I'm a grill on Sup Forums
I'm a grill on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Tits or gtfo
Show me your cock.
What's the problem with your paper?
Have you fucked a nigger
Tits now.
post feet
You don't look like a girl.
Did you make your vote in November based on genitalia?
you're gonna need to take another selfie if we are to believe that is you
that picture was just posted in another thread
fuck off faggot
make me a sandwich
This isnt /b, dont reply to this shit
tits of gtfo
And cute, surprising.
tits or fuck off
Will you be my AI girlfriend?
my neck hurt so i flipped
kill yourself?
I won't post tits. So GTFO yourselves.
I voted Trump.
I've NEVER fucked a nigger.
tits or gtfo, attention whore
kys whore
Sup Forums running so slow for me tonight. Why is that girl?
I might post my feet.
Post yours (with timestamp).
Guy feet are cute.
You know the rules.
How many dicks have been inside you?
Your presence is only valuable if the answer is zero, or one if you're married.
not even (d)ubs
Now, now, fraulein. You know the rules.
>Tits or GTFO, with timestamp
No exceptions.
You should try it though just to make sure
What city are you in
tits or GTFO
pooper also accepted, I think
you're reposting someone else's photo
no tits required
tits or kys
Are you really this starved for attention today?
>for me tonight. Why is that girl?
Do milk and are you going to Franklin NC on 7.7.17?
Kek wills it!
you need to use tea tree oil based soap on your face, very greasy
jesus christ Sup Forums is now Sup Forums
tfw no pol gf
FUCK, was going to try to recite this from memory, thanks bro.
Sorry bitch you know the rules, tits or GTFO. Its not an edgy Sup Forums thing. Its the unfortunate reality (for you)
put shoe on head.
You are a trap until you show proof you are a girl slut.
>I've NEVER fucked a nigger.
you dont belong here Sup Forums is pro-bbc
Are you that girl that made the National Socialism videos on Jewtube, and then got banned?
bait thread KEK
Is your name Kristen?
You look like a girl I knew named Kristen
Hi Kristen
Go to reddit if you want to be worshiped. Otherwise post tits
Enjoy being put on an fbi list slut. Was the attention whoring worth it?
Has been for awhile
Do you know mother nature made semen to be ingested by you on the regular?
Sorry the Sup Forumsacks are being mean to you.
what do girls talk about
Why do anglos love Spaniard cock so much
>mfw his are bigger then those of my gf
Do you want a big abbo cock from this here shitposter
Make pol great again MPGA
How did you happen upon this place?
Why do you guys worship black cock so much?
It's fucking disgusting.
Is it really that hard for women to not attention whore?
You better have a fucking penis.
Fuck off to Reddit whiteknight cuck. I'm an sure you are a virgin.
nice try mestizo spic.
>girl on /pol
wat do?
How did you end up on Sup Forums? A friend, family member, or you just happened to stumble here?
how often you trim your pussy?
That's from 3 months ago.
why don't you suck some racist
I've been here since 2008.
>tfw oldfag
post your feet with an upside down shoe next to them so we know its legit
Ay yo honey u want some dis BBC? White bois can't compete. Come here you lil' thang.
the gyno is strong
stfu and post feet
I shave every few days.
>fails to see humor
Female confirmed lads
How many black dicks have you taken?
Are you single? How do you feel about the jews? Why made you vote for Trump?
Post your feet with a MAGA hat on top of them so we know YOU'RE legit.
Pics to prove
Put a sharpie in there
do you get off on attention whoring yourself out?
i hope you have trouble sleeping at night.. i really do.
We don't it's women
this is going in the fucking collection
I'm Galician you 60% piece of shit
Actual nigger here. I always false flag tbqh
Bait thread.
Why did you guys respond to her so much if you're angry that she's getting attention for being a girl? Do you think you're tough for talking shit about women?
Just ignore her.
Hi Sarah
I'm not a girl and they don't ship MAGA hats to Australia
Fuck off.
Make white babies.
I should get a pic of a girl off the internet and get lots of (you)s.
I am single.
Liberal jews are a serious problem.
Trump is fun, handsome, and right.