Why do conservaSHITS think Trump still cares about the working class?
>I just picked a bunch of super successful economic geniuses to work on the economy
Gee user, I don't know
gotta give respect to drumpf,he played the retards of pol like a fiddle
Public schools suck, just throwing money at them can't fix their bullshit
Those "economic geniuses" robbed your country time and time again. How about you take the arrogant, unlettered, unread, presumptuous and bent cocktwaddle you try to fob off as rational argument and jam it back down the spring-loaded latrine trapdoor you call a mouth, you rancid little cheapjack fuckpuddle.
Trump could literally shit on workers and he'd still be better for them than Hillary because at least he doesn't deliberately close their factories.
U have no sovereignty small-cock taiwashit
I am from the greatest country in the entire world on vacation and you are from Brazil. Go ahead and rub one off to the thought of you ever living a life as great as mine you disgusting cockroach.
ENOUGH with the shilling leaffag.
You country just gained significance from congratulating Trump on victory. You can't claim shit lol
succesful, that's good. Good qualification for anything, show's she cares about something, hard working, persistent. So far so great
>No education degree
no indoctrination, excellent
>No teaching experience
and the CEO of mcdonalds has no experience flipping bugers
>Never attended public school or state university
Good, she's well educated
>Never put her own children in public school
Smart enough to save her children from those
>Does not believe in or support public education
Who does?
>Believes that public school teachers are overpaid
They are paid an awfully lot to be marxist baby sitters
>Supports for-profit education
Profit is the best motivator to efficiency, that is a fact. Only brain-dead marxists disagree
>Invested $200 M in Christian schools and organizations
Wow she really cares about the future, great women
>Doggedly advocates funneling money out of public education and into for-profit Christian-based education
Money out of corrupt useless public institutions into highly efficient schools that care?
Fuck this woman is based, I didn't know anything about her but that inforgraphic sold me
I am from your country you loathsome and overweight shitskin nigger
>Hitler had his Berlin wall
Guess they don't teach history in lib arts
I wonder where the left was with these hard hitting criticisms when Obama just handed over the financial crisis to Wall Street?
Kek wills it, the wall will happen
epik XDD!!!
public schools are horrible, and a teaching degree just means you've been lobotomized
>le education is indoctrination meme
>le Marxist conspiracy meme
Ignorance is strength.
pre election day because he had berniesque rhetoric and shit all over globalized mega companies. His shtick clearly was aimed at blue collar workers who he said he would protect from ebil globalization.
post election because conservatives genuinely believe that
> deregulate everything and hand over the economy to big business
>everybody wins
is what will happen, I'm not sure how his Reagan democrats and union supporters are going to take this though.
winning an election and partisanship means losing all sense of ideological integrity bro. Notice how the anti-war dems spoke barely a peep about Obama and drones/Iraq/Afghanistan? If a leftie announced the Carrier deal conservatives would denounce it as another step in the road to socialism
That is so retarded I honestly have to wonder if a Republican made it for the purpose of making OccupyDemocrats look stupid, ie. the meme form of fake news.
If you assume Americans are niggers, and you're American, what does that make you?
yes chicago public school must absolutely be dismantled so good for this broad
>"why didn't he pick a bunch of random working class people to work on the economy!?"
Drumpftards are a fucking joke.
> elected a literal cucklord as PM
> can be arrested for saying things that might hurt tumblrina feelings
> gay marriage considered non-controversial
> legalized beastiality
> importing massive numbers of third world scum
> institutionalized white guilt and white genocide
> banned guns to ensure 3rd world dindus can safely rob rape and murder
> still thinks americans give a wet shit for canadian opinions
leafs BTFO
day of the rake when?
Who do idiots continue to think that Trump supporters are Conservatives?
