Do you think NPR is biased?
If so, where do you think the source of that bias comes from? Is there someone pulling the strings or is it just an institution filled with biased people?
Do you think NPR is biased?
If so, where do you think the source of that bias comes from? Is there someone pulling the strings or is it just an institution filled with biased people?
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NPR is for faggots.
They're lefty as fuck, but I enjoyed it when they shat all over the American Red cross and exposed them for being money grubbing kikes.
NPR is ground zero for Marxist propaganda and the fact that they are federally funded is proof of a massive Jewish conspiracy to destroy America.
But y tho?
Trying to understand what their whole deal is. Is it someone at the top, or is it just a bunch of lefties sticking together?
It goes way back and involves at least 3 generations of indoctrination in our schools and universities.
They interview red pilled people all the fucking time.
I like NPR, they actually discuss worthy worldly news. Just listen past the opiniated segments
So schools/universities created NPR?
No, the progressive, liberal faggots that they crank out have hijacked NPR
I mean, just look at these cucks
You wrote cucks on that file name. I think you meant to write (((cucks)))
University fucking radio
I used to like them but lately the propaganda has been too blatant
Not interested in hearing 5 times an hour about the problems that Jewish trannys face day to day in Manhattan huh?
Fucking bigot
It's staffed by women, jews, faggots, and faggot women, faggot jews, and faggot jew women.
Next question?
oh and also there's like one nigger there who is the biggest uncle tom of them all
NPR, Public funded radio. Oh IDK, how could it ever be biased.
>Public Funded Radio
Can't believe I actually used to think NPR was a good source of news. They fully outed themselves during the trump campaign. It was some of the most blatant one sided reporting I've ever heard.
It still is. They are so butthurt you feel it through the speakers.
>I still listen to them on my way to work just for a good laugh.
>today on all things considered we will consider the entire litany of the same complaints we've had about Donald Trump and his racist views that we've gone through in the past two years.
>We can't confirm any of these things as fact, but Donald Trump still won't release his tax returns, so we can't be sure
>And now we turn to Rachel Metzler from the Krauffman-Rosenbaum-Gildenstern Foundation for Correct Thgouth
hi ari~~~
>Hi Rachel! Tell us how we should be thinking about these complicated events of the last week!
saddest thing is that this is an actual transcript.
They have great segments sometimes. Obviously they lean left but unless you are some moron looking to be bluepilled/redpilled you can wade through the bias of the newscaster and come out with useful information.
Our publicly funded broadcaster considers itself neutral because it treats both major parties as too far to the right.
I once looked up NPR on Jewpedia and it also made the claim that multiple studies showed NPR to be overly right leaning.
They are generally biased as shit even though I'll listen to them since there's nothing else to listen to and I am too much of a jew to get XM radio.
Marketplace is generally considered alright. Car talk is too. One of the 'game show' type things on the weekend is good.
Science Friday as long as it's not politicized climate change is good.
It's literally state owned media.
No, Marketplace is not generally considered alright. It's a good way to enjoy when All Things Considered is finally done with faggotbullshitmusic at the end, but it's not anything like business or financial news.
mob mentality
group think
"... is based." FTFY
i think its clogged
That isn't a relevant question because every news source is biased. It's human nature to be biased. We just are not wired to be objective. The better question is how biased is it. I'd say "not much." It has less incentive.
The Left is the way of peace, of just getting along, not offending anyone. It's hard to be in public and be otherwise. But they /definitely/ were anti-Trump, it was frikkin' out in the open. All the jokes one-sided, all the tough questions one-sided. Now, Trump said the more radical things so I /suppose/ he comes in for more scrutiny, but for once they weren't deferring to power.
I remember their saying so many times, that Trump's supporters were non-college educated men - pissed me right off. It's not just me who's college-educated, I've seen stats that it's relatively even across the Socio Economic spectrum. So yeah they're biased, and Trump's ethos does, or did, go against their whole, profile or celebrate the 'victims / losers of the day' style.
If you have a discerning ear and can filter out guests with an obvious lack of critical thinking, it's not too bad. It definitely is the echo chamber for liberal elite, so you'll have to get used to hearing discussions about how it's OK that write-ins are being removed from the ballot, how it's OK that Democrats fill their war chests with funds from wealthy bankers, how SuperPACs are OK, etc.
Hahaha. PsyOP 101. The libtards probably eat that shit up too.
>NPR isn't biased, it's actually heavily right wing, look it up retard
Then they wonder why people say they are in an echo chamber.
There's a This American Life episode about how Hassidic Jews ruined a school district my taking it over and making it work only for them.
I was pretty surprised by that.
I remember listening to NPR during the elections and they were shitting all over Hillary's personal/private positions and war hawk tendencies.
I really don't have time to listen to NPR. There's better things to indulge in
When you get away from American politics and foreign policy you get some surprising segments. They did one on violence against women in the Black Power movement. It was eye opening.
I had never hear of this broad before.
Or this one:
TAL also told me what the fuck drugging up and molesting a 4 year old was years before "transgender" entered common speech. Kind of a comfy program, especially when the jews and fags jew and fag the jews and fags.
Some of the episodes are really interesting, and some of them are pure garbage that should have never been on the radio.
I caught a segment on American Textbooks Creationism/ID/Evolution that was incredibly even handed.
It's not about their opinions so much as when they put stories on about the most inane shit that no one would ever care about.
