, it says a lot more about him. Like, insulting someone based on height doesn't even cross as something to insult over in my reality. It's kinda like if someone just insulted you based on the appearance of your ears or some shit, like that wouldn't even register on the radar for many.
People usually insult people in a way that they themselves would hurt over, since you can only insult others 'correctly' if you know them personally enough to know what they're insecure/sensitive about. So when you insult someone you don't know personally, odds are, whatever insult you hurl at them is one which you yourself is sensitive about.
For example, a person who is insecure in his intelligence would constantly complain and insult people who are 'dumb'.
A MASSIVE example would be SJWs. They project their own sexism and racism masquerading as empathetic compassion, not realizing that their coddling treatment of others who they deem as lower than them is severely patronizing and condescending.
So yes, projections are very much real. If you haven't noticed, 'faggots' are used ad nauseum by teenage boys, who are the most insecure about their manhood. As you grow older and you are more secure in your masculinity, your go-to insult wouldn't be faggot, it'd be something else. You can still call out faggotry of others, but the difference being is that you're objective and true.
Saved. This has made things so much clearer for me ty based psych user
Wow what a gay post
You're welcome. There's a reason why in every spiritual aspects of religion and wisdom, the inevitable conclusion we all come to is 'whatever hurts you, hurts me' as hippie and cliche as it sounds.
When you insult someone seriously (discounting guy-talk/playful banter ripping on each other), nobody wins. Even when you insult someone's character, it's probably one which you yourself on some level, notice that you lack. It may be true that the other person may lack character, but you'd also have to be sensitive/focused about that character for you to insult someone about it.
It's super hard, but even 'debate' is a counter-productive form of communication. If you go into arguments coming from a place of wanting to put the other person in their place and 'win', you'd very ever rarely change their minds. I've conversed with even the most emotional and hostile people on Sup Forums but when you extend your hand in understanding and respect first, 9 times out of 10 they calm down and thank you for being respectful and show vulnerability. Wall is broken down and actual give-and-take with the mentality of both wanting to understand each other is established. It's hard, but it's the only way you can effectively do productive discourse.
tl;dr: my point is, genuine, serious insults are almost always useless and a waste of time. It takes strength and virtue to not resort to emotional name-calling in 'debates'.
>Hate muslims
>is a closet muslim
If consciousness does not exist, how could we perceive it?