I'm thinking about plastering pic related all over campus. Have any ideas Sup Forums? Give me more memes.
>Have any ideas Sup Forums?
make sure you dont get caught
I'll be careful.
do it you glorious faggot
Tfw no social media, and no pictures of me on the internet. Tfw undoxable. Tfw too smart to get caught on camera.
Moar like these?
This is not how you propaganda dingus. Way too much shit going on. Autistic af.
Keep it short and explosive. Vanguard, Identity Europa, and TRS are great at this.
Thought i had more posters but I can't find any. These two pictures could be good for nomies.
OR you can always throw up some counter signal memes.
The best one is this, because it's a simple message that no reasonable person could disagree with, yet it drives liberals insane with rage.
Make them as minimalistic and simple as possible.
add TRS
This is the best approach in my view. It does not criticize any race or ethnicity, it merely reachs out to whites. If the media tries to turn this into "racism" or "white supremacy", it will actually backfire and make us look good.
cs memes leave me with an irony taste in my mouth even after glimpsing. the propaganda posters grab one by the heart instead
Yeah see that's what I'm saying. Vanguard's propoganda is terrific. You don't want a bunch of spergy infographs that no one will read. My favorite is Identity Europa's - aesthetic as fuck.
Nice, like the watermark
Good one. Saved.
i like the meme but it doesn't have a good flow of information. takes way too long to ingest the message and then you're left without direction
tfw lying about doing this intentionally
tfw no friends to take pictures
This is the correct answer. The idea is to say something reasonable, have the left chimp out, and have normies realize they are crazy.
4D chess lads.
In this thread: shit that won't redpill anyone and will actually make people hate the right
You need like this.
You're either dumb or not paying attention. The more the left chimps out to messages like "Whites have a right to exist" the more normies are driven to our side.
Here are some racial differences.
>enlightenment philosophy leads to fascism
das rite mate, can confirm
This is perfect but TRS needs to make a normie-friendly red pill page. Pretty easy for people to dismiss their meme fest.
Why is there never a middle east in these damn categories. No one ever thinks gooks and sandniggers are in the same category.
I love this but it won't work with low-average IQ or people without an appreciation for irony.
Not very good at propaganda, huh?
that's way too much info to just slap on one poster. you need something simple like
You can always edit out the TRS url if thats not your crew. They are just really, really good at their flyering campaigns.
Good point. Didn't think of it that way.
Or you can go full Iron March. Those fellas are a bit rude imo.
If you are useing your printer, which you are also useing for printing your stuff for university of work you should know, that most printer leave unique patterns at the copy.
That's a bit too morbid for the normies. I'm trying to stay positive, or at the very least, stick to the facts with a bit of humor.
But since you are in the US and by this protected under the first amendment, this shouldn't be such a big issue for you.
Then maybe just bite some TRS ones. I'll dump a few more.
Do it and post results.
I'm not attending the college, but I live in the area. So far, I've only used my printer for work/healthcare/insurance purposes. Is there still a risk? If so, how do I avoid this problem?
How fucking big are you guys going to make his head, its getting out of control.
They have security cameras
If you do this, wear a hood. They've tracked people down and gotten them expelled for doing this
dont think about it. do it.
god speed.
Any anons have tips for avoiding being caught on camera? I'm worried about putting up some fashy memes and being tracked down using CCTV footage
Wear this, and do it at night.
Don't bother with statistics, in the mind of a liberal they are all post facto racist based on their results.
Focus on obvious contradictions in ideology that can be expressed in simple terms, such as counter-signal memes.
Give them the impression that they are being lied to, that they might not always be right, in easy-to-read terms.
are those the only redpilled media out there?
I only have USHerald by now
Alright, thanks. I'm planning to put up some posters at my school next semester, I just have to figure out where all the cameras are, and plan accordingly.
It's too busy, i.e. cluttered. Simplify it.
Make sure you park your car away from campus, preferably somewhere on a nearby residential street. Don't get your plates caught on camera either, famalam.
Get rid of the autistic logo and Pepe and you will be set.
Anyone else think maybe we shouldn't have pepes on there?
Do something about Muslims. A lot of Normies on places like youtube comments and stuff have started disliking them but they still don't like actual racism and shit
do the Pew Research one were 80% want Sharia, 50% think suicide bombings are justified and so on
Just wear a hood. Super easy
Security cam footage sucks balls, especially at night. As long as your face isn't openly exposed they have nothing on you
You should also cover your hands so they can't identify your race
How likely is it he's going to get shot or get the shit beat out of him?
Start packin to be safe OP
this too
I like the "4th wave feminism" shit. Successfully co-opting the term feminism would be hilarious.
Don't worry about me. I'm a pretty big guy, and I live in hipsterville.
More luegenpresse
>do the Pew Research one were 80% want Sharia, 50% think suicide bombings
Anyone got memes for this?
>Anyone got memes for this?
The German flag
Stfu faggot
eric memem x x X D d d X D D X Xd D Xd
Why not?
thx OP
Definitely not. TYhey look autistic as fuck
That's just the thing, I'm worried about how many cameras there, and whether or not they would potentially be able to string together successive video footage of me from multiple cameras, so they would see me leaving campus, going to my car, driving it home etc. etc.
I, really don't see how I could not get caught with putting one of these up in my college. I'm not scared of confrontation I just don't want to get kicked out. (which would happen)
This one is yuge.
Do it at 3 or 4 am while wearing a fake beard, beanie, and hipster glasses. If you can't go directly onto campus, attach posters to nearby telephone poles, bus stops, etc. Park your car far enough away from the cameras, and have an escape plan ready if shit hits the fan.
Why not just aesthetic posters that convey that we have superior a e s t h e t i c s
Infographics and stats are way too much for liberals to handle.
no pls this aesthetic is too good to just plaster on any random street corner
i dont want normies having even a taste of what a e s t h e t i c means just yet
we still need to filter them out a bit