The MSM is flipping out over "fake news" and pizzagate is a prime target. Doth thou protest too much? Who thinks we might have struck a nerve, a little too close - so they are trying to dismiss it all? I still think there is something to this.
Did we touch on a nerve, fellow autists?
anyone else /ducking/ here?
>dost thou
If you're going adopt a lofty style, at least have the common decency to be erudite.
Megyn Kelly said it was "disturbing" that people won't listen to the legacy media. Oh baby, did we hit a nerve.
>Fake News
The focus on Comet Ping Pong distracts from Laura Silsby, Haiti, Epstein's (((LOLITA EXPRESS)), Dennis Hastert, the Finders, and the Franklin cover up.
The mainstream media is doing all they can, including shilling here, to draw attention to the parts of Pizzagate that sound the silliest to normies.
they won't touch:
>Laura Silsby, Haiti, Epstein's (((LOLITA EXPRESS)), Dennis Hastert, the Finders, and the Franklin cover up
This is spam. One CTR tactic is to find legitimate posts from the past and copy or imitate their language. Remember, CTR failed miserably in persuasion, so they resorted to just spamming us with hundreds of contentless bot posts, forcing good content off the board through sheer volume. Ask yourself what each OP brings to the board. Demand better content.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the global pedo trafficking university, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on small children, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in coprophilia and I’m the best human trafficker in the entire undergroud pizzapedo ring. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I incredibly sick and perverted, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the CIA and Mossad and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what kind of Moloch's retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>Methinks milady doth protest too much.
Fucking get educated on your own literature, cuck.
>3rd person
>2nd person
Fucking get ejoocatified on 'murican.
This is the third time in the same hour that I have seen a new post with this exact wording. This is spam.
grow the fuck up
but look at this evidence
pic related
They're flipping out because you're leading a witch hunt on innocent people
the fucking pope says not to believe fake news and pizzagate
inhad my doubts, but that fucking confirms it
In some sense, this is karma.
In a better world, a world with opportunity, with some semblance of justice, a lot of people here might have had a chance. They could have found a job, found a place, found a life. Contributed. Been a part of the institutions of society.
Even a small number of the anons here working in the media could have prevented this stupid story from going viral. A small number of people with common sense, sense of humor, some understanding of the internet and pop-culture.
Instead we're all jobless NEETs. Idle castoffs of society. No purpose or worth, so we spend our idle days in the devils work of stupid memes, pop satire, and crazy ass weaponised autism scavenger hunts. Even NEETed as they are, the energy, the potential of the people here is such that even their jokes can break the barriers between the internet's collective subconscious and real life political discourse.
The same people who cast us off, abandoned us to enrich themselves, who clawed their way up the rancid pole of modern life, now stand helpless in the face of our absurdity. They've lived lies so long they can't tell truth from falsehood, saitire from seriousness, plausibility from absurdity, and they've purged their ranks of all honest, ordinary people who could spot it for them.
People say we're trapped in our digital bubbles. Then how come our needle has popped their reality?
i mean all that sips yes and more, but i have a job and a family.
youd be surprised just how normal most of the posters here are.
except for obamaleaf, and that one guy from Sup Forums that shows up at christmas with his two liter bottle of cum collection.
this is the world cast in legacy medias image, except that now, thanks to the technology of the internets, they no longer have a monopoly over the bully pulpit, the potential to influence, meme and direct the narrative is decentralized
The fake news IS bullshit, though.
Some faggot on twitter got people to believe CNN broadcast 30 minutes of porn when it never happened, and it became news. I know Sup Forums doesnt give a fuck because Sup Forums hates CNN and it is lulz, but its the concept of people just throwing shit out there with no sources and thousands of people treating it like truth. We cant let media be overun by retards and trolls more than it already is.
Its bullshit, because today you may get lulz from it, an it may benefit your agenda, but tommorrow it could be something made up that makes you rage, and thousands of people will believe it.
If it every came out and people could see it without doubting it, it's probably the one thing which could truly provoke a violent outburst and actually damage the power structures of the first world.
Of course they're going to work to contain it.