One segment that comes to mind is about a young black girl that manipulates people into buying her shit by being cute, and admits that she only makes sales because she's young and people find it endearing, so they spend 20 minutes recording her talking to people who just give her money because she's a young dindu showing initiative.
It's completely dull and a waste of air time.
We need to start a new front of the meme war to de-fund Public Radio. They are siphoning off our tax dollars to support their propaganda and brainwash people with liberal views
>NPR is funded throuh Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)
>CPB recieves ~$445M a year (as of 2014)
>~$100M goes to Radio
>~$300M goes to TV
Its a waste of money and should be one of the first things on the chopping block. I feel like this is achievable since many people now see the amount of bullshit MSM spews, and the fact that Trump already hates them since they slandered him for the past year and a half.
When one says a news source is biased it is less that everything is biased and more that their bias reaches obscene and intolerable levels. So just rephrase the idea of bias that way when one is discussing news.
For me and I think a lot of americans we want a media that just tells us the facts, that's it, no spin, no commentary. Had even my hillary supporting mother admit as much for why she watches now some new news channel I've never even heard of that isn't MSNBC or CNN or Fox because "they just report the facts, no spin no commentary". The biggest mistake the media is making after this election is thinking they need to be or deserve to be or want us to look to them to think for us.
Case in point is the dumb fucker Megyn Kelly:
I want you to listen to the condescending, arrogant words.
> “The people, as much as it’s fun to hate us, they need us. They need good, strong, skeptical journalists to be covering whoever it is — whether it’s Barack Obama or President Donald Trump. We’re in a dangerous phase right now where too many millions of Americans aren’t listening at all to what the press tells them. That concerns me.”
>They need us
>To what the press tells them
What kind of cocksucker is that? It's the media cocksucker, that's what. The smug, arrogant self-anointed kingmakers who delude themselves into thinking they are some great hero(ine), a paladin and crusader. They don't want to just be a faceless medium but they want to be celebrities and WORST of all - they want to be Politicians without being elected. It's like John Stewart, folks wanting to be public figures without having to be held accountable.
This is what I want. Live footage. Reporting on people, places, and things. I want to know what is happening in the world not what john q fuckface thinks is making it happen.
If a truck falls off of a bridge give the city, make , model and drivers name and weather conditions. Don't tell me about why we should be passing regulations to make trucks stop driving off of bridges.
>For me and I think a lot of americans we want a media that just tells us the facts, that's it, no spin, no commentary
I agree with this. However, IF they are biased or doing an opinion piece, they should just say it. Stop trying to hide their bias, thats why most people dont trust them, the kikes cant help but lie.
But still, %90 or more should just be raw information, let the people draw their own conclusion.
NPR: Their higher education allows them to remember all the nuances and pander to the sensitivities of each letter in the LBGTQFOXPGKA alphabet, yet conveniently forget the distinction between "immigrants" and "illegal immigrants" when its time to smear the political opponent du jour.
I remember they were claiming there was no evidence of Hillary misappropriating classified information in the e-mails, literally the morning after the oversight committee meeting where everyone basically agreed on the public record that she fucked up.
>NPR to be overly right leaning
What the fuck? This has to be a joke. Are they comparing NPR to Jezebel and MSNBC?
Any news corporation that didn't call Trump "literally Hitler" is now considered far-right/alt-right/neo-nazis
It's fake news.
Even America's Morning News announced that it was FAKE with a smile
NPR is fake news.
>Do you think NPR is biased?
Do you really have to ask?
They all sound so fucking smug and self righteous.
It's a hivemind for liberals to gain their talking points.
By the time I get done working and in the car it's usually Marketplace that's on. Not the most political set of segments. I like the musical interludes. I have listened to other shows on NPR, Fresh Air, Diane Rehm, etc. My father used to listen to conservative radio and I used to listen to it too. Slightly more conservative sounding musical interludes then. We don't agree politically so much anymore but hey the generational gap is so big now. I've heard NPR described as mainstream and I've heard it described as liberal. Gosh I just I don't know. I like it I used to have Sirius XM and all those channels and nothing to listen to. Now seems like I just need one channel.
Kek appoves of this post.
they have a blatant bias, but i prefer them over shit like msnbc and cnn
Fake news ? what is fake news when people can't even decide on what are facts ?
Is Evolution real ?
Is Global warming real ?
So basically now anything anyone doesn't agree with is fake news.
I personally like NPR and I'm a liberal.
Want an example of an NPR story that isn't what you would consider liberal ? Here an amazing story on unions that basically changed the way I thought about them.
If you have an hour, this story will blow your mind.
right wing control is endemic at PBS and NPR
any lefty prop is just Emmanuel Goldstein
staged opposition
These types of reports are NPR's saving grace. I enjoy when they do stories like this since they can be informative. But when they do their news there is an obvious bias. They parrot the same talking points as CNN
>Trump is threatening the integrity of the elections by falsely claiming illegal votes in 3 different states.
Next breath
>Jill Stein's recount in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania is underway in an effort to ensure the integrity of our elections.
I love NPR.
I listen everyday.
Since they are not selling anything, why would their bias be anything but those that donate? And of those that donate, how many of them do you think want to be lied to?
How long do you think the kinds of people who donate to NPR would be willing to do so if they found out that NPR lied?
If you can reason like this, you probably like NPR. If you can't, you are not going to like it, but nobody really cares about you anyway..
Except brietbart. cause they want to sell you soap...
Trump has no evidence to his claim
Stein has pages of actual dependencies and irregularities.
This is what I mean. You bring up a false comparison because of YOUR BIAS, not that of the news...