Comet Pizza

Good fucking job you dipshits, you've officially proved how fucking retarded you are and alt-right movment. Comet pizza is packed to capacity tonight and the news crews here are interviewing people. Everyone here knows about Sup Forums and how utterly stupid you people are. Now you've giving this place more biz then they ever dreamed about.

Also of there's any one here at comet ill be by the ping pong tables wearing a black military hat.

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Pizza is not bad either, the hawaiian pinapple pie is pretty dam good. Perfect sacillian pizza dough.

your welcome, either way we did our job

When they all come down with Kuru, the joke will be on them

lol they were hiding something and they needed time to get rid of it so they pulled this shit.

For something thats totally fake, Mainstream media everywhere is sure doing a lot to discredit this story "pizzagate" without citing any of the claims being made. The reaction is stunning; Instead of going over WHY these claims are ridiculous, they just give scoff at a generalized synopsis without exploring any background. They love to tout this new propaganda catchphrase "fake news".

The really disgusting thing in my eyes is that this is a serious topic. I don't know how you talk about child rape so lightly, like it doesn't exist or has never occurred in high levels of power.

So for the sake of argument, lets say pizzagate is totally unfounded and not real. The way to ACTUALLY disprove this would be to highlight each claim and explain why its wrong. Another smart thing to do is give a disclosure, like "child rape is a very serious thing we don't take lightly; If this was true, it would be very important to investigate". They don't even do that; Its this nervous reactionary response: "THIS IS RIDICULOUS, this is the problem with internet free speech, people can just go online and make up "fake news." Ok, so prove why its fake. If its so ridiculous, explain why. They don't do any sort of digging, just surface level "PEDOPHILIA CULT OMG, CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?? PIZZA LOL" bullshit smear tactics. Yeah of course it sounds ridiculous, why do you think everyone is spooked out? Why is pizzagate the number 1 trending story you're trying to bury?

The mud slinging days are over. Your hero Edward Bernays couldn't have predicted how effective the internet would be. I don't think this story is going away, and to nervously try to pretend like its bullshit and unfounded without ANY context is the biggest mistake they could make. People are going to want to understand what this is, and the reason you can't go over the claims made are because THEY ARE INCENDIARY! At the VERY LEAST it looks very suspicious and BAD!

>be owner of comet pizza
>float news story there are dead children in basement

>Now you've giving this place more biz then they ever dreamed about.
So your prior argument that we were going to irreparably damage their livelihood is undone then?


Only leftist tards choose both.


what did he mean by

it's just a family-friendly joint. if you don't mind hanging with a bunch of gay pedos...

>pizza place is doing great

>"fake news" is still a problem that needs "immediate action" by the government, mainly pizzagate

really fires my neurons

m8 it's almost 2017
this is completely normal now

>those death flowers

Lmao, do these retards think someone died over this?

It really is sickening.

I think pizzagate is real but here in america the burden of proof is not on the defendant you squarehead


Opinion discarded

How dare you! I was raped in an underground sex bunker at comet pizza when I was a child. I'm offended by your attempt to satire my life for your amusement... I believe my butthole is owed an apology...


Because it would be impossible to fit the facts in the narrative and make it look good.

>This pizza place owner and his musician friend just like joking about pedo shit they aren't actually ones

And they are trying to make this political.
Makes me sick.

all these pedos are connected by business and pleasure

Good pizza is made by homophobic italians, not homosexual nu-males.

>those huge cages in the back

y tho

Well technically the children did, so...

>Now you've giving this place more biz then they ever dreamed about.

And what thanks do we get? Nothing!

Selfish Cretins!

all the red flags are up. Podesta is connected to the folks at Comet Ping Pong. So is Hillary. So are their associates.

>Oy vey, it all went according to plan!

Seriously, I have to hand it to you then. This move single handedly destroyed the alt-white faggots and boosted clientele of the accused restaurant

Exonerating it from there on out

Good. More boots on the ground and more eyes looking around. Some of them are going to ask questions and get treated like shit for it. Some of them will ask questions and disappear. And some will live to tell their friends how awful the pizza was.

