Best communism memes? I want them to be JUICY.
Best commie memes?
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I like that meme where commies always fail but it's not real communism so it's okay
Venezuela isnt socialist
One of my faves.
Also, I like calling them "cumrags" instead of "comrades".
>TFW bright red and yellow is such a cancerous eyesore color scheme, but cumrags keep it anyway because they're autistic
>tfw natsocks get LITERALLY cucked by socialists
>tfw you're not a natsoc or commie and you can laugh at the millions of their followers that died
If you're going to consider people starving to death "slaughter", then you're going to have to accept that capitalism is far more murderous than Communism ever was.
>not a gnatsock
>gnot a gommie
Communism is a meme in itself
You guys realize that most employers only make a small fraction of the output of each worker's labor?
They only make more money because they have so many workers
This one is gud
You're only mad because it's a lefty thread. It's not anymore cancerous than half the other shit posted on nu-Sup Forums.
Right but capitalism wasn't reached through a violent and brutal revolution that lead to millions of the host nations citizens being killed (especially ones that opposed said communism)
You sure about that?
>what is the french revolution
well you're not wrong, though not the type of meme they were looking for
this should be a new thing to welcome /leftypol/yps
>Communists are atheists, therefore everything they did was motivated by atheism
>Hitler had brown hair, therefore everything he did was motivated by brownhairism
>tfw you think you're enlightened because you don't believe in anything
Yeah sure buddy.
You know those are fake right jap-bro?
You're getting excited over platic bags
radical paleocon
>french revolution killed millions
false equivalence.
enjoy trying to excuse the massive failure that is communism
>implying no liberals/conservatives/whatevs have ever died fighting for what they believe in
>implying martyrdom is for fags
>implying you're a shell of person without a sense of greater meaning and no vision of political struggle or glory
It's actually a digital image I only posted it so I could search on Google because I can't do it normally on phone.
They're still earning money they don't deserve. Would you be okay with your paycheck being reduced by 5% to pay people who don't do anything to earn it?
The total deaths in Communist revolutions are still less than the death toll of a single war motivated by fascism and capitalism.
I am not a gommunist, just a simple farmer tending to his memes.
ITT: Strawman fandango
[citations needed]
>ITT: triggered socialist trying to shift the blame
So because your glorious leaders were morons and their pathetic movements failed, I must also be a moron for pointing it out.
Not an argument.
>Be a capitalist pig
>Have 10,000 employees
>Provide them with a place to work
>Provide them with the business idea, intellectual capital, and product design ready made
>Streamline the whole manufacturing process such that workers only have to complete simple straightforward tasks
>Bring advertisers, economists, engineers, labor....etc together to make the project work smoothly in the quickest most efficient way possible
>Only get a few cents out of every dollar an employee makes
>Make more than the average employee, but only because you have so many
You really think business owners don't contribute anything? How naive are you?
Another ebin strawman
>says the user who posted "Yeah sure buddy" as some sort of rebuttal
gas yourself desu
>>Provide them with
How much would these fine fellows earn?
My image was a reference to this.
The reality is the other way around. The Soviet Union was SOCIALIST, but despite having a "Communist Party" it never achieved Communism. And there have been successful socialist states, the main failing of the USSR was that it ended up with a ruling elite that only cared about themselves and ended up enriching themselves at the expense of their people. That's more of a totalitarianism problem than a socialism problem, the same thing tends to happen in dictatorships regardless of economic policy. The most you can rightly blame on socialism was the failure of the planned economy.
I'm saying it's moronic to say the idea is flawed when the people put in charge of it were only interested in helping themselves.
>implying natsoc isnt just socialism
I don't know if Marx decided to mold his ideas around capatisism or if it's just nature of things but it's petty bone chilling.
Im pretty sure capitalism had been around for a long time before indonesia revolted against the commiefags. Thank god the indonesians brought capitalism to the west.
I'm also pretty sure you have no clue what a false equivalence is.
neither of them were socialist. The workers did not own or manage the means of production.
>wanted to create a classless society
>fails and does the exact opposite
well you cant blame people for having prejudices against communism when there's practically no examples of it thriving and existing for longer than 100 years.
>the main failing of the USSR was that it ended up with a ruling elite that only cared about themselves
DING DING! when will you commie shits realize this is inevitable and will always happen. True communism won't work and you gloss over these details.
They contribute something, sure, but not so much that they deserve to take home orders of magnitude more than the average employee does.
Communism is not opposed to the consensual exchange of labor. What they are opposed to is the inane notion that agreeing to a contract under duress is equivalent to consent.
>wanted to create democratic societes
>Trudeau, Obama
never again
The USA has never had starvation on the level of the Soviet Union, you delusional retard.
REMINDER: All commies are to be called Cumrags!
>REMINDER: All commies are to be called Cumrags!
I dont understand this post tbqh user
if you're saying Turdeau and Obongo are bad I completely agree
It had little to do with actual socialism (the term was chosen to pander to the working class, and Hitler thought socialism rewarded weakness), and was much more focused on nationalism and the military.
The US would have ended up the same way if they didn't have a leader like Washington. For the whole provisional government thing to work, you need someone who is a strong leader, but also puts the success of the country above personal gain.
Nope, because we are the beneficiaries of capitalism.
3rd world,on the other hand....
>thinking this will last forever, and we won't eventually be the niggers of the system
None of these seem organic.
I feel like we missed the golden age of Eastern European communism memes.
If the internet was anywhere near the current tier of shitposting at that time we would have been flooded with them .
You're right, Cumrag!
yes, all systems fail sometimes was my point
A more socialized economy can only happen after a few failed attempts, just like when capitalism became the dominant force over fuedalism
DPRK is democratic, then
Mormons are latter-day saints
a trannie is whatever gender they choose to be
7 million died of starvation related causes during the great depression
Some fail more than others, was my point. Yeltsin visiting a grocery store in Houston was very telling of this fact.
Great depression
stagflation in 70's
S&L scandals
2008 housing crisis
Capitalism is in a constant state of crisis.
Government control of capital is not the answer, worker co-ops might be.
>if we ignore all the failed capitalist countries, capitalism looks good
>this excuses communism's failures
And last time I checked, countless millions of Americans didn't die because of what you listed. What is; fantasy land economics? Because everything is great in theory.
>but it wasn't real socialism so you try it again and your retarded system fails but it wasn't real socialism so...
You know what's funny about this whole means of production nonsense? I've owned more of the means of production through stock options within a capitalist society than anyone ever has in any socialist society in human history!
>If we ingnore socialism, socialism looks good