Do traditional girls who aren't whores exist here?
Do traditional girls who aren't whores exist here?
Yes, but I've only ever met one, I lost my chance with her, she is a Christian, smart, funny, pretty.
Took me years to get over her.
There are some. Just stay away from crowded/popular places and some universities.
Plus, if she's on welfare, just don't. They are probably the most degenerate of them all.
In Santa Catarina and Rio grande so sul yes.
Do you have welfare and free healthcare?
Yes, but women here are just as dangerous if not more than in civilized countries, so don't bother.
Yep. Not as generous as most european countries but still...
yes, in our small cities, protected from dirty foreigners
Yes - many, as a matter of fact.
Beware though. That whole "south american girls are very feminine but if you don't put a stop to them they will fucking rip your balls off" meme is for real. As very feminine women, they demand very masculine men. Be a men's man or you are fucked. She will just dominate you and fuck you completely.
Stay out of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, most of northeast and big cities in the South and you will find many good girls.
your south is like Europe, just with more murders.
Yes, both. But the public healthcare is garbage.
Nope. Not even kidding, when i was in high school there was this girl, a saint, didnt talk much but was pretty hot. Then i saw her at a party, twerking like a whore. If you want a traditional girl she will be UGLY, and i mean FUCKING UGLY A S FUCK
Big cities are pretty violent (due to drug traffic), but small cities tend to be ok.
Still one of the safest places of the country, though.
In what consists your welfare, is it for un employed persons, poor people, handicapped, old man, and single mothers?
Sao Paulo is white too.
Sao Paulo (city) is very mixed.
The interior and rural areas are more white.
In our public health system we can actually get very expensive procedures and medicine for free.The bad thing is It's a very slow system and our emergencial treatment is bad too
Families with low income per capita get Bolsa Familia, which is a small monthly benefit, there are unemployment benefits and assistance for handicapped people as well among other stuff
Go to Santa Catarina
today a qt3.14 brazilian girl asked me where was the nearest "ônibus" stop
White girls in the south are a lot less slutty than the average Brazilian girl.
There are some quality church girls in Brazil but because Christianity is so popular there, being in church alone is not enough to guarantee she is a good girl.
Evangelical churches have a higher percentage of girls who are moral. Stick to evangelical girls or southern white girls and you should be able to find some.
Avoid: any girl with a nose ring, tattoo, any girl who goes to carnival etc
Yes but not in Brazil
como caralhos vocês chamam o ônibus em portugal?
Yes. The fucking over-religious ones.
In fact i couldn't tolerate so much bs and just broke up with one tonight. We would make 9 months together on the next week. AMA if you wish.
>The interior and rural areas are more white.
You mean more segregated.
Did they really starting punishing catcalling with a fine, argie?
Order and progress are the two things they don't have in that country.
Brazilian women can be very beautiful. Would I ever date or marry one? Fuck no. That both answers your question and provides the reason.
Do you think that Southern Brazil has a chance of breaking away? I heard your southern 3 provinces are trying to pull a Texas. Their arguments are also pretty sound.
Only if (((they))) want
no one is willing to die for it here
Considering your country is in worse shape, politically, than South Korea right now, don't you think you could just slip away in the chaos?
It's not like you're fighting to regain sovereignty of Dublin and Ulster.
White southern provinces with genetic tests for 100% European state would create a mini Europe in Latin America and if it fails then all nationalism in Latin America ceases to exist, lets give it a shot, no?
>Do traditional girls exist here
>who aren't whores
They're traditionally whores
Sounds pretty nice. I might actually visit South America were that the case.
I was born in southern Brazil and even my grandma was a whore in her young days. She told me all about that shit she basically cucked my granddad the place is really fucked up I don't even look at Brazilian women as "people" anymore.
thats a possibility
there was a refendum here recently with almost 1 million votes where 95% of the people voted yes for the separation, but in daily life its like no one is talking about it
also there is almost 0 representation in the politics from this moviment
the only great opportunity that I see is when (((they))) decide to balcanize the nation to take rich parts of amazon jungle
Balkanization of a non nation isn't balkanization, because in the first place it's an arbituary state, (((They))) only work to balkanize actual nations such as south slavs, spaniards, Germans, British people, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italians etc..
Brazil is basically 3 countries in one as is. You've got the Amazon, which is basically less mountainous Bolivia, South Brazil, which is just a European colony, and Brazil proper, which is heavily mixed.
Really all you'd need to do is create your own parliament and petition the UN to recognize you.
It won't happen, too many shitskins even on Sup Forums that disagree with it because of their inferiority complex. As a white Brazilian from londrina, parana, fuck the rest of the country, you're all useless lazy fucks leaching off the south.
As far as I can tell, they're much like Catalan in Spain, or Tuscany/Northern Italy, where the rest of the nation leeches off of them.
It won't happen, too many shitskins even on Sup Forums that disagree with it because of their inferiority complex.
Why not?
If there isn't a different between the European state literally just created from White blood all over the country then the state just unites with the rest of the country.
My sister.
Yes just like those examples but much much worse. If the south becomes it's own country it will be a lot like a mix of America and Paraguay. There will still have shitskins but atleast it's not a cesspool like the rest of the country.
do i exist
All women are whores. Stop deluding yourselves huebros. Take the bitter red-pill and learn that even your mommas were big sluts at some point. Stop waiting for unicorns to fall on your laps. They DON'T exist.
>Implying gaúchas aren't big sluts.
It's called Uruguay.
The rest of the country think the south want to secede because they are white and think they are better than the rest of the country. Which they are. It's just jealousy desu.
She's probably bouncing on top of Uélinton's cock now.
Yeah, and Southern Brazil also spends more in taxes than they get back. They really should secede.
It's one of the countries with most christians on the planet.
Whoring is one of the most traditional things a woman can do.
>Implying that keeps them from being whores. I love me some crente do cu quente.
None would date a foreigner they just met, I tell you that. If the 2014 WC proved something it was that only slags go for fgn dick. Those 7/10's that date pasty white britons are textbook money leeches/alimony trap The good girls only date those they trust and know for long.
No, they are all whores - now fuck off new landnigger