I'm the result of a marriage of a man of Scottish descent and a woman of Kenyan/Ethiopian descent. I'm mutually enamored with a girl of European descent.
Why shouldn't people like me date people like her, Sup Forums?
I'm the result of a marriage of a man of Scottish descent and a woman of Kenyan/Ethiopian descent. I'm mutually enamored with a girl of European descent.
Why shouldn't people like me date people like her, Sup Forums?
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Letting Sup Forums decide your love life
Racemixing is bad because your offspring would belong to neither tribe, greatly reducing their chance of survival.
Well, what am I supposed to do, just castrate myself and live a loveless life?
It's improbable that I'll have children without racemixing.
this is the result of a beautiful expression of love between 2 men and not at all a perverse, degenerate sex act
Your mom got BLEACHED.COM'd dude. You seriously gonna take that lying down my nigga???
I'm just grateful it wasn't the other way around, my dad actually stayed with and raised me and my brother.
He's done some shitty things but the man has one hell of a conscience, unlike some psychopathic blacks I've seen.
Because you're a nigger.
adopt white children
That's kinda doing a diceroll with the genetics though, both me and this girl are healthy straight A students and the people who drop their kids off for adoption probably aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, regardless of melanin type. Would rather pass down smart genes then accidentally pick up a bundle of dumb ones.
>asking this to Sup Forums
If you don't know your black gene get passed but only want your smart gene get passed, I guess you can wait for genetic engineering tho
It's fine, no one really cares, go be happy OP.
I don't see what's wrong with passing down my black genes, which is why I made the thread.
Was mostly interested in arguments.
Nah go ahead and do it kid. I wish you the best.
If not fitting in reduced survival, Sup Forums would be a graveyard.
There's no reason you shouldn't. Go for it.
If people like you and your father kept their dicks in their pants around women of other races my country would be in a much better position
To prevent contamination superior genes. You don't breed show dogs with street mutts.
It's also treasonous to the respective tribes.
Seeing the vast number of socio-political problems in Brazil, I doubt white guys with Latina fever are much to blame.
People who don't care for inbred dogs with multiple health problems that look pretty don't really care.
It's not your fault.
It's your filthy race traitor dad that should be drawn and quartered for collectively lowering the IQ of the white race by fucking a literal monkey.
You didn't ask to be born though so I don't blame you
The answer to your question is this
Niggers=Lower IQ
Whites=Higher IQ
Niggers+Whites=Good for niggers, bad for whites
Understand now?
Except for the fact that genetic IQ doesn't account for much in the 21st century due to vast reform of the educational system.
Explain why less black people graduate high school than white people, consistently score lower on IQ tests, and are much less likely to attend university compared to their white counter parts.
Oh they are poor, and disfranchised. . . right.
It's because the mainstream degenerate African-American culture shys away from striving for intellectualism.
But as a black guy, I know you can't put us all into a basket like that. I don't see anything wrong with a decent black person being in a relationship with a decent person of any other race.
I have a decent IQ (124) so, as an individual, is there anything intrinsically wrong with me dating this other person?
Yeah this is exactly what I'm saying.
About the IQ part, not the intrinsically wrong part.
genetics is not the only factor for intelligence. parenting and education system matter as well. most black parents are shitty parents, combined with their genes produces the "niggers" or "dindus" whom we mock on a daily basis in Sup Forums.
Also this. I was raised in a good household, by hard-working black immigrants who taught me great ideals.
>mainstream degenerate African-American culture
You mean the culture that a bunch of dumb niggers created, love, and continue to perpetuate all on their own? That one?
Try again.
>It's because the mainstream degenerate African-American culture shys away from striving for intellectualism.
I had a blue-pilled friend like you, even had a baby with a Haitian girl. Then he became an inner city school teacher and swallowed the red-pill pretty fast. I don't have to the heart to tell him what his half-black daughter will inevitably become once puberty hits her.
That's what happens you swallow your gum, kids. Be warned.
Well I'm a black guy so I doubt I'm getting any more red-pilled than I am now.
how does this even happen?
Is that what it feels like to chew 5 gum?
Of course it's their fault for perpetuating it. I'm not arguing that.
Judging by your posts, I think you have room for improvement.
God's punishment
Good for you. I wonder what your IQ would be if your father wasn't into bestiality.
Obviously the argument I used is just a matter of statistics. When you bring the individual into it you create a lot more variables.
Are there going to be exceptions to the general rule? Of course there are. You seem to be living proof of this. Congratulations you hit the genetic lottery. That doesn't mean the general rule still doesn't stand. More often than not mixing with blacks will lower the collective IQ of the white race.
god likes playing with boys assholes?
Well his priests do.
Having a quadroon kid is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
Not sure what you want from me, I'll take the tl;dr.
Plan for the least manageable hair scenario.
It's not like it's an equal trade. White women=gold tier, Afro=bronze, at least in white mens eyes.
You do know 44% of our population is Pardo, aka "mixed", right?
The regions that lead Brazil are the Southeast and the South, and yearly the federal government takes 90% of all of this regions's taxes and invests it in shitty poor regions full of pardos.
I'm not talking about gringos going after ugly inbred mutts with disproportional bodies, I'm talking about the kind of mixing that happened in the Northeast and North - young european men who came to become rich in Brazil end up settling with native or black women creating an entire new ethnic group
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
>southest provinces
I've been in Brazil and it's shit
>girl of European descent
intelligence is heritable, even if you are fit genetically IQ regresses to the mean as it is only about 70% haritable, in a sense she would be marrying down and you would be marrying up genetically speaking. You're children statistically be less fit then if she married a full white with a similar set of characteristics. I honestly dont think in your case it would matter as you are already mixed. But this kind of thing should never be encouraged as white people make up a smaller and smaller percentage of global population every year.
It's an educated guess based on her physical features.
>you're children
user pls you're drunk. Seriously though.
>in a sense she would be marrying down and you would be marrying up genetically speaking
but mostly statisically speaking, you aren't taking into account the genetic codes of both of us as individuals.
Plow away lad
Go date another mixed person if you really want to fuck.
1. I want more than that.
2. Finding a not terrible mixed person around my age and proximity is, like I've said, improbable
We need to regain our numbers for a few generations, then it should be fine to racemix. Enjoy her, but ultimately leave her womb for white seed.