What are the pros of race mixing?
What are the pros of race mixing?
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In today's time the only thing you can really argue solidly is
>Genetic diversity
Everything else that used to come from it has been nullified by the internet.
I don't know what are the pros of jumping is a volcano?
When will you faggots learn we already covered this.
Less Mendelian disorders
Less potential racists
Ugly and stupid children who cant fully identify with any race
having people who are half intelligent and half good athletes
basically you're supposed to genocide a group, you throw bio weapons at them, fight those who remain with violence until almost all are killed, then you mate with the rest, gene theft in it's highest form and the tradition goes back a very long time
but this other shit isn't that, if your people have yet to be genocided then no point in race mixing, how do you know you're getting the best they have if most of them are still alive?
light skins be dominating the NBA right now.
Easier for jews to tell who the goyim are.
children get two different perspectives on life
Makes it easy to know who to hate.
On ocassion this place gives me some fascinating points of perspective and wisdom.
The concept of gene theft just blew my fucking mind.
I am ashamed for not being exposed to the concept earlier.
half white half asian girls are top tier
We know who the race trader is!
Probably some disease resistance and more "diversity" although there's only 4 real races to consider. Everything else is just crossbreeding between different ethnic groups.
Your children get to play the victim card anytime anyone challenges anything they say. There are also quotas for their kind in all occupations that must be meant.
underrated post
outbreeding depression
there are absolutely no positive aspects to mixing with negroes
they really aren't all mixes lose some of the best traits from the parents
I wanna fuck a black chick I just don't want to have a baby with one
God damn those half Japanese girls do it to me every time.
the genetic diversity one doesn't actually work in the case of race mixing. With what is known about population genetics at this point shows that gene clusters tend to evolve together. People with a high genetic distance between them are actually more likely to produce an offspring with randomly matching alleles which produce negative mutations.
Not to mention the fact that the benefit of genetic diversity is generally stated to be increased fitness/health, but mixed race individuals in many instances finding compatible donors for blood, organs, and other things, and occasionally get really weird and unique genetic disorders.
They smell weird but they have tight pussies
this, I prefer that whites produce more whites, but god dam put a little bit of white DNA in a chink and you've got a great sex toy
What the fuck is that? It looks just like all the other shit skins. Really can't tell a fucking difference. Typical black hair, shit brown eyes and dirty skin tone. Bitch needs to take a (((bath))).
Really gets my martini shaking.
Use a condon and fuck her
With niggers? Literally nothing.
she's Latina
How do you know breeding a white woman won't last to inbreeding depression?
-less assburgers
-less autism
-less rare genetic white disease like celiacs disease
-Cystic fibrosis
-Heart disease
-Colon cancer
-Testosterone might increase
Less prone to skin cancer
IQ might drop
Identity crisis
more diabetes
How's this?
My cousin is half-white, quarter black, quarter Native American. He hates black people. Loves Trump.
Obama's half white, half black. He hates white people.
I work in healthcare and you speak the truth. So many of the young autists and other similar mental disorders are fairly light skinned blacks. On some rare occasions its a coal burner mother but on many occasions they have a black mother. (occasionally a father) The whole racemixing is leading to diseased offspring. But I also believe the shit diet black parents feed their kids contributes quite a bit.
> how's this
How about, how's AIDS!
Not a big fan to be honest.
Asian women are hot
Mixed babies look cuter
Asian people and ashkenazi jews are intellectually superior to whites
Most people couldn't give a shit about miscegenation, so it's not like your offspring will be abused
Only stormfags are obsessed with race, so an 'identity crisis' would only occur if the father happens to be a hypocritical, autistic stormfagl
You should always use a condom when fucking a girl you don't know the STD status of. No wonder you minorities have so many STDs.
A chimp with a nice body.
A few heightened orgasms from getting to fuck your exotic brown fetish. A woman who thinks you're special and will stay with you.
>less assburgers
>less autism
Niggers are way more retarded than whites so how would breeding with niggers help decrease the chances of your child being retarded?
You can have children who have a lower IQ than you while looking nothing like you.
Exotic pussy is kind of hot... but so is a pure white girl.
I guess I just want to fuck every hot chick I see. Also most of the average ones...
you really shouldn't think she'd be good for you user
> race trader
>less niggers.
Please forgive me if the picture was not to your approval.
Use a codon and GUC her.
getting rid of black people. between abortions and race mixing, the minority of black people in north america will be wiped out
I bred with a spic bitch
Basically if you raise your kids right they aren't niggers
I married a Jap, because fuck white women. I'd rather raise a hapa than deal with the stress of lying, cheating roastie and a guaranteed eventual divorce resulting in the loss of half my assests. No Thanks.
But the redhead said she shreds the cello, and I'm jello baby.
fake boobs ruin it
Sounds pretty gay.
