Did you ever consider supporting Bernie?
Did you ever consider supporting Bernie?
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Not seriously, since he never stood a chance of being nominated.
tfw 5k in debt because of bernie donations
Only early on before Trump, when it looked like a faggot like Jeb or Cruz might have had a shot at the nomination.
Bernie might have been more appealing if he wasn't such a doughy, weak cuck. He's what all of the nu-males will turn into when they get old: loud and obnoxious leftists who get submissive when the going gets tough.
I did, right until he endorsed that warmongering wall st. shill who takes donations in exchange for political favors.
For like 2 minutes before I found out he was a literal communist who admired castro and the Nicaraguan commies, and also honeymooned in the USSR.
>old white man
>thinks cuba was a paradise
>wants to turn us into europe
>has no concept of managing money
>thinks welfare states are great
>didn't care at all about increasing debt of nation and the bubble it makes
i dont support losers
Fuck no commie scum
If you supported this guy, you are stupid.
Figure out why and you won't be stupid.
Good luck, kiddos.
Not really, but he 100% lost me when he let those two black lives matter harpies take over his stage.
Fuck that cunt.
These people aren't even communists. They want a twisted form of communism, where nobody cares if people are starving to death, as long as the same percentage of each race are starving to death. Most of them want all whites to be punished for slavery as well.
Fuck these cunts.
When my sister mention him back in summer 2015, I looked him up and he already turn me off with his bullshit.
Then the rallies happened.
The people and message were disgusting, and him being a spineless dumbass or a cuck was just icing on the cake.
Fuck him and almost all who continue to support that loser, he deserve nothing but a empty life filled with all his belonging gone in the name of "socialism"
No lol. He was an even bigger meme candidate than Trump. He always reminded me of the 5th grader promising ice cream for lunch, and hour-long recess if he wins class president.
Dude free shit lmao
I volunteered for him in NC. Was a big supporter until he endorsed Hillary, then immediately D I S A V O W E D
Trump's 10th Goldman appointment later and still saying she's the Wallstreet shill
Can't trust the man for his the shaking voice.
Can't trust the man for his shaking feet.
Yeah, he's more isolationist
>100% lost me when he let those two black lives matter
I worked on the campaign I suggest you look into who those two were and then looking at Bernie's campaign staff. Particularly the National Press Secretary and you'll understand how cucked he really was.
I only did it because money was good and saw it as a way to help drive a fraction into the party against Hillary.
How did it feel when he won Michigan?
His ideas had no basis. His economic policies would have been disasters in the real world.
Still do, my friend
It's a shame things played out as they did
I know you didn't ask me, but I would like to provide my insight. I knew he would. He sent Robert Becker to Michigan who was heavily evolved with Arab Spring. Guy is a fuckin rabble rouser. Dis-organizer extreme.
>says the kid less successful than his middle class father
Kinda, but not seriously. Once Hillary fucked him out of the nomination and just took the money and ran, I lost any interest in him.
When pol is in unironic mode, we support him.
the whole Right-Wing shitposting is just an act.
I would vote Bernie if he won and Trump lost their primaries.
Old style nationalistic communism > modern cultural-Marxist socialism. Replace bourgeoisie with white oppressors. Ironically most Bernie supporters were white Millennials.
>consider supporting a literal commie fossil
>literal communist
>500 gorillion rapefugees
Yes. I figured he was the best chance for getting our military out of the Mideast. This was my top issue during this presidential election. After he and all of us supporting him got scammed out of the Dem nomination, I became a Trump supporter. There was simply no way in hell I was going to support a blatant crook like Hillary. Evidently, I was far from alone in my reasoning.
>Voting for a Jew
Kill yourself
I did, but that's because I'm Jewish, I voted for Jill Stein.