>but tommorrow it could be something made up that makes you rage, and thousands of people will believe it.
This has already happened. The whole BLM movement is based on "fake news." "Hands up, don't shot" was a completely viral falsehood. Pizza gate is just the MSM's long deserved comeuppance and proves the New York Times and CNN are equal to Sup Forums as being valid sources of news.
true user, the hyperreality ultimately is self destructive but after the era of wmds, economic restructuring favouring only plutocrats and a concerted campaign to sjwize our culture, the blame for the state of journalism cannot be laid at the door of anons
the establishment decided to debase our society, they built a cultural and economic matrix of lies, they disinherited us of a viable place within the society our forefathers built
and now they will get what they rightfully deserve.
Pretend I'm new and explain the whole pizza thing to me.
the elite had the pope come out in favor of muslims
the elite had the pope come out against donald to try and stop him
the elite had the pope come out against fake news
the pope is satans dog and a lying sack of shit
Very instructive. So it's literally nothing?
>Weird emails found in Podesta's email leaks
>Mentions weird stuff about playing Dominoes on Pizza and pasta
>Podesta found to be an occult edgelord
>Brags on instagram whenever some pedo god is mentioned about how "That's me"
>Has a weird ass art collection, girl getting fucked shown in his house, diapered butt near his staircase, many arts of children, which is rather creepy
>Linked to Pizza shop
>Another pizza shop near by had a logo that looked shockingly similar to the boy love logo
>Near by shop has a logo that looks like the Girl love logo
>Another venue that's related has the Boy love logo mirrored and flipped
>Weird ass instagram posts
>Weird pedo code language
>Sacrificing a chicken to moloch
So creepy weird guy and friends enjoy pizza? I mean I like pizza occasionally, like if I don't feel like cooking.
>Linked to Pizza shop
>Another pizza shop near by had a logo that looked shockingly similar to the boy love logo
>Near by shop has a logo that looks like the Girl love logo
>Another venue that's related has the Boy love logo mirrored and flipped
And apparently all of them were sponsored by Arabs.
Is he our guy?
it is /x/-tier larping
Kinda what I figured. Did some guy actually go to one of the pizza shops with a rifle, or was that fake too?
Guys I think we need to start devoting more resources to Pizzagate. With all this fake news shit they are probably gearing up excuses to shut us down from investigating it. We need to get as much dirt now while we still can.
also bands that play at the pizza place for children are fucking weird
have the boy love logo in their music video
overt sex references in their art and videos
also their "friends" on youtube have images of child abuse in their music videos
>all MSM and important people going gg-tier full shill mode
>"n-noting to see here g-goyim"
I don't believe in the crazy stuff like using pizza ovens for body disposal. Nothing goes on in those pizza places except pizza getting made...and networking.
What I think they are is known dead drop 'cutout' meeting places where people who move in various circles can meet if they're not known in the DC scene.
The stuff in pizzagate isn't some shitty Craigslist backspace ad for a lesbian midget tranny hooker which a politician or really rich person can somewhat easily evade if caught.
There's the idiots who use Google hangouts or facebook messenger to get the stuff.
Then there's the slightly less idiotic idiots who use supposedly secure messaging apps.
Then there's the people who practice slight tradecraft to avoid the total surveillance state that is America these days.
I dunno man, like it sounds weird and shady but also pretty circumstantial and forced. I'm not really feeling it.
But isn't that what liberals do whenever a white male hurts someones feelings (intentionally or not)?
definitely something there, but we have to rely on the FBI to DO THEIR FUCKING JOB on this one. Hopefully things change after Trump gets in and they hang them all.
Trump better not get assassinated over this though, there needs to be a very in depth investigation on all of this. On Podesta, Comet, Besta, etc.
We most certainly did, OP. There is nothing they fear more than being exposed as pedosucm.
Now you autists have no choice but to fucking deliver, otherwise the Hilldebeast will ass rape your freedom of speech.
You kids had better be up to this.
pretty sure that was real. He surrendered to authorities when he couldn't find any proof. OC a heavily invested conspiracy theorist could say he was just a plant.