Another example of fake news. None of the "eyewitnesses" had matching stories. They couldn't confirm if he fired a round or not. They couldn't confirm what type of fire arm he had. They can't confirm what he did or said while he was in the building. No one fucking knows shit. To top it off, the camera that is normally pointing at Comet was moved before the incident, the suspect was arrested 6 days before the incident for a hit and run, and his father is an actor. (((COINCIDENCE))) only covers your ass for so long. Where there is smoke, there is fire. This is no witch hunt. Better safe than sorry. They should shut down for a week and allow a public investigation. It'd be better for everyone if they were more transparent. After all "what is there to worry about if they have nothing to hide" :^) Forums-conspiracy-went-mainstream

>Now you've giving this place more biz then they ever dreamed about.

if you claim there is no conspiracy, why is that a bad thing?

You wash your mouth out with that flag?

they call this 'art' but it clearly depicts child rape, sex, etc...what kind of freak is into this shit?

I live in DC. What should I do guys?

>pineapple pizza

kill you'reself

Don't forget that the old logo is still on the inside of the building. Don't wanna put off the regulars!

Is there any proof this place actually exists?

I dont see it. Looks more like shots depicting aliens masquerading as children.

I'm willing to grant you cracked the code and have proven that white house emails go through a system of code words. but there isn't a single shred of evidence indicating it has anything to do with pedophilia.

>wearing a black military hat

woah man,dont cut yourself with all that edge


and how you gonna disprove that? just because they haven't let you explore the fucking fridges means they are unwilling to disprove it?

I don't know why, but I really fucking hate it when people call it pie, especially if they do not have an eastern seaboard accent.

Just ask for a tour and ask for questions. Check behind the curtains. Watch where you step. Make sure no one is following you.

>sacillian pizza dough

>probably created by some fat loser who's to dumb to get a real job

podesta is clearly talking in code here. no one talks like this. this shows a lack of conscious by a sexual predator who knows what he is doing is wrong.

Good. Fuck the alt-right, it's a fake label created by the losers on the left. I hope it gets completely destroyed!

>doesn't see half naked children tied up

>looks more like aliens

I'm glad someone copy/pasted this from last night. It was well said.

what kind of moron thinks some shitty pizza place allows tours

jesus christ Sup Forums is retarded

>hawaiian pinapple pie

Looks like the Doritos logo
Is the Frito-Lay company pedophile too?

Thing with pizza gate is that it's too big. I don't think these guys would leave any kind of smoking gun in the regular web, or even online. You guys aren't going to find anything in the regular web or without getting dirty, and that's were Sup Forums previous cases worked, normal shit like using search engines isn't gonna work here, and you can't exactly search onion sites.

There is no proof yet, shit just seems fishy.

What sort of moron thinks it's new popularity is because of the food?

You're retarded. They've given tours. Fuck outta here.

Beginning to think this is distraction from Clinton Foundation and Podesta, although I do not doubt these homos are pedos in speedos.

Ham and pineapple toppings is called a Hawaiian

Whatever faggot, the shit's weird to say the least. The only good freaks a dead freak.

Sup Forums BTFO

are they hunting on their own? it would make sense that these guys are forced to get their own hands dirty occasionally. you can't just look up 'child kidnapper' in the Yellow pages.

You people make it awfully hard to be right wing.

Watch the owner get involved in a twisted sex scandal two years from now.

Go get dinner from Comet Pizza after some of the buzz dies down.

>fake news


>and you can't exactly search onion sites

Yes you can.




Yeah just look at those faces. They deserve a broken nose just for looking like Pedos..

I'll say one thing: Recent connections to Rothschild. You don't want any of this to be real. You never expected any of the connections to be legitimate but you kept digging out of sheer curiosity and the rabbit hole just doesn't fucking end.

I've done my best to be as skeptical as possible but some of the shit I've seen.. I wouldn't be fucking surprised.

The Catholic Church by my house overflows at every mass, and they've paid $4billion in settlements because child rape. What's your point, OP?

