How will Trump ever recover?

How will Trump ever recover?

It's over.

By becoming President of the United States

>implying that he wont take the money and run

But user.

How would a privileged white Californian ever think of doing that?

Is this the new way SJWs make money? Raise funds for some bullshit movement?

>thinking this shit will work

No refunds, kids!

This is also a textbook example of why you can't trust leftists with economic matters.

>I left my job to support this useless petition full time

Looks like he'll be killing himself on January 17th

This is whats gonna happen. This is also a repeating digit thread now.

yes, they're all criminals

Every elector that has spoken on the record about this speaks of all the death threats and hate mail they are getting from the left. Nobody is going to be an unfaithful elector.

All these whiney baby libs have been living in a world of acceptance their whole life and this dose of reality is too much for them. They seem unable to get past the bargaining stage of grief

Yes, let's have mob rule. No more protection for minorities.

Wish I would have thought of this desu.

>day after election day
"Well, the electoral college voted Trump in. Can I get my money back?"
...w-we spent it :)
Check out my new car!

Democrats will do anything to get God Emperor Trump out of the Presidential position

Honestly I hope this happens.
They think there is unrest now among the left?
If they vote Trump out because "muh feewings" just imagine the chaos.
Happenings and comfy times incoming!

shit I need to make my own donation box. literally free money

>look up the email addresses of all 538 electors
>send them some shitty youtube video asking them to vote for hillary
>total cost- a few hours looking up the email addresses and about 5 minutes in front of a camera

wish i was this smart, its the perfect way to take advantage of morons just like how Stein raised 7 million to do like 1 serious recount that cost a million

because he has a jew nose

lmao libtards, give this cuck six figures so he doesn't have to work for a few years

Plz gimme monies so I can stop the evil Trump, I promise I won't just take it all and buy myself my 3rd home :^)

Don't these fucking idiots who are donating to this realize the process that needs to happen for abolishing the Electoral College.

This nothing more than a scam, and needs to be investigated for fraud. Unbelievable.

First (((Stein))) and now (((Brezenoff))). How much shekels is enough??!

Another money making scheme?

Geez, these goys never learn!

no refunds goy

Lol, libs are dumb. $250k to make phone calls for a few days.

Pretty sure it's against the law to bribe people openly and in public. I'd love it if everyone who gave money to this was treated as equally guilty

>I quit my job to support an online petition literally anyone in the entire world can sign (and those that do end up with a whole bunch of Viagra commercials because IP farming)
>Actually does reach its goal
>Congress laughs and uses it as toilet paper

Filming in front of drapes, the surefire sign that this is a scam.

On the list of likely consequences for faithless electors, I'd say that fine that you're offering to compensate them for ranks rather low. Your compensations can't unlynch a guy.
Also, this is prosecutable conspiracy to commit a crime, and all of you will be tried and jailed under a Justice Department that isn't complicit with your criminal activities.

>Pretty sure it's against the law to bribe people openly and in public

not sure he will even put in that effort himself

he will hire liike 5 pajeets for $5 to make the phone calls in a day or maybe make a youtube video

they are taking money from retards, that should not be against the law

didn't know that (((Brezenoff))) is a skype surname.
then i took a look at his big hooked nose
adolf made many mistakes, but gasing the kikes was not one of them

>Quits his job
>Needs donations
How could this be any more transparent a scam?

Also his name looks like it echos, confirmation?

It's straight criminal bribery. They are offering financial inducements to change & effect an elected officials decision making in their capacity as a public official.

Comey should double down and lock these people up.

because libtards