A friendly push for your lifes inrichment.
i'm a spic and my gf is black
the future Jamal Gonzalez gonna be the best football player in the world
Well if you're trying to launch a socialist overthrow of a government its great at producing weak, stupid, and noncompetitive individuals.
Race-Mixing is fine, Unless you're white since there isn't nearly enough of you guys.
No, your kid is just going to be too lazy to steal.
I dont really mind race mixing as long as my SO holds the same views as me. Though, I wouldn't have kids with a black woman.
but she won't talk, won't look, won't think of you
you're the epitome of public enemy
guys can have more than one kid in a year. get a nice black mistress and marry a white girl to raise kids with
90% chance youre PR
>that milf
u didn't read the rest of my post
Jesus Christ can we get these fucking threads pruned? WHO FUCKING CARES?
>isn't nearly enough of you guys.
HA! You useless idiot. Can you not tell it's happening again? Oh fuck, you have one of them Somalia nigger I.Q's. Border line retarded. Sorry about that faggit!
prune yourself
Girls in rural areas of Canada are top tier red pilled, even the black ones. I date mostly Asians, but this one girl from Trinidad, DDD tits, natural fro, she sucked dick like a Dyson. Kept her around until I ate her pussy, kinda tasted like old milk but I still smashed :P
Anyway, I still see her every day in class but I don't talk to her, I've got a Nepali girl that's a Trump fan and actually admitted she admires what Hitler did for her country. Other leaf bros will attest to what I'm saying
bigger penis than white boys that is for sure
salvadoran actually
the baby's eyes
they seem to say, "j'accuse!"
Why you wanna go and do me like that..?
You just hate us cause you aint us
if you're going to race mix I think east asians and castizos are fine. east asians are high IQ and civilized and castizos are probably whiter than most southern Italians so why not.
any shitskin is an absolute no. no pros whatsoever
>The concept of gene theft just blew my fucking mind.
been at it for a long time, it's how royal jews got to be the way they are, just google up jews and gene theft
very very old concept that still works today, we have half mingled with black royalty, blacks separated their race into castes a long long time ago, lower castes deny protein to pregnant women to make sure the children are stupid, you do this for thousands of years and well, just look at the result, this also explains magic niggers,
but I think the royal families will hold off on mixing any more blacks until they find the group that is entirely immune to HIV AIDS
but HIV AIDS working much faster than smallpox, but still not as fast as black plague which was some type of anthrax
What exactly do you want? The same IQ statistics, crime stats or other assorted fun nigger facts to be posted yet again?
What's that gotta do with fuggin hot black chicks? I'm not asking for SAT scores before we get in bed.
>how would breeding with niggers help decrease the chances of your child being retarded?
well thats not why you would breed, you would be trying to select for a child that had the wanted traits dominant and the unwanted traits recessive
so basically you want the strength of the bones without the density and you want the heightened muscle development and disease resistance
with none of the muh dikkin, rapey murder killing impulsiveness and lack of cognitive function
apefricans = AIDS LMAOS
another point about gene theft, you know how some white people can mate with a black woman and the child comes out totally white, not all but some?
superior genetics from gene stealing produce a more dominant genetic profile
so you know if you have a child with a black woman and it comes out looking half black
you won't survive the day of the rope with those genes, you probably also get sick all the time and are probably on a ton of medications
1) Hybrid Vigour
2) Culture
3) Fun
4) Make white girls jelly
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Jump in front of a semi you cross eyed coon!
Use codeine and GUAC her.
Can confirm, my girlfriend is half korean and she's an absolute angel
This is a really old pic
She's white and Chinese
>czech-asian at school
>biggest feminazi, "empowered", inclusive person I've ever met
>has 10-inch stick up her ass
>nags all the fucking time
>fuck no
The problem of genetic diversity is, there is not enough evidence. Most of the so called studies, base their evidence on biased data. Some are politicized by the multicultural agendas.
One of the issue will be healthcare and early detection for mental issues such as autism. For below middle class and the minority, they might no seek treatment or even know what autism is. Even in research papers, minority or race are not properly represented.
In America alone, majority of the studies are based on the white race. We cannot use such data to nullify or validate the pros and cons of genetic diversity.
I am not convinced that genetic diversity will be a good thing. Especially if mental disorder such as autism, is not properly detected or treated within the population of minority. Race mixing could potentially create more problems. The fact is we still do not have enough data on the different races.
Anyone who makes the claim that genetic diversity has any validation is simply being biased.
There are none
to be fair I know this asian-white at MIT who's like one of the smartest people even at that nerdfest
it's one of these god-tier based people that are like top 0.0000001% of population, so i guess race mixing doesn't strictly make retards
This desu. Many black women would move mountains to get a "nice white guy" and once they get hold of you they will more than likely stay with you for life, because they know the odds are slim for them to get another white guy if they leave you.
I'd feel too guilty about breeding with one though. I wouldn't want to bring any brown people into this world while whites are in decline.
>hybrid vigor
>applying to humans at all
pick one
Muh wite race