Realistically, if I hate niggers more than anything, and I'm NOT going to create a youtube channel or social media to talk shit about them..
What can I do to cause the most damage/harm to the black community? Without having everyone know my name or face online, how can I help destroy their nigger lives?
Realistically, if I hate niggers more than anything...
Other urls found in this thread:
Vote Democrat.
I was thinking about creating a website of some sort that would accomplish my goal, but liberal fucks would still be able to dox me one way or another.
>Without having everyone know my name or face online, how can I help destroy their nigger lives?
They destroy their own lives without any help. Stop being a turd.
Also, I'm not going to Dylan Roof because it would only effect a small number of niggers, and I don't intend on destroying my own life in this pursuit.
implying hes wrong
>I hate niggers being niggers
>Hey Sup Forums, how can I keep them down and cause them to be more niggerish?
Redpilled niggers are OK.
It means that they recognize the superiority of European culture;
They are rare, but they exist
Yes, that's what I'd like, but to make it EVEN WORSE for them. I have no sympathy for niggers, not a pinch. They are scum, and have been given WAY too much as is.
Sell drugs at a very cheap price
Dealers go broke and chimp out
Every race hates them.
>I still haven't figured out this would just cause more of the shit I claim to vehemently despise
Boy, you are dumb as a bag of rocks.
Best of luck.
Buy with bitcoin.
Procreate with them
CompSci Masters over 6 figures. I hate niggers. Deal with it.
Keep your luck, you'll need it. Now move on, this thread isn't for nigger lovers. I'm here to brainstorm with other non-coalburners like yourself.
Join CIA, give them all as much crack as they can handle
Become a cop
What this guy said.
Really if you're keen on hating them so much I guess the only way to achieve your goal would be just killing negros every chance you get.
But that would hurt the wider anti-negro cause, especially if you're white. So maybe just be patient. The time for anti-niggering will come.
>>I still haven't figured out this would just cause more of the shit I claim to vehemently despise
are you saying he will cause breeding of niggers? or that there is difference betweens blacks and niggers? i hope its not second option because that would be extremely bluepilled
You are the lowest kind of nigger.
Why do you hate them so much? Did some black dudes beat you up?
Kvetch, kvetch, kvetch, kill yourself already and stop asking stupid questions
>be young entrepreneur
>Decide to throw the largest worldwide simultaneous dance party for free
>Tell people its only for POC
>Have fancy rapper endorse new almond flavor drank
>Worldwide party to drink almond drank together at midnight for some stupid shit world record
>Secretly own, produce and distribute the almond drank
>Only tastes like almonds because it's almost pure cyanide an booze
>12:05 largest forced murder in human history, POC worldwide are obliterated.
start a watermelon farm and don't accept food stamps
>Without having everyone know my name or face online, how can I help destroy their nigger lives
>edgy faggot wants to kill without breaking a sweat
>Buy an AR-15.
>Go to ghetto.
>Kill niggers.
That would cause damage to the """community"""
birth control pills in malt liquor
>oui white flagmen
Keep things going for white culture.
Subscribe to American Renaissance and the like.
Oppose the leftist equality agenda, and other forms of outcome based legislation.
Subscribe to politicians who rule from principled conservatism only.
Spread the gospel and morals through an actual conservative Christian denomination. NO ELCA, PCUSA horseshit. If we need lesser races in our midst may as well have them behave as decently as possible.
Marry white and have white children, raise them correctly.
Oppose welfare, planned parenthood, and black culture which runs counter to desired outcomes.
Don't spend money on companies that support black culture nonsense.
Recover the western and American/European tradition apply it to your life.
Make an anonym campaign about the sickle-cell disease
" A genetic problem causes sickle cell anemia. People with the disease are born with two sickle cell genes, one from each parent. If you only have one sickle cell gene, it's called sickle cell trait. About 1 in 12 African Americans has sickle cell trait."
Totally disagree with opposing planned parenthood. Blacks abort a shit ton of their spawn. It's a really effective form of legal population control. Now, I would certainly oppose it for whites. You'd just need a way you could target specifically white women to discourage abortions.
Become a judge and make sure all criminal niggers get the harshest sentence permissible by law
How does birth control and cheap abortion not add to woman being whores more often and younger. It's a cultural change that needs to happen to sexual relations that will stop so many shit pregnancies, not the continuation of bc and abortion on demand.
Planned Parenthood will never be a black only service, goes against everything they stand for.
I understand your attempt to make the sexual revolution die for whites but keep for blacks.
But one quick point, wasn't it better in the segregation years when these things didn't exist?
》they are rare
But they are Africans, billions of cucks
Live your life as best you can and be as successful as possible.
That's how you punish them.
Enrage them. Cause more separation.