>fake news
Apparently that was some actor from a movie previously sponsored y CP(P) owner.
Would you pay a man $65,000 to fly in pizza and hot dogs from another state for a party you are throwing on taxpayer money?
Really soak that question in. Look at it from all view points.
>taxpayer money
>flown in on an airplane
>from 3 states over
>for a one night event
When you hear it and you actually think about, something's really fucked up. Like, what sort of pizza and hotdogs are you getting for that amount of money? How much? Even the most expensive pizza is maybe $100 a pie, but that's already 10 at $1000. Hot dogs are probably $50 for an 8 pack for some bullshit crazy dogs, but still. That's 20 packs, or 160 hot dogs, at $1000. Why do you need that much hot dogs and pizza? How many people are you feeding at this thing?
Apparently no outside food or drink is even allowed in the White House anyways.
You just have to use the
That is why we will kill you little faggots aswell. We ll get your addresses.
The Pope would side with the pedophiles wouldn't he?
Is there proofs? I mean it could be dope or bribes or something.
>so many things that have been deemed "fake news" or incorrectly determined by msm has become true
>mfw I've always regarded pizzagate as autism searching for something out of nothing but it might end up being true
>make false rape accusations against an innocent man to such an extent that someone walks into his place of work with an assault rifle making bomb threats
>lol why are you so upset about it? is it because... its true :^)
>Whether it's true or not, mainstream Media is essentially killing itself
I'm pretty neutral on all of it, where I more or less just want in depth, physical investigation on this, but it is pretty hilarious how the media is progressively killing itself
That user left out that these people are also connected to convicted human traffickers and pedophiles.
3 minute summary:
Summary image:
**Comet Pizza is a pizza place owned by James Alefantis, who is the former gay boyfriend of David Brock**, the CEO of Correct The Record. It has been the venue for dozens of events for the Hillary campaign staff. John Podesta has had campaign fundraisers there for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. John's brother and business partner Tony Podesta has his birthday party there every year.
It's also a dive that according to reviews and photos has hidden bathroom doors and creepy murals. The bathrooms in particular have murals exclusively of nude women, as well as a great deal of graffiti relating to sex. Reviews of the restaurant are bizarrely polarized. Websites describing it positively note that there are regularly "unsupervised children running around". Their menu include a pedophilic symbol, as do the signs and decorations of other neighboring businesses.
The music acts and the posters promoting same acts are bizarre in their presentation, content, and lyrical focus, but are still promoted as being "for all ages". The overtly sexual content would suggest otherwise.
The same has taken place in reference to videos recorded inside Comet Ping Pong by people that frequent their establishment as well as video referencing Comet Ping Pong positively from the exterior.
While initially not the central focus of the investigation at the onset, Comet Ping Pong is a much more overt and much more disturbing hub of coincidences. Everyone associated with the business is making semi-overt, semi-tongue-in-cheek, and semi-sarcastic inferences towards sex with minors. The artists that work for and with the business also generate nothing but cultish imagery of disembodiment, blood, beheadings, sex, and of course pizza.
Isnt pizza gate interesting. wether if it is true or not it is in line what the regular fags think about the current "elite". That is why you have trump as a president. We just need to split this a bit more and tell the little cunts to stay down for a while otherwise they ll get the hammer.
>make pedo ring claim on some random guy and his shop
>claim that ring extends to amerilard government elites
>the fucking POPE of all people immediately jumps in and says "anyone who believes this eats faeces"
Get rekt m8
the legacy media think that we are so docile that we will accept their narrative by simply calling it 'fake news'
it's insulting and the fact that people are speaking up about it just goes to show that they are losing their grip.
Fake news are fake news. We want our shit, badly. And if we dont get it, you can do the math, and dont worry the intel fags are just part of the puzzle and if they dont play coy, we will make them.
what the actual fuck is this
my capcha was pizza
And i will get into your mind, without any effort and no cheap shit, just pure intelligence. And i can be you better than you, like a little machine. Like little presents that one friend makes to another. And it is christmas everyday.