it has been a few weeks/a month. you trump voters regreting it already?
It has been a few weeks/a month. you trump voters regreting it already?
God Michael Moore is such a fat pathetic piece of shit.
He was on fox the other day saying libs should disrupt the inauguration.
That's just sad.
Regretting what? Saving our country from becoming a Hell on earth, like yours?
Ha! There has not been this much optimism in the US since the 90's. We did well senpai.
He isn't even president yet.
Nope, he's going to keep the sand niggers out
kind of. his cabinet is a shitshow
No, it is a vast improvement over the alternative, but I don't feel great about his cabinet choices.
American jobs will come back to America
Crazy huh?
>it is a vast improvement over the alternative,
You like workers being replaced with robots and 80% unemployment?
>American jobs will come back to America
Nope, robots are taking our jobs as Trump's new Labor secretary said. Get bent Trumphomo
regret what? Obama is still our president until January 20.
I like not having Hillary in the white house and her justices not in the supreme court.
>I like not having Hillary in the white house and her justices not in the supreme court.
Yes god forbid we overturn citizens united. BUT HEY NOW WE GOT GOLDMAN SACHS IN THE WHITE HOUSE
I literally don't care
Hillary took tons of money from Goldman Sachs though...
>I literally don't care
Oh course because you are a cuck who loves corporations cucking over the American people. God I can't wait to see 80% unemployment under Trump and the rioting in the streets. I get off to the idea of seeing you Trumpfags cry when he fucks you over.
>Hillary overturning citizens united
was it her public or private opinion? asking for a friend
Is Bannon GS too? you know he was an MD there. Mnuchin left GS in 2002.
>Is Bannon GS too?
And a neocon who said we should have a "world war"
No, in fact I am rather pleased. He's not even president yet and we're experiencing literal change. His whole presidency is going to be one wild ride.
Buckle up, buckaroo.
Lol when have you ever predicted anything right about Trump
When holding right-wing politics is viewed as an act of self-defense, no amount of persuasion will shift political ideology to the left.
You'd have better luck convincing Americans to give up all of our guns than trying to make Sup Forums drift leftward in a forum with completely-open discourse.
>you diggin these immigrant cocks don't ya mate huh
Not only do l not regret it, l think his election cured my depression
I haven't felt the need to take my prozac since they declared him president and every day l get an ear-to-ear smile at the thought of that shitposting memeing madman being the leader of my people
We're going to make America great again boys
But he's wrong about one thing; we will NEVER get tired of winning
He just assigned another fucking Goldman Sachs CEO into his administration. A LITERAL JEW BANKER. So yes, I'm extremely pissed and it amazes me that the majority of Sup Forums is still in the denial stage; or just the fact that they were too stupid to realize and accept his innate corruption to begin with.
On the other hand, I voted Hillary because even though I hated her, she had a better sense of international affairs. Or so I thought.
But after the recent pizzagate scandal exposing all of the rather likely evidence linking the Clintons and many, many others to a global nightmare pedo/snuff/organ-selling ring, I regret voting at all.
This government is disgusting. No, this world is just disgusting, period. It's hell.
im not even american and i'm still ecstatic with the amount of salt that trumps win is generating
so long as the liberals continue throwing fits the way they do, i will never know regret
Hasn't even been sworn in yet and companies have already pledged not to leave the US, foreign companies have already begun investing in the US, and foreign governments have already begun seeking new relations with the US.
I do NOT want off Mr Trumps wild ride
Only regret all the fat fucks that haven't moved to canada yet
yeah but they are working FOR him, Hillary used to work for THEM
I voted five times for Trump and with each passing day I regret my decision more and more. I must have been out of my mind.
He said he was going to bring jobs back. What a total lie. I still haven't found a job since he's become president-elect.
And back in November 8, climate change wasn't that big of an issue, but the globe has warmed up significantly since election day. I know that he's already denied global warming, but I'm completely dumbfounded that he appointed a global warming denier. It just doesn't make any sense.
Why did I think he was going to drain the swamp? He's an ogre. It's his swamp now. It upsets me greatly that all his appointees have either worked in Washington or at a corporation.
I don't know what I was thinking. It reminds me of how much I regretted my decision to vote for Brexit.
Former Trump supporter here. In light of recent events, I just can't go along with his mockery of American (((values))) anymore. But in all seriousness, we can't let this man have the nuclear codes.
Never will because I did it for a joke. The you act as if I have some feels invested fuck would I care who is president
No it's the best shit ever. You will never know this feel.
liberal butthurt is so plentiful, i can't help but feel good
>They think we're tired of winning
i regret not winning as much as he promised
trump promised i would be sick of winning, but im not.
Almost like that one time all Republicans tried to disrupt Obama.
really makes you think
>disrupt the inauguration
you don't do that. Even if Hillary had won, no conservative would've suggested that