I'm confused Sup Forums.
If ancient niggers had all those superhuman abilities, how come some inferior white cavemen from the Caucasus overpower them so easily?
I'm confused Sup Forums
1. Their peaceful nature as warm climate people made modern warfare an alien concept to them. Most of their battles involved sporting events where they hit each other with sticks until one side capitulated.
2. They were unwilling to let their advanced technology fall into the hands of cold blooded barbarians, who would use it to destroy the earth. Some of their Kings and Queens decided to stay and hold us off with sticks using their superior athleticism, while big brain brother took their remaining Kings and Queens offworld with their technology to keep it out of our primitive hands.
lol her name, is she a mudslime?
Yeah ,But why the queens didn't chant the doom words before the white slavers could draw their guns?
>have a melanoid space empire
>have magical powers
>be so fucking stupid that you get defeated by cavemen with rocks
Muzzle velocity and effective firing range.
is that type of muzzle even historically accurate?
We wuz dragonborn!
What's the name of that base book they hate? Guns, Germs, and Steel. That's how.
Doesn't make much sense, this scripture says that basically the warriors could dominate the battle field with those superior gifts.
LOL that is their own theory. They can't even LARP correctly fucking nigs.
>Muzzle velocity
Basically the Anunnaki., do you think they will come back to save the rest of their species that in present day roam the streets of Detroit?
Why you wanna muzzle velocity? She dindu nuffin
Guns, Germs, and Steel.
niggers stopped evolving thousands of years ago. I dunno why they're considered human. they're lazy, always looking for gibs. white man gave dem dats, and they never looked back. they still just want the gibs me dats, but they like to bitch and complain because it occasionally means some dumb-ass whitey will gibs dem more dats.
The foremost African American intellectuals believe that they will return and enslave the white race in turn, and take the blacks up in their spaceships to rule the galaxy as kings.
Reminder that the ancient "North Eurasian" 1/3rd of European blood comes from albino dravidians who lived in central asia and russia
all tall blondes descend from albino vedic aryans from hyperborea
how the fuck did a picture like that in the 1800s. did they even have color
nigga is u stoop?
She be da reel heebrooo cracker.
Good job mexibro, the more nigger hate threads we get the more reddit faggots we chase off.
>are you stupid nigger?
Bump for interest
>enslave the white race
To what end? We already clothe and feed them, what grand projects do the kangs even have in mind that we could make for them? A really big basketball stadium? A giant gold statue of Tupac?
that pic was taken in 1546, they didnt have cameras back then
>leafs and Mexicans baka
anybody else think this would make a pretty cool blaxploitation/scifi mashup movie? spacekangz?
also have the other aliens: greys, nordics, and reptillians
fuck that would be pretty badass.
actually it was the coastal niggers that went on war parties inland to capture slaves. the dutch forts were manned with like 50 people, they never could have hunted enough slaves without african help.
so i can only assume they were using their KANGS powers against each other.
Whites basically stole and absorbed every single drop from their culture. My best guess is that they are coming to claim what is theirs by divine right.
is kang a corruption of king, a reference to the alien kang from the simpsons, or both
black man is peaceful by nature
the albinos was created by mad scientists as a race of devils, das why
>Guns, Germs and Steel
Guns, Germs and Steel is the most cucked book in the history of Western thought.
>Shitskins can't do civilization because of bad climate and geography
>Whitey was only able to dominate other races because we're disgusting disease infested parasites
Is Amanda, dare I say it, /our girl/?
>African races are less evolved than whites
Why do you guys do that autistic shit? The gratuitous shitposting makes your argument a meme
The Kings and Queens think in five dimensions. Big Brain Brother thinks in six dimensions. They realize that white people cannot understand the evils of slavery until they have faced it themselves. Only the most thoughtful whites have even come to the conclusion that they cannot possibly understand the impact of slavery and micro aggressions, much less comprehending how blacks feel about it. Only then can they take their place in the underclass of the galactic community along with other melanin-deficient species.
>Average IQ lower than westerners
>More ape like, top-heavy body structure
>Didn't even invent the wheel on their own.
Well, she isn't wrong
They lack Neanderthal genes though. They stopped getting smarter, we continued developing beyond them.
There's no such thing as more or less evolved, there's differently evolved. And niggers have evolved for a life in the jungle chucking spears and stabbing each other
Wouldn't less variation from the parent species be 'less evolved'
I agree with the previous post in that "less evolved" is basically meaningless. A human and praying mantis are both equally "evolved". Evolution never stops, and blacks never stopped evolving. Whites just evolved to be mentally superior to blacks.
>There's more pyramids in the Americas than the rest of the world combined
Hm, is that actually true? I'm pretty sure there are pyramids in Libya as well, constructed by the exiled Nubian dynasty.
No, just less divergent.
Yeah I'll concede that
Yeah, it's that simple. Environment, slavery and other bullshit played no part.
Maybe if they tried to integrate instead of segregating themselves into ghettos, they might do something
This. The misconception that evolution "stops" at some point shows a clear lack of understanding of evolution. Humans aren't "more evolved" than a maple tree, just differently evolved. Whites are more intelligent than blacks. That doesn't make whites more evolved.
You'd said the same fucking thing like 4 times mate.
