Post where you are on the compass and what you consider yourself.
Right Wing Socialist here.
Post where you are on the compass and what you consider yourself.
Right Wing Socialist here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Pinochet is that you?
I'm a fence sitting faggot
I just believe that church and state should be united, the domestic economy should be almost completely deregulated and at times protectionism and state economic intervention/business subsidization is needed.
>economic right
State what you consider yourself. ideology, party, what have you.
hello brother
you seem to be a little too far left though but still
I believe in heavy economic intervention.
Impressive OP here's mine
I'm basically you, only I'm Orthodox instead of Protestant. Martin Luther still based though.
I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries :^)
What do you classify yourselves as?
I consider myself a right wing nationalist. Hate what that ducks are doing to Canada.
I'd say Capitalist Fascist
Paleoconservative. or classic liberal.
Hi Ben
am i on the right website
Why do you want to combine church and state?
Rate me, faggots.
Multiple reasons. For one gives a reason to actually follow the laws when you identify the law with what is morally right. (Which is done by hammering the religion into their heads through the parents and education.)
Creates a greater sense of community, I believe in collectivism just not government collectivism. I believe charity through family/friends is great. I believe in empowering and expanding the nuclear family unit until it encompasses the entire nation.
The more unified a people are, the more efficient they become.
I also consider myself a fascist but, how do you personally define fascism?
What do you consider yourselves?
And I have a deeper question, why do you want what you want? The loss of economic efficiency and social unity is so great that I can't find any justification for what you people call for.
could be more left, but it's nice and refreshing to see someone in this quadrant.
Get on my level
>self identifying collectivist
kill yourself user
the best way to satisfy the wants of the group is to satisfy the wants of the individuals, in a morally respectful and non-degenerate way of course
how to determine if something is ok:
- it doesn't indirectly violate anyone's physical health (drugs don't let people think rationally, drugs would be illegal)
- it doesn't violate someone's rights without consent
- it doesn't lock people into something they may not want to do in the future
a one party state with a little division of power as possible, with the state controlling the absolute creation of laws.
I am a capitalist in the sense that, whilst I think it's possible for a state to do well with socialism (NatSoc) I'd say capitalism is the best economic system.
Give us some of the links on those pics
The Jews and the government are pretty much the same at this point tbqh
>literally hitler
Green-Centrist Paleoconservative Economically.
National Libertarian Socially.
Far leftist, anarchist, libertarian socialist, anarcho-socialist, a jaded human being tired of other people telling me and other people what to do.
I want what I want because my head is in the clouds and I believe that a mature highly-educated population is capable of functioning in a non-hierarchical society. I believe it's insane to willingly relinquish natural freedom and subject yourself to authority. I don't think it's necessary to force people to be charitable, but at least live and let live.
I forgot the last one though, sorry
>yourself user
>the best way to satisfy the wants of the group is to satisfy the wants of the individuals, in a morally respectful and non-degenerate way of course
Don't get me wrong I believe that the capitalist system of perpetual growth and self interest is most efficient, I simply believe that we as private citizens should assist those who are related to us, those who are near us.
I want a culture that fosters charity for your family, friends and neighbors. I want an economy that endorsed social Darwinism, that is to say an economy that raises up the strong by filtering out the weak.
And sometimes the wants of individuals should be curved for the sake of the majority, let's say something like homosexuality. the entire population will never accept homosexuality and it'll only be a source of division, a source of hate. And the gays themselves further divide themselves by their pride parades and establishing of their own counter-cultural identities. It would be much easier to destroy the homosexual culture than to deal and cooperate and appease these two opposing cultures and identifies.
All counter-culture should be destroyed, there should be a mono-culture which has a base in religion which exalts the State as a spiritual and moral entity.
Right on the dot...
Do you know where you are?
>What do you consider yourselves?
I consider myself an independent; my voting record has been split pretty evenly overall between the two major parties and I firmly believe that state (or even local) elections have a greater influence on day-to-day life than the national election.
>And I have a deeper question, why do you want what you want?
>The loss of economic efficiency and social unity is so great that I can't find any justification for what you people call for.
Efficiency and unity are great, but at what cost? You have monopolies making the rich richer and the poor poorer on one hand and the blind leading the blind on the other. Everyone should be given a fair shot at the American Dream.
