
Should it be banned?

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yes. as soon as yesterday.


Yes along with Muhammadanism

>should free speech be banned
I smell leddit

No, but they should certainly have to pay taxes.

This. Scientology is weird but it's not as bad as Islam.

Also this.


>criminal scam cult = free speech

revoke their tax exempt status, Catholic church also, no more tax exempt status for them either,

it's a fucking business why can't they pay taxes?


>banning islam but not scientology
>muh free speech

No, you're clearly from reddit faggot


lmfao at calling scientology free speech. it's a brainwashing self-serving at the top cult. the danger is it holds actual wealth and influence.

They have infiltrated government positions in the past. I imagine once Tom Cruise dies they'll lose a lot of power.

No, they have a decent business plan going. If retards want to give money to them, let them. They should be taxed though.

No, since we have other things like Mormonism and Presbyterians

All Of This Has Happened Before And Will Happen Again.


The thing was though was that while seeing a bunch of sweaty neck beards in guy fawks mask was cringy, If I recall correctly, back when it happened protesting against the church at all would've gotten you sued from hell and back which is why anonymity was a necessity.

the sad fact is that Project Chanology lead to Occupy Wall Street which lead to the rise to prominence of the SJWs. I was here I watched it all happen.

Scientology combines all the bad aspects of capitalism and communism.

No one could've predicted it.

I'm curious on how the Occupy movement lead to SJWism, as I thought it was regarded as highly ineffective.

The Progressive Stack for a start

The Church of Scientology tried to remove a video of Tom Cruise from the internet permanently and went after sites that refused to take it down.

The video showed an absolutely hysterical Tom Cruise and anons found it funny.

So essentially the Scientologists chose to go to war with the "deep dark underbelly" of the internet over their fucking jollies and this led to anonymous as an organization not only hacking and ruining websites but also the IRL demonstrations that preceded the downfall of Anonymous.

Yes. It was and still is literally a joke by L. Ron Hubbard about religion that rich idiots genuinely believe.

Yikes. I've always been traditionally moderately left, but this Marxism poisoning is disgusting.

How many of you have actually read Dianetics?

>hurr durr its evil cuz TV tells me its evil derp

Keep trusting HBO. Don't swallow the Red pill.

they aren't rich idiots by any means, i'm sure they are getting handsome checks from the church because of all of the idiotic clients (your average joe that actually believes this shit) they bring in

Just incredible, you can literally see the left tearing itself apart

yes, and it all started when Chanology showed that a small but loud group of internet users can make a large organization accountable for their actions. OWS was when the Marxist SJWs hijacked the conversation. I personally am a moderate left leaning centrist but the absolutely vile venom coming out of the left has made me pick right side candidates because they are less vitriolic at this point amd I was a young adult during the Bush Jr. years.


It should be exposed as a cult that takes psychotic people away from shrinks and mildly electrocutes them.

And that was 5 years ago.

Yes. It spreads lies about reality that weak-minded people are tricked into believing.

This is also why Sup Forums should be taken down.

Churches don't pay taxes because they provide on the spot local charity work that the government would otherwise have to do at much higher cost and far less efficiently.

This of course means that Scientology is not a church at all. It's an alternative to going to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist.

>not worshiping glorious scientology
>praising lord kek over lord hubbard

scientology are the true spillers of nigger blood

Yes along with Mormonism.

>muh free speech should be exercised
>bans Skiencetology

Changnology was unironically a mistake

>It spreads lies about reality that weak-minded people are tricked into believing.
You just described religion.

Video link?

Reddit should leave

Correct. I would through strong political beliefs in there too.


i think your sister may be my MFC girlfriend, ass like a 12-year-old boy??

fuck them and make them pay taxes

>tips waitress


fun times