Can someone explain the point of this? Where did these idiots get the idea ancient Egyptians were black? Aren't most European men descenders of King Tuhtankhanum? This is common knowledge
We wuz kangz n shiet
they were up to the ptolomies
North Africa was always white, preceding the Greek Pharos
>North Africa was black
As bad as the Afrocentrists
They got the nubians kangzs, these negroes ruled there 70 years of the 3k years of history of the ancient Egypt
There is a group of black supremacists that goes around to various prisons spreading their gospel of We Wuz Kangz. That is literally where they get it from
egyptians are egyptians. they're not white, not black.
>not white
I thought the idea of WE WUZ KANGZ was that Africa (the Africa part of it) has a rich history including (obviously black) kings that THE MAN has tried to suppress. Maybe I misunderstood.
Because since blacks have achieved precisely dick over the last 4000 years, cucked out whites have to invent a new history for them to push their "we're all equal" narrative.
I've seen real Egyptians, they facially look like ancient Egyptians tbqh. Not White or Black but some of them have really light skin and light eyes.
>descenders of King Tuhtankhanum?
>King Tuhtankhanum
I don't know whats worse, your spelling or the fact that you think "King Tuhtankhanum" Is the father of Egyptians, like Genghis khan and central asians
>Ancestors of American niggers were from Africa
>Egypt is in Africa
>Therefore WE WUZ KANGZ
That is the entire depth and breadth of their argument
Egyptians were/are the coptics.none of the coptics or their descendants are black.
Blacks are desperate for some historical success.
Some nigger probably noticed Egypt is located on Africa when looking at a map and assumed since African-Americans can trace their lineage back to that continent then naturally every inhabitant from it's history must also be black. The pandering made to them from entities like the (((History Channel))) just exacerbate their delusions.
Because nobody wants to admit this is what black Africans are actually like:
I guarantee the average nig couldn't even point out Egypt on a map.
I guess I meant that regardless of the race of the population, ancient Egyptian Kings were ethnically white. Maybe tan but white. Also, nice name pleb
>what is race
They find the Kangz thing hilarious.
Watch the "documentary" Hidden Colors. It's literally We Wuz Kangz the movie.
One day, a dindu was in the prison library and he opened an atlas, hoping the map paper would be perfect for rolling a joint. He opened it to a random page, and it was a map of Africa. Knowing that his ancestry was African, he glanced at it momentarily and squinted hard to try and read the words on the page. "E-GYPP-TUH". Visibly shaken, he dropped the book to the floor, stumbling back sending his prison shank falling to the floor. The guards tackled Diquante and he passed out. While passed out, he dreamed about the egypt he had seen in movies, but an African egypt, filled with Africans. He wrote a book on the subject while in prison, publishing it right after his release. Unfortunately, his name is lost to history as the first African American to realize that Egypt is in Africa. Shortly after leaving the publisher's office, he raped a white woman and tried to take a cop's gun, resulting in his untimely death.
you amerifats are as delusional as niggers
egyptians are not "white" nor "black"
also "white" is not a race.
also, see:
Forgot to say, in this piece of shit film they literally say Kangz are responsible for every achievement in human history.
then why are you promoting their work? fucking shill
I fucking kek'd, have a you and a pee pee
Copts are greek.
Think of it as watching a stand-up comedy special.
People think Africa is all one race and that its people are all one race. As a black guy, the WE WUZ KANGS, meme actually pisses me off more than anything else that i see on this board. Egyptians were assholes when it comes to the way they treated blacks: whites can't even compete.
If black people hate whites for enslaving and persecuting blacks, they should hate it Arabs and other Semites ten times as much, b/c they were the real assholes, and not just in Egypt.
ah, before vice. completely sold out and went to shit went to complete shit.