>all counter-culture should be destroyed
>State as a spiritual and moral entity
That's how you get revolution in 3 months, dude. The human being identifies happiness as its primary goal.
Maybe you could try your society out with robots.
Yes. It's good for lefties like us to be around opposing views.
dammit I posted this in the other thread
A place where people continually spiral on the cycle of "well the world is shitty, so it has to be shitty".
Or in a room full of people saying "eh shut up hippy"
not even memeing
>I want what I want because my head is in the clouds and I believe that a mature highly-educated population is capable of functioning in a non-hierarchical society.
Man has never proven capable of this in any consistent fashion over a long period of time. All attempts at this have ended in either failure or adoption of hierarchy. Either through internal disputes or weakness against outside forces
>I believe it's insane to willingly relinquish natural freedom and subject yourself to authority.
the logic is simple, give up a small amount for the mutual benefit of the whole.
>I don't think it's necessary to force people to be charitable, but at least live and let live.
Without religion and the like people for the most part do not give to charity or care. People need to be taught morals.
Do you even know that the right-left spectrum indicates how much of intervention? you idiot...
is there some bizarro-chan where we're more at home?
3 year olds aren't allowed on this site. Get a basic grip of economics and you can come back.
leftypol maybe
Libertarian socialist/syndicalist. With the line between Libertarian and Anarchism very thin
Mono-culture and union of church and state have worked for many years in Europe and the Middle East and Asia.
I just want a more advanced form of it, I just want the state to actively work towards these goals instead of the culture naturally making these things occur and using the state as the apparatus of these goals.
The state should be at the helm of advancing and changing the culture.
National socialism is a good idea
Libertarian Nationalist
where is that one done at?
Where intelligence goes to die.
>Still using compass over filteries
Not really the compass (and most people) move you more towards the right the more you want to de-regulate and the more you want to cut taxes.
I want both but I also believe in corporate subsidization and the like.
Why is it so silly that I believe the economy should be ran at maximum efficiency domestically but the industries and the like should be protected from foreign nations, foreign worker pools, foreign corporations and the damages caused by the collapse of corporations that are too big to fail.
I also believe that the banks should be nationalized.
Nationalist Conservative
Hey we're buds
>muh safespace
That's why
You my Heretic.
Constitutional Conservative
">Man has never proven capable of this in any consistent fashion over a long period of time. All attempts at this have ended in either failure or adoption of hierarchy. Either through internal disputes or weakness against outside forces"
Agreed, unfortunately. But that just shows there's much more improvement, maturing, and education that needs to be done to accomplish that effectively and function stably. And it's not a sufficient argument to say "it hasn't happened yet" to disprove the possibility of the existence of something.
"> give up a small amount for the mutual benefit of the whole."
Yes, that's how it should be in principle. If I had an excess of something, I'd gladly give it up if it meant eradicating poverty. But does there need to be a State to do that?
">Without religion and the like people for the most part do not give to charity or care. People need to be taught morals."
I feel like this is getting into the age-old debate of "is man inherently good or evil" and I don't feel like getting into it. I need to go eat something.
Where is your political compass? RUQ?
almost a market anarchism theocracy
Bernie, Paul, and Trump supporter.
go away rato
and yes, as shown above, I don't know how to Sup Forums
Oi Jezza, isnt it bast your bongtime?
it's only 1 bong 53 binds right now. I usually fall asleep at 4 bongs because life has no meaning
What do I win
A one way trip to the gulag, comrade
A free helicopter ride.
Might you be related to Stalin? You're not at his level but you're working towards it. What do you win? A month of labor in the gulag.
Where did you get this test, senpai?
oh right I forgot about that one.
That is
aka literally the best compass test on the internet
1 free helicopter ride
>in capitalism
I used to be higher and further to the left but I'm trying to reform and be less radical.
Pretty much a Dem
Old one
>inb4 muh road
What are concessions?
You sound edgy as hell.
I like filteries but the compass test has greater popularity.
Just finished the new version.
I'm a liberal. You fucking socialists are too obsessed wit over throwing the capitalist system on a vague dream that might not pan out. The free market has been a global engine for reducing poverty and driving social change.
Science and military get the largest amounts of tax dollars with the agriculture sector completely private but completely subsidized with the majority of welfare gutted.
updated version for the sake of it
that's oxymoronic
If you're not a natsoc, you're a cuckhold.