What if Islam is the only path against degeneracy??
What if Islam is the only path against degeneracy??
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its pathetic that the ugly poor fag loser who took the screenshot didnt even match with her and only made an account to stare at girls that would never match with him
Their prophet was a pedophile.
An old fuck marring a child seems pretty degenerate.
Also sandniggers
>the only path against degeneracy is violence
When will you retards realize that any for of force creates an equal opposition.... even the bible says, live by the sword, die by the sword
You cannot win through violence, you just keep the pendulum swinging.
The degeneracy ends when you plant your seed in them mate
Islam is degeneracy.
Just look at what all the Abduls are doing.
They aren't getting cucked by Westerners as far as I know
it's looking better than cuckstianity at the moment desu. christianity is basically sjw tier now and doesn't demand anything from anyone. everything is ok yay let's not have standards yay lets all be cucks and vote democrat yay
>What if Islam is the only path against degeneracy??
But it obviously isn't you silly jungle monkey.
> t Abdul Ahmed Allahu Akbar
The almighty Kek is the only path against degeneracy
>What if Islam is the only path against degeneracy?
then you're not being creative enough
Islam is a path against degeneracy, but it's not the answer.
Islam is too much like Christianity was a few hundred years ago. Not in the sense of "muh Crusades, Christians are bad too!" but in the sense that it's become intertwined with Arab cultures.
If we embraced Islam whole heartedly, not only would we lose our most persuasive arguments against Muslim immigration, but we'd be ceding a few aspects of our culture as well.
That said, the older I've gotten the more I sympathize with Hitler when he allegedly wished Islam was the religion of the German people.
I would put stock in Christianity, but the Church today is horrendous.
If you're a Catholic, you can look forward to your money being tied up in pedophilia lawsuits. If it doesn't end up there, enjoy financing Islamic guest speakers to come and lead a prayer at the Vatican.
Catholicism at one point in time would've been perfect; however, it's too weak, and the actual power structure of the Church itself has been hijacked by liberation theologists (literal Marxists).
Protestantism is too splintered, it lacks an organized power structure, and spouts nonsense like spiritual equality and "faith not works."
The Orthodox Church is too weak outside of Eastern Europe to be of any use on a societal level. I've been on the fence about checking the one in my town out for personal reasons, though.
Christianity as a whole, though? We shouldn't expect to fix degeneracy with it.
To use a fairly clear example, I was scrolling through a number of Christian forums, looking at the take of Christians on marrying someone who isn't a virgin.
Naturally I found a good number of threads where it's either guys complaining that they're dating someone who isn't a virgin but they waited, or a girl complaining about being dumped for not being a virgin.
The responses were always as follows:
>"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
>God forgives you, he's at fault for not forgiving you! You go girl!
It's not you dumbass, are you blind or did you forget the middle east is a cesspool of degeneracy and poverty?
What was it called again, oh yeah good ol Christian values.
Thats the reality of it. really disappointing, I'd prefer it if people honestly read the bible and understood what God wants rather than listen to some jew loving priest.
not to mention that their prophet was not a prophet at all
the quran says you have to listen to the torah
the torah says only Israelites can be prophets
muhammed claimed decent from ishmael
islam is a false religion
and this is also an interesting watch
Because fucking goats isn't top tier degeneracy, right, OP?
What does the code mean?
Also, do all finnish look like that?
Goats and cousins.
The consanginuity rates in dunecoon countries is astronomically high.
What about SDA or Mormon? Aren't they kinda against degeneracy?
I am not a member of either but I found themselves to be really sticking up to their own rules
I've noticed something.
Even here on Brazil more than 80% of the women on Tinder are white.
What does that mean?
Funny how no one addresses the argument.
>Islam is the only way to stop degeneracy
>All alternatives have failed
Prove me wrong.
You shills need to be more subtle than that
islam is hypocritical
the only rule in islam is don't rape MY whore
pedophilia, especially gay pedophilia is huge in islamic countries
poor muslims will rape women any woman they want, together even when they get to western countries
rich muslims will ship women on the otherside of the country to get degenerate woman to pay and fuck, and then have their children have fun with her too
islam sees no need to care for its people, just don't rape the whore i claimed
You can't use something if you can't afford the device required..
I've heard praise of SDA and had other anons recommend it to me, like the Orthodox Church I might look into it for other reasons, but I'm not expecting the SDA to save western morality.
Mormonism might be fine, I honestly don't know. I'm just biased against Mormons, because I went to High School with one and she was the school bicycle by Junior Year.
>school bicycle
So she became the whore? I dont know that term?
>So she became the whore
He calls her the school bicycle because everyone at the school had a ride.
all right!