No but they deserve to be treated like anyone else that closely resembles a criminal's composite sketch. People have been taken into custody for that. Why haven't they?

Oh, that's right, because they're rich political elite. Why would they ever do such an evil thing? So unlikely!

Pedo Jews! Say it ain't so!?

Look at those flowers and notes. It's like the actor with the gun was supposed to kill people but something went wrong and they just said - fuck it - and carried on with their plan of playing the victim anyway.

why would some of the most influential people in government attend a satanic ceremony called the 'cremation of care' at the Bohemian Grove unless the Reptilians were involved?
> Why are gay prostitutes provided to these men?
> Why are they forced to dress in drag?
> Why are they engaging in satanic rituals?

Yeah a few popular ones. Doubt you gonna find anything on a pedo ring with high ranking politicians on a search engine.



Only people that have investigated will know.


What I wouldn't give to sit down and have a conversation with the person that wrote that.


Six million people died that day, goyim. Never forget the shoa that happened at Comet Ping Pong (tm). Feel free to donate to for reparations! :^)

You mean the owners of the pizzeria?

Awww, I love it when child rapers convince a lil' community to surround and support them.

After the truth comes out, those people tend to disappear and strongly avoid any questions about their defense of child rapists.

They'd probably sue you for emotional distress.

How exactly do you plan on making the super elite face charges?

why would some of the most influential people in government attend a satanic ceremony called the 'cremation of care' at the Bohemian Grove unless the Reptilians were involved?
> Why are gay prostitutes provided to these men?
> Why are they forced to dress in drag?
> Why are they engaging in satanic rituals?

i never participated nor have ever thought pizza gate was real shame that these people are being harassed because some internet conspiracies

Don't worry about them, just keep researching.

I can't say much but we've got a big lead and some are considering it a smoking gun. This case isn't closed yet and we need to keep at it. The heat is on.

>There is a secret code in goverment
Well duh

>And its related to a child sex ring
Disgusting but plausible

Just leave that last bit off if you want this to remain valid, christifag.

I'm still reading into the claims & evidence concerning Pizzagate and will ultimately judge for myself, I think it's mostly bullshit so far, but absolutely this. If it is just a stupid hoax then why doesn't the corporate media do rundowns criticizing the faulty logic behind it?

It's fine, the support will die out and they'll still just be a bunch of pedophiles hemorrhaging money and crying for a new gofundme page.

Well, if it was the owner that wrote it, I don't think any amount of conversation would get through.
That curly headed little faggot is having his strings pulled from a lot higher up, and with a LOT deeper pockets than we can probably even imagine.

Not familiar with the code... please explain

anyone else find this portion of the picture absolutely hilarious

>nobodys zoomed in on it yet

seriously, the political left must be the most hypocritical institution of all time

how do news crews and crowds of pedophiles prove anything but media collaboration with pedophiles?

i am not clear what point op is trying to make.

I thought it was dumb... I still think it's dumb... but why is the media and all the politicians going ape shit over it? Lots of businesses have been trolled before, this isn't the first one, but it got so much big name support. Also what do you think about this e-mail:

>Ps. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

what does that even mean?

>Comet Ping Pong
I don't exactly know why, but that name really fucking irritates me. It's probably the way the name is said, but holy fuck is it annoying

i think he meant you're fucking disgusting by that


They're a minority, a very old, stale, deviant minority.

great post. i totally agree. the least they could do is honest journalism and investigating. instead they are consciously avoiding the truth.


>I'm not interested in saving children from being molested, prostituted, and killed
>I feel bad for suspected pedophiles
This is why people call you shills rape-enablers and baby killers. I hate to be a sensationalist like that but this is why. You guys just float on like everything is fine and conspiracies are so outlandish that they can't happen. You gulp down the mainstream media - the SAME mainstream media that was caught illegally colluding with the DNC in favor of Hillary. The SAME mainstream media that was caught LIVE on TV for broadcasting fake news during the "protests". And the same media that enables pedophiles.

>tfw Brian Williams of all people was whining about "fake news"