This Triggers the Zulu


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It triggers americans as well.

leaf plz go

Getting triggered cuz you a nigger

Wrong period. Now this uniform...

The black death

>over the hills and far away

Is he telling his troops where to retreat to after a battle against the Americans?

No it's where your shitbreed spawn hails from, gotta kill them at the source.

This triggers entire fucking Europe

Well you've done a really good job of it.

That's what we were doing instead of sending our full forces to the Americas. 1776 was a sideshow for us with the peninsular/napoleonic wars

He's not wrong



Sweden had an empire...

>Sweden had an empire

We would have if it wasn't for you kikes spreading your freedom and democracy.

You know freedom and democracy stands for third-world overpopulation and decolonization right?

Thanks for the whole killing rhodesia and south africa bit.

The webley Col John Chard VC carried at Rorkes Drift

The Zulu kicked your tea sipping ass all things considered

If you say so.

>we would have if you weren't better at us so instead we lost, losers


The British empire started losing colonies because of the depression and WW2 and by the time we had established ourselves as a superpower colonization was essentially over and it was just a matter of waiting for countries to declare independence.

Rhodesia still would have been fine if it wasn't for that idiot Mugabe.

Your president didn't want to help us defend our africa territory, and then you urged india and the rest to separate from the empire. This whole mess is because of your freedom and democracy, enjoy turning brown you shitskin lover.

>we day good guys, honest!

fucking backstabbers.


>you didn't do it for us so it's your fault

Socialism has really taken a toll on your people, hasn't it?


Hush now cousin, just look at the flowers, it will be over soon.

its a song about recruitment to fight in the royal army to opress savages in the name of king george

oh geez, oh man, that is just nuts

Are you mentally retarded, do you not know your own history? You are the reason the empire fell apart. The empire kept the 3rd worlders in check. You reap what you sow dumb kike.


God you're butthurt. I guess that means I win.

Sounds like fun.

Yes you win the multicult jewish award. Enjoy mr 60%

No. A huge condition of the US ww2 aid was dependant on allowing colonial independence. You fucked us at sued, and encouraged Indian independence.

ikr, if it wasn't for americans we would be colonizing space right now and most of us would be living on mars.

>dude freedom lmao
>pass the nigger dick

Shaka died long before the Anglo-Zulu war.

It should be Cetshwayo.


enjoy your 4 million dollar houses surrounded by gooks who only speak cat sex

Maybe you shouldn't have accepted if the colonies were so important. We clearly meant to take them over but the cultural Marxists already had a foothold in our schools and now we have to half-ass the whole empire thing or the second amendment might happen.

I don't see why this is a concern now that circumstances have disarmed the libtards but I imagine the real reason has temple tomorrow.

empires rise and fall

roman empire civilized europe and gb

the british empire civilized and colonized the world

the usa will spread our ways to space

Lol whatever champ you are the one bragging not me.

>Dude white genocide LMAO


in your dreams, trump is a corporate hack, we are fucking doomed.

The Zulu empire saved the British a lot of time in taking over South Africa.

not really...we have fought nearly countries on this map are nations we never ffought,colonized or invaded

even america would fucking blush at this shit

You know you wrote off stalins war debt, and we didn't finish paying ours until 1996? We understood it was a war for national survival.

You got NATO out of it, which is why your grandmothers never got raped by commies.

Britain is the GOAT civilization. It can't be debated. All of their colonies became first world powers as well.

On top of that, the Soviets paid their debt in blood.

Nice hand, chubby.

I have a hard time believing Britain ever fought Kazakhstan.

We should have btfo the commies straight after ww2 before they had the bomb.

I'm with you and Patton on this one but it's really easy to make that call today.

The public would never accept an attack on an ally directly after the deadliest war of all time and while Europe was still in ruins.

Yep, Russian civil war. Only 22 countries we haven't invaded/fought

Central African Republic
Congo, Republic of
Ivory Coast
Marshall Islands
Sao Tome and Principe
Vatican City

Born to fkn oppress

>spends the whole thread criticizing the US
>is ignorant of the federal government's ability to whip up a war frenzy in the American people

I mean for god's sake Syria has the exact same justification as Iraq and the people who protested Iraq are ready to fight Russia over it.

We could have smashed the commies.

Maybe it would if we lost...

this triggers them even more;

Many keks were had that day.

New Boer War when?

he won't be president forever

im currently hatching a plan to take mongoria


Actually, this part is the trigger.


This triggers the britbong

I know you're a troll, but
>implying napoleon wasn't a 7 year old in 1776

Theres still time to shorten the list
>when you get beaten to death by niggers with sticks

Goddamn, our founding fathers were too fucking brilliant!