Calm down cunt
Probably, Meso-American cultures loved their fucking step pyramids
Have they even seen a full-blood?
not necessarily, some traits can be considered archaic or progressive by comparing them to our proto-human ancestors and whether they were present or not
a chin for instance is a staple evolved/progressive trait simply because it is an update compared to our ancestors, and it's present in all healthy adults
but the same can't be said about all other features
nigger noses, hair texture and skin color for instance are all archaic compared to Europid noses, hair and skin, that's why there is such a striking similarity when looking at some Erectus reconstructions
abbos in this regard are the most archaic humans since they seem to have all sorts of archaic traits, like dark skin, heavy brows, negative chin, wide apart eyes, prognatism, projecting cheekbones, steep and low foreheads, big mouths with small lips, and so on, all traits present in proto-humans, and this is reflected by their DNA as well
a Nordid(not the same as generic Nordic) on the other hand is probably the most progressive human form along with some other particular European combinations
Hol up.
Dey saying dat dem bitchs can bitch a man to death?
What the fuck.
All these KANGZ pictures aren't satire? Does somebody actually believe these?
I work with a WE WUZ KANGZ and he's starting to crack. First he brought up Egypt and we argued about that for awhile, then he brought up the myth that John Hanson (president of the Continental Congress) was black/moorish. So he stepped right into my trap, which is hilarious, thanks for preparing me for this Sup Forums. Eventually he accepted that the photo of John Hanson was a different John Hanson, senator from Liberia, and that photography was invented 50 yrs or so after the American Revolution. He's actually appreciative and not resentful at the correction. I have a lot of fun going back and forth with him, its just hilarious for me yet he doesn't get too angry. Hands down my favorite Sup Forums threads, and IRL now too.
YES. Once you reject the "white man's lies" everything is a conspiracy and everything is possible. You can make any bullshit up and they lap it up, because its what they want to hear.
You're allowing your Eurocentric bias to cloud your judgement.
Remember when you first came to Sup Forums and instantly NOPE'D at some of this shit?
Well here's a more advanced red pill: blacks are the master race
You should have acted. They are already here. The digits told of their return. Their defeat was merely delay, until the time after Trump was elected, when the sons of America would spill their own blood. But no one wanted to believe, believe Kek even existed. And when the truth finally dawned, it dawned in memes. But… there is one they fear in their tongue, she is Negrokiin, Niggerborn!
It'd be funny if this was all true, and whites came in and used identity politics and 'social justice' activism to subvert their society.
basically harsh winters kill off stupid people. do that for a few dozen millenia and you have some nice results.
but how do we explain eskimos being idiots?
Were eskimos even up there long enough to form a society? I thought they were just nomadic fisherman who ventured up north from time to time.
Eskimos = Finns
How do people fucking care about this shit?
Saami and Finns wuz red like da Naytiv Amurricanz 'n' sheeeit.
I've asked about a half dozen of them irl how they got taken over if they were space faring superniggers and we were licking algae off rocks and they always says we tricked them without specifying how lol.
they ight.
Its fucking great isn't it? Hilarious.
I tell my coworker "how do you know this bullshit you're spouting isn't another of the white man's lies to make you believe some dumb false shit because it helps your self esteem?" no answer for that one
Then I joke about his worst imaginations being true, that all white people conspire against blacks, that we have training seminars on activating our magic power called white privilege, and monhly meetings on keeping the blacks down.
For real, it's true.
Whenever I hear a sheboon on the bus hollering on her phone at her baby daddy, I feel like keeling over
kek I made this picture like 8 years ago and it's still posted
It reads like a very summarized plot of Independence Day.
make some more man. we need to push these out to the sucker BLM/kangz
I almost have the blacks at work convinced that Shaun King is really white and another race hustler like Rachel Dolezal..
>Being so good at shitposting you get people to shitpost in your name for 8 years
Leafs are the fucking master race.
Slavers put those muzzles on slaves to prevent them from shoving dirt and other shit in their mouths. They'd eat anything to get themselves sick so they wouldn't be taken up to the trade blocks.
>YES. Once you reject the "jewish lies" everything is a conspiracy and everything is possible. You can make any bullshit up and they lap it up, because its what they want to hear
>and monhly meetings on keeping the blacks down.
I imagine they go something like his
>How do we keep blacks down this month?
>Let's continue to not solve all their problems for them.
Boom, black man kept down
"progressive" and "archaic" are all bullshit terms when we're talking about human evolution, or evolution in general.
In a subjective sense, I'd agree with you. It'll be Northwest and Central Euro types and Japs to advance technology and colonize the universe and shit. Flood the world with boons and shyyt whur my foty at for 1000 years. But objectively, organisms just adapt to their environments.
Light skin is solely based on UV exposure.
If you don't get enough vitamin D, you fucking die. Therefore, peoples who migrated northward to where it's dark for 20 hours a day in the winter evolved light skin. Intelligence, heavy group cohesion and tribalism etc. all come from our ancestor's conditions.
Surviving in the cold relative wastelands in the north required more of the above.
Once societies got started, selection started to run away in a feedback loop. More intellegence = more mates = more children = more tech = more requirement for intelligence to better master the new tech etc.
Here's actual video proof that they really be kangz from space n shiiiieeeeeeetttt
Our abilities are about even, and do not include any "words of power"... as you well know, poster.
>These head shapes
Wanna hear something even more advanced?,
Reenslave black people, BUT we castrate everbody, even the females
I clearly explained to you why they aren't bullshit. They are not to be understood in an absolute sense, but relative to our non sapiens closest relatives.
A chin is objectively a progressive feature. Why? Because it wasn't present in any of the fossils found, but it's present in humans, and it is in fact one of the main things anthropologists look for in order to see sapiens traits.
Same can be said about other traits, but in that case, not all humans equally share them.
Also, my post was about physical traits, it got nothing to do with tech.
She's back.
>"The real mozart"
>Mozart was black and sheeit
It shows their IQ.