>chink nigger
>great life
pick one
>Anonymous (ID: Qi0jCu1V) 12/09/16(Fri)21:12:33 No.102259405 ▶
> (OP)
> > elected a literal cucklord as PM
> > can be arrested for saying things that might hurt tumblrina feelings
> > gay marriage considered non-controversial
> > legalized beastiality
> > importing massive numbers of third world scum
> > institutionalized white guilt and white genocide
> > banned guns to ensure 3rd world dindus can safely rob rape and murder
> > still thinks americans give a wet shit for canadian opinions
> leafs BTFO
> day of the rake when?
Why would an admin need a teaching degree? Dumbfuck
>rail about government being in the pocket of bg business, even bitch out cruz for being tied to Goldman Sachs
>win election
>CEOS everywhere in your cabinet, including at least two from Goldman
>even the secretary of state is going to be a CEO
you have to admit this is pretty low hanging fruit for a liberal critic to pick. I mean he even picked that restaurant CEO for labor secretary who was quoted as saying he'd sooner automate his stores than pay workers $15. The attack ads pretty much write themselves
> gay marriage considered non-controversial
>implying it's controversial here
gay marriage is a non-controversial issue anymore my friend. the only battlegrounds left are transgender rights, LGBT adoption, and the religious liberty shit.
I'll put it this way. Her strength, like Trump, and like most people that he picked, have REAL WORLD experience. That is 1000x more valuable than going to college for 8 years. To think that you have to go to collge for 4 to 8 years to consider educated and acceptable. My dad never even graduated high school and he is smarter than most people I know because he works in the real world and reads a lot. Also, college now isn't about eduacting people, they take people that they can throw debt on, because it's more about maintaining diversity profiles and making money. If it's a public school it's sole focus is to pass kids, get a degree in their hands so that they can keep getting (or even get more) state funding. So what do they do? Dumb down the curriculum so that people at the middle of the bell curve (and some times to the left) are able to attend based on things like race, instead of actually intelligence like it was 20 years ago.
? you obviously aren't in university if you think most profs and teachers aren't marxists. You can ask them. I've asked them.
listing donations to Christian schools and not going to liberal indoctrinated schools as bad.
hahahahahahaha. fucking liberals are so dumb they have no clue their education is merely propaganda.
Did you think that was a clever way of insulting someone? Saying made up words that sound cool, that's your argument? You dumbslaw jackbilled coddlesworth niggerninny Roman Forehead of a slickscunt mopmouthed cuntswallow.
I'm a student. I have hardly heard anyone praise communism, and I've heard several people talk about how communism has killed over 100 million.
Holy shit!!!
Just got
> gay marriage is non-controversial in the US
found the taxachussetts fag.
Eat shit and fucking die you Nazi piece of shit
you must not go to school in canada. Also i've interviewed at top US schools where i found many marxists. Maybe you go to a state school in the south or something.
Stop voting against your own interests and vote for the explicitly anti-white party, you inbred redneck trash!
>says hes on vacation
>call him a chink anyway
who did it better, Trump or lil hitler hillary?
>with Hollywood ties
I thought this was supposed to be a good thing, according to the demoshits? Why else would they parade the long list of Hollywood know-nothings in front of all their slobbering masses?
>First claim that it is my country not yours
>Next claim that you are from either the US or Switzerland
>Insults like an autistic Korean
>legal in every state
>republicans don't make a fucking peep about it anymore
>governor of North Carolina managed to lose in a state where Republicans won pretty much everything else over the bathroom bill
No one even talks about gay marriage domestically anymore, now the goalposts have been moved so far we're debating whether people who don't believe in gay marriage should be forced to serve gay couples.
>living in Mass.
I prefer raking in the gas money in rural PA thanks
You expect him to appoint some dude who lost his steel mill job?
>school system is all fucked to hell
>we should get a teacher to fix it
have you met a public school teacher?
>Supporting school choice a bad thing
Wew lad
Why do LEAFS keep posting this exact same question every 2 hours?
This convinced me if anything. Thanks.
Public education is almost garbage tier in some areas of the country.