Defend this, Sup Forums
Defend this, Sup Forums
Weed is degenerate. We should give cops the same rights they have in the Philippines.
How is a plant degenerate? Lmao
It's pretty degenerate but so is alcohol. I agree that it should not be so restricted. It's a waste of resources to try and prevent people from smoking weed. Also build the wall to keep Mexican pot out of the USA. Fuck Mexicans.
The plant itself isn't degenerate. The act of smoking it is.
because humans get too much oxygen from plants bro. global oxygen change is causing the lightening bolts to kill more blacks
Don't you care about black lives?
I always find it funny the generation that wants to end tobacco smoking wants to make weed smoking legal.
I mean, I don't care if it's legal, as long as it's regulated like anything else. It's not really any more harmful than booze or tobacco itself.
In principal though, weed is another excuse for losers and the entitled generation to be lazy.
The ultimate degeneracy is interpersonal violence, which is being perpetuated by drug laws.
Why would you want to live in a third world shithole?
Fucking racists.
its as degenerate as jerking off all day.
Mexicans don't smuggle up pot from Mexico anymore, instead they just slash and grow in pristine wilderness and dump chemicals all over the landscape.
Have fun with the bribing whenever they pull you over. It's like paying a tip
nice trips.
I just ate some canna oil, gonna be a good day
Kill motivation, fucks with your sleep, makes you space out for huge grips of time.
t.coloradan burnout
And before you go there (because every fucking stoner does) Alcohol is also degenerate.
alcohol makes me puke. weed makes me want to eat and be creative
I won't it is silly.
What I do in my own house is none of your fuckin business.
bet that probably sounded so smart in your head huh faggot
>If I rape and murder someone in my house it's none of your business
there was this one 20yr old movie that said weed is for nhiggers and Sup Forums just ran with it because we are above Jewish propaganda movies
booze and weed are anti-American. You can't make America great again if you're smoking weed all day.
Okay. I don't disagree with you, I'm even smoking some right now.
It's still degenerate. And every critique I have against still applies.
>Makes me want to eat and be creative
I bet you only eat, don't you?
Sounds like the problem is Mexicans
plants are pretty dangerous desu one of our native ones drives men to kill themselves desu
Not an argument
Not an argument
Meant this faggotry too
It happens a lot here in Brazil, almost happened to me but I moved out of the frat.
>defend this Sup Forums
lol,why would we want to defend degenerate weed smokers.go back to your bong
Fourth Amendment :-)
Now fuck off you stupid board sliding faggot.
>it's okay to get blackout drunk but not smoke a little weed in your own home
The real reason is because tobacco and cotton lobbyists fought against hemp for so long.
>extreme bootlicker detected
>people want to use a drug that makes them dumber
It sounds pretty degenerate.
>they aren't hurting anyone
Aren't they though? Reducing blood-flow in your brain isn't good for you. Neither is inhaling burning particulate of any sort if that's how you use it.
How is it beneficial for society to have people making themselves dumber than they actually are?
if I got the munchies hell yeah
cocaine also comes from a plant, and meth is a combo of cough medicine and some other products you get at home. Opium is also a plant
Yeah none of that was an argument I'm just telling you that you're fucking retarded and if I'm going to be honest with you family you don't deserve to have an opinion or say anything here because you are so genuinely stupid it physically hurts me to consider for just a moment you are genuine and not trolling like a jackass straight from Sup Forums you fucking faggot holy shit
no he asked to defend the cops in the picture not the weed smokers.
yeah we can't have anyone growing their own medicines can we.
>appeal to nature
There are plenty of plants that are incredibly dangerous
defend this, Sup Forums
Only fags don't smoke
Creativity you get from marjianna is completely bullshit, you think even the shittiest things are good
There is a reason why all successful artists don't use the shit, use opiates or amphetamines if you want to be creative
Am I the only one who thought of Leo The Professional and not weed
Southland is a good TV show
>those thigh highs on that one slut
And yet it's perfectly legal to own and cultivate them
my shittiest thoughts are immaculate conceptions
THC is my drug of choice and it isn't addicting. I am high right now and can do whatever I want.
>all that ad hom
>still thinks he's posting an argument
>Break law
>Don't think about the consequences
If a law is wrong, it should be changed. Breaking the law deserves penalty even if it's unfair.
>Defend this, Sup Forums
i gotchu senpai
Half people here are stoned
How is a mineral illegal? lmao
t. plutonium enthusiast.
Better than fucking a kid.
Well, for society. I suppose not for the pedo.
you're a retard, you aren't harming any body by smoking a plant in your house. Sup Forums believes that you have to win the genetic lottery in order to fit in with society, as if the bulk of this site aren't raging virgins living with their parents.
This. Police can't question the law/not enforce certain laws. Complain about law makers not the police who blindly enforce laws.
>use opiates or amphetamines if you want to be creative
Speedball or go home. Feels good. Get all my writing done this way.
>tfw no talent sober
Lmao you clearly know nothing about the cannabis industry. Mexican weed is the cheapest low tier shit, and barely gets smuggled in anymore cause no one wants it. The market has been taken over by high quality medical grade shit from cali and colorado.
>none of that was an argument
>>still thinks he's posting an argument
lmao get real cunt get outta here
I saw somewhere, forgot where, that they had public messages for supporting hemp industry and such, back in black/whie tv or cinema days.
How things change the way they do, is interesting.
>still no arguments
Also, where you gunna make me go, faggot? Slip on back to Sup Forums and stay in your trap thread. Shitty tier troll you are.
Yeah, a plant that releases chemicals that changes Human behavior. Degeneracy.
Get out, faggot.