I absolutely agree with that, if it were possible. I just don't see any way we can go back to a sexually restrained culture. I feel that ship has sailed a long time ago.
So now the only solution is to make the most of a really shitty situation.
Become a serial killer.
I'm waiting for someone to go punishment in Chicago or LA.
It shouldn't be that hard to take out a score of bangers if you can blow money on a few ambushes and an abominable vehicle.
Punisher, I mean.
any one can make a fake google+ account. you just fill in fake info. you can find zip codes online. i like pretending i live in yonkers and my zip is 10006
you can upload with your fake account and when youtube is like you need to add a cell number you tell them to eat a dick and ignore it. when it finally stops letting you log in go to gmail and log in. all their services are linked. its the back door to log into youtube without a cell number verification
you can still upload
see. i made that cropped vid from mgs4 just for this pic
>sell cheap drugs to niggers
>dealers/random niggers chimp out and rob you/kill you
Niggers aren't normal people. They aren't happy with buying quality at low prices, that just means you have a good enough connection or are high up enough to have a lot of money and a good supply on standby that they can just put a gun to your head or just beat the shit out of you for a few hours to get.
It starts with decreasing the welfare state, and having real consequences for your behavior.
The rest falls into place after that.
slang rock in the hood
Leave poisoned flasks of liquor around bus stops.
leave a bag filled with bad drugs in black hood.
>wear it
>you won't be recognised
It looks like her body is backwards.
Donate to planned parenthood. Niggers get more abortions per captia than whites.
That is aparently enough to surpress and harm them.
Introduce crack?
Don't be a fucking coward. If you're going to racist, put yourself out there and do it. Otherwise, you'll just be another edgelord in the shadows.
>Democrats hate black people!
>Everyone on this board who hate black people voted for Trump
Which is it Sup Forums?
So you want to destroy black peoples lives on a large magnitude but are deathly afraid of someone finding out your identify because it could potentially harm your own life?
Are you fucking kidding me? If that's the case we don't even need you. That's like being afraid to call a black person a nigger, but having no problem with it behind a keyboard.
Either you're in or you're out, if you're this much of a pussy to be labeled a racist.. you weren't going to accomplish much anyways.
Why do you hate black people so much OP
Not cool man
You aren't going to do shit little boy.
Promote Black Lives Matter and other bullshit that normal whites think is retarded.
Why not just do that and fill it up with live leaks of those niggers swinging their babies around or chimping out?
pretend to be black and falseflag
Voting democrat cuts both ways.
Vote dem and it fucks them over, but they become a bigger problem
Vote republican, they benefit greatly, thus less of a problem.
What did his ID mean by this?
Become a democratic politician in a black area and screw them over by giving them space to destroy.
donate to abortion clinics in black areas
Give out free crack in the black community.
Crimestoppers in your local area. Neighborhood watch.
I think that when you Americans on Sup Forums reach retirement and are tire of life, don't just sit and decay. Grab your damn AK or whatever the fuck kinda guns you have and just go for the high score (on nigs only).
We'd cut through a lot of em that way. Too bad my butter knife isn't really that effective a weapon.
What's the point in getting sent to jail to be raped by niggers? Anonymity is the only way we can fight. Once you reveal your power level there is no going back.
Also, here you are on Sup Forums behind your keyboard but you ain't out there doing shit in public so stfu
>Without having everyone know my name or face online,
This is now a beta thread
Black guy here, do your worst pal.
go buy some cocaine and cut that shit with rat poison and sell it back
make a scene at places they work (lol), possibly getting them fired, but remember to be sneaky about it
Dear god intelligent discussion on pol
The genius-level planning we're here on Sup Forums for.
Make my dream a reality. The idea is there. I just need an entrepreneur to put in into action.
Can confirm, I found a quarter on the ground yesterday. Bless this cuck country and it's reparations.
Let them be niggers. Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake.
Not really hard working black people exist that don't rob people on a daily basis.
yeah but there's no way to recoup the money and there's millions of niggers
Bring back the redcoats senpai. Restore your glory.
Also can confirm, I only rob people recreationally.
I became a police officer and its worked out fine
>become a bonafide official drug dealer with multiple connections to destroy the black community
Wew the long con
Make theyr drug and gang problem bigger then you just need to light a cigar pop a beer and watch the fire works.
literally become a liberal and push for more welfare for them, then they'll have even worse fatherless rates and be even more dysfunctional and miserable
I always salute cops if I ever pass them as insurance, and I haven't died yet so it must be effective.
You take anonymous donations. I think people would contribute plenty.
Donate to Planned Parenthood
>vote trump
>support nationalism
>support isolationism
>hate black people
you guys are LITERALLY the historic democratic party that you constantly talk shit about