Why Brazil is such a fucked up place ?

> discovered by Europeans
> Catholic religious society
> many natural resources
> Huge country

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Communist parties in power, destroyed economy, rights for criminals and impunity.

The protestant work ethic in Europe lifted everyone up. No protestant work ethic dominant in South America means that people reverted to their more slovenly natures. This resulted in a bankrupt culture with no aim to a greater purpose, an inherent selfishness and a huge appetite for graft and corruption. If you don't see the 1900s as a Protestant century then you are missing the most obvious thing in the world.


That and demographics


Would flank her!


Man why south América is full of comunist fags, why man.

what about my nigga pinochet


Catholicism, here people just sits and pray to god for shit, nobody works, never did.

Shut up you dirty traitors. You don't deserve to live in my country. You should all get the fuck out and start sucking some goddamn amerifat cock.

I am proud of Brazil and our culture. We just have been violently robbed of our identity, which we tried so hard to create.

Have you ever read macunaina, Op? Go read it.

hah well tipped my man, I tip my fedora right back atcha :)) XDD

Wew lad.

I got mugged by an armed nigger last week, you know what would have happened if I had a fucking gun? I would've shot the nigger in the face but this country is a fucking joke, only criminal niggers aka 90% of the population have access to guns and if those niggers get arrested they are freed the next day because lol prisons are completely full. Fuck this hellhole
Kill yourself nigger, the US is a great country because people fought hard to make it great and that has a lot to do with them being protestant.

>I am proud of Brazil and our culture.

How to fish (you)'s 101, the post

Why does this man look like a woman?

too much niggers.


karl plz

Lol r u my cousin? My cousin in belo horizonte got robbed at knife point about a month aho

The kind of mestizo in your pic doesn't exist here, here mestizos are half nigger and half portuguese.
I really fucking wish the guy had a knife, I would probably be stabbed but I could at least try to do something but no, he had one of pic related.

50% of the slaves shipped to the Americas ended up in Brazil. They didn't even do a good job at exterminating the native population. What's more, sizeable black and injun population fled from Argentina to Brazil. Naturally, shitskins ruin countries.

We are still shit but I feel like we dodged a bullet by kicking out all the negros and killing off almost all natives. Shame we're undoing that by importing thousands of indios a year.


this happened:

the only solution to the negro problem is extermination.

argentina is white! WHITE!

if they were white they wouldn't try to steal the falklands


When Pedro II was in command, Brazil wuz a super imperium.

Nice meme, but seriously. Look up the Conquest of the Desert, we actually BTFO the injuns, and it brought us great prosperity for the following 50 years to the point we were the 10th largest economy in the world until we fucked up.

not enough black people

only way you have a successful country is with pure black genetics, but brazil mixed theirs all away

Cool ID man
'No Fag K'

kek confirms, you must kick the fags out of brazil to be great again