>Asian intelligence and conservatism
>Black physical strength and bbc
Are Blasians the superior race?
That just looks wrong.
>half-retarded, half-emasculated stink chinks are anything but the lowest genetic garbage
excellent fantasy tale, compatriot
I would take 100 blacks over 1 vietgook anyday.
Question: what has Vietnam "ever" contributed to the world?
Pad Thai
no they are the least common "hybrid". there is a reason . they are polar opposites in stereotypes and statistical data. their dna is not compatible. specific traits prevent others from being active. the "warrior" gene is dominate so they wont be smart
the mutts wont actually have the best of both worlds. your buying the tiger woods crap but it turned out he was just black. his entire back story was a lie put forward by hippie globalist
>Asian intelligence
It would be quite a bit below that actually, much closer to their nigger ancestors
That's a juicy contradiction
t.Jaykwon Smith
give me some proof
>Are Blasians the superior race?
stupid like a nigger, weak and boring like an asian.
>Lots of dead Americans
and some pretty neat birth defects after you guys decided to let DOW Chemical (Now Monanto) kill their forest with Agent Orange.
You're assuming a lot about genetics that just isn't true. You'd be just as likely to end up with black stupidity in an asian body with a tiny cock.
does that face look superior?
You... you can't just ask for proof on Sup Forums...
that just looks wong
How do you know it won't be?
>Black intelligence and morals
>Asian physical strength and TAD
shit, there are other combinations to consider, like will he be eating chicken or dog?
I'm blasian
Post dick
Not really.
thisPol needs to know
sorry friend, ask anything else but that
I'm also curious.
If I saw the grandma walking around naked, it would be very hard to convince me she wasn't some sort of monkey.
Lowest IQ population on the planet. Just because they looks similar to Koreans does not mean jack.
Hey, san people are great. visiting windhoek again next year
Literally nothing else we need to know m8, post dick.
Don't be a faggot.
Can I see your genitals?
All shitskins are shit.
Darker skin is a sign of inferiority.
pls no
et tu potatofriend?
>Asian intelligence and conservatism
>Black physical strength and bbc
That's not how genetics works.
I'm half white half Asian
>inb4 benis pics
So are you San or were your parents weird?
Blasians = bushmen
Where are your parents from friend
>nigger mind
>inside asian body
Nobody cares
If you wont post dick at least tell us the size
The REAL SIZE, or the curse of mighty KEK be upon you.
Dad is Korean from NYC
Mom is from Hawaii, English/Nordic
Ethiopian mom /Korean dad
18 centimeters
I'm Blasian. My brother and I both have almond shaped eyes, but I inherited the intelligence. My brother is a moron.
I'm pretty sure the only thing they actually inherit from the Asians is their suicide rate.
Ahh interesting, how did they met eachother?
> Asian little dick and physical weakness
> Black stupidity and violent behavior
Congratulations, you just created the most useless race ever. Even the abbos will mock you.
Dad studying for MBA in Hawaii, mom was getting Bachelors
Not bad anons, not bad.
Post your pic.
Cool man.
Holy fuck!
Can this fucker even see?
Someone should smack the shit out of him so his eyes will open up. Jesus fucking christ and shit! What the fuck kind of race is this? A fucking moolie!
niggers often have flat nose bridges making them have gookish eyes
Another [insert race/mix] are superior thread.
That's not how genetics work, user.
Also, the BBC is a myth.
>intelligence halfway between nigger and chink
>AKA same as a spic
>same with strength and penis length
What a disgusting abomination.
>Ethiopian mom
Baba had good taste
12% of U.S. population is black
45% of niggers have Aid's
73% are nigger men
Just go ahead and hang yourself spook!
>End up looking like a nigger with squinty chink eyes
>Superior Race
More like genetic dead-ends.
>Stupid with small dicks
Yeah its getting tiring, I figured let me entertain some people instead
That's not how it works
>Black intelligence and entitledness
>Asian micropenis and manlet size
Well, at least it wouldn't steal our women.
Let the fun begin
>whites with low IQ and insect mentality