>two teens charged for arson starting Tennessee fire killing 14, injuring 150, and destroying 2400 homes
Isn't this terrorism? what are they going to charge these kids for?
>two teens charged for arson starting Tennessee fire killing 14, injuring 150, and destroying 2400 homes
Isn't this terrorism? what are they going to charge these kids for?
Other urls found in this thread:
>two teens charged
>what are they going to charge these kids for?
common core at work folks
Death penalty hopefully
they're just going to charge them for arson?
>t. Ahmed bin-Abdullah al-Saud Muhammad Khalid Ibiza Anwar-Abdul al-Assad
They burned down one of my favorite places. I hope it grows back right.
Why did this make me laugh so much
Murder charges wont stick due to lack of intent to kill, however you never know nowadays
It's only terrorism if the violence had a political purpose.
Shit kids doing shit things isn't terrorism.
what happened
Manslaughter would be better desu.
Their criminal actions, regardless of intent, directly killed many people. Its textbook manslaughter.
They are not saying they are white because its some niggers who hates Tenn. for voting for Trump.
but why? that's what i can't figure out...
Doubt it's black kids. Black people are scared of fire.
were they Hillary supporters?
They killed leafs from my home town. Hang those lil bastards
No it's definitely niggers.
No political/religious motive = not terrorism.
Obama will pardon them and give them a medal of honor.
>East Tennessee
Probably not.
Actually probably. A lot of niggers in the south live in rural areas
Southern Appalachia is 98% white.
i don't think so
>The boys are residents of the state of Tennessee, but were not from Sevier County. District Attorney Jimmy Dunn will be prosecuting the juveniles, whom could also face additional charges and be tried in adult court.
>getting killed by fire
literally what.
just run nigger.
Over here all arsonists are on a watch list because they always try to do it again.
Eh I'll admit. Not too familiar with the area. Basing my assumptions off of living in South Georgia
>fires almost reached Dollywood
Hang those little shits. How fucking dare they risk damaging the third most notable thing about this state.
Gatlinburg is shit. That clown looking bitch ruined it. Go to the gorge for sum real shit u dig
manslaughter. question is whether they get to be tried as teens (slap on the wrist) or adults (they will be in prison)
98% was an exaggeration.
Dolly's #WithHer, the real loss and the real crime is the Mysterious Mansion.
>forests burn every year naturally since long before humans
>multiple brushfires happen every year naturally since long before humans
>somehow there's always an arsonist to blame
It's not like we live in an Oxidizing atmosphere, so it must be arsonists!
Well compared to Georgia it sounds like a safe haven. All the older nigs down here still call white men "boss". Which is probably the only thing good about them.
Appalachia is a safe haven. Git on up here.
Look at all those white people
>tfw west coast AKA cucked coast
Maybe some of them die soffocated by the smoke
Just might have to. Wouldn't take much for me to move three hours up to north Georgia. West Virginia seems like the ideal place to be based on those stats
And the 2% commit the hard crimes
they investigate all fire source, including small fires that don't get out of control. when someone dies or multiple houses burn down, it becomes a big deal and they open a big investigation vs picking up a cigarette around the origin of the fire, and calling it case closed.
Depends on how Tennessee law is set up. Here in Florida, if someone dies from someone committing a felony, that death puts a 3rd degree murder charge on them.
Do you even know what a forest fire is you faggot? Fire can be miles in many directions with no escape and shit viability.
It's like telling drowning people to swim or electrocuted people not to be conductive.
>set a forest on fire
They need to be put down.
Western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee have been suffering droughts. These are heavily forested area, not concrete jungles. High winds came in earlier than anticipated, and the areas were not able to evacuate ahead of time. The fires jumped across roads in a matter of seconds. People DID run through fires to escape.
So many obese fat fucks, stereotypes about far fuck Americans are so true it hurts.
How did they find the arsonists?
I like the smokey mountains national park you mong.
I mean its almost a given that it was two little retarded rednecks. My wife was born in oak ridge, last year we came from Phoenix to visit on thanksgiving, its like 'the hills have eyes' down there, I still cant believe she grew up there.
>two teens
Anyone wanna bet a Benjy on the race?
you are proof educations sucks.
they said "teens" not "youths".
>charged for arson
>what are they going to charge these kids for?
>charged for arson
>charged for arson
TENNESEE....no charrges filed....just 2 lynchings and some moonshine
I'm black. My family went there back when it was called Silver Dollar City. I don't remember anybody making us feel unwelcome.
they investigate the origin of the fire and what started it. when a fire kills someone they will start to pull info on anyone near the origin with traffic cams, convenience store cams, and satellite. then they'll start asking around about the suspects and seeing if they fit the profile.
holy shit i cant even imagine what this ride would be like
I guarantee one of them told their friend who ended up snitching on them.
>go camping in murca
>start a fire since the county is too stupid to post burn bans and it's not your problem
>tiny little ember catches the whole fucking forest on fire since it's dry as a bone (but that's tooooootallyyy normal, right? Not like 85+% of the US denies climate change or anything. Not like our fucking clown president elect denies it or anything, riiiiight?)
>fire burns out of hand, no firefighters since paying taxes is wrong unless it funds medicare and social security
>people who own homes that literally sit in the middle of a tinder box are too retarded or fat to evacuate and get BBQ'd
>somehow you get charged with murder for daring to go outside and camp (like a dirty hippy commie pinko!!)
We're fucked. When the last American dies I will jump for joy. Thankfully it'll be sooner rather than later.
We don't do that anymore. You're probably thinking of Kentucky. They've surpassed us in being southern hicks.
if you throw a beer bottle out your car window and it hits someone in the head, killing them, do you get charged for just littering? you get charged for manslaughter.
Nah, Tennesse is full of dumb trump hicks.
They probably don't really mean actually homes, more like trailers/mobile homes.
I wish to see an anarchoball pic of something along these lines
t. Kencucky
Want to take a whack at how many forest fires are caused by humans per year? How about across time?
Give us a ballpark senpai.
The one time I visited, I don't even remember when it was. I was probably 4-5 years old, at the most. Looks like Six Flags only less run down looking. Maybe I should go back...
If it's a bad enough action, even without intent to kill, there's a concept called "depraved heart murder".
I don't know how bad it has to be though. Something like throwing a cinder block off a skyscraper towards a crowded sidewalk would probably cut it.
You'll jump off a cliff for joy, right?
>since the county is too stupid to post burn bans
Confirmed for urbanite hipster faggot that's never left his safe bubble in his entire life
He pissed the bed every night since. That shit does look fresh out of a nightmare, especially since he can't see anything.
Since it's a beer bottle, it would be considered an open container. Possible DUI causing death.
So like 4 years in prison, out in 3 with good behaviour
>depraved heart murder
>google it
>well known cases
>2015 death of Freddie Dindu Nuffin Grey
I hope so
noun: terrorism
the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
>two dumbass teens play with fire
>start a wildfire that kills 14, injures 150, displaces 2400 homes
>"Is this terrorism?"
No, it's Arson you fucking jackass
I live in Oak Ridge and I think I know who your wife is. She was a real slut in high school. HAHA
but we don't know that
I'm from Sevier County. This is a small fucking place, guys, of course we know who they are. They're just stupid little white rednecks. And half the county wants them strung up.
do you know how old they are? 17?