Reminder that you are a filthy consumer asshole
and you are destroying the fucken planet with
your shitty consumer asshole behaviors.
Now that I have your attention, go fuck yourself.
That is all.
Reminder that you are a filthy consumer asshole
and you are destroying the fucken planet with
your shitty consumer asshole behaviors.
Now that I have your attention, go fuck yourself.
That is all.
I'm well aware of this, comrade. I'm trying to minimize consumerist behaviour and live minimalistically.
i once worked in retail, i couldn't stand that everything was built in china
not because i cared about american businesses that much, but because it was Chinese suffering so niggers could get all this garbage
that thought just sickens me
you swedes are cool dudes. i was mainly aiming at the yanks.
>not because i cared about american businesses
>he typed on his iPhone
thats great ahmed then you ruin the economy and people starve to death in the streets and civil wars flare up globally wouldnt that be great its not like when the dust settles unstable people with nukes would be a bad thing right
globalists are to blame for this though. those people could be hardworking americans or canadians working decent factory jobs, but the corporations moved them out to countries where unions and human rights dont exist. thats just plain wrong. these places will never get better if you keep enabling and meanwhile there are lots of people back home who were basically made for rote factory jobs, who can't get any work. but hey at least they can afford a made in china big-screen tv while on welfare
>better to die on your feet than live on your knees
>are destroying the fucken planet
>chinese being slaves are ok as long as you don't destroy mother earth
Communist detect.
oh don't get me wrong american businesses are fucked over by china, but it's a less of a concern compared to the latter
and without their borderline slavery-tier jobs they'd starve to death. which one do you think is worse?
besides, not every Chinese plant has shitty working conditions. it's usually only the ones that ship crap products with no QC.
Unions and human rights are the reason why is impossible to open a factory in the USA. They demand so much that no sane person would open their business in USA.
Bezmenov was right to say American unions would destroy the USA economy eventually.
>implying I can afford to consume on the dole
I can't even afford insurance and bills for a single car friendo
>Die because global capitalism fucked our environment
>Die because I'm trying to preserve the environment and capitalist economy goes to the shitter
You sometimes have to think outside the box, burgerbro
and they dont give an inch. come on, like just a little bit of protectionism to keep jobs in our country.
rich cunt: NO!
all those workers would be starving without capitalism paying their wages
yeah their lives suck but they suck a lot less than they would without consumers wanting to buy hatchimals for their dumb kids
That picture is the ultimate "maek u thnik"
The only thing it's missing is a monopoly man with a bag of money at the bottom and a shitty URL a watermark
>preserve the environment
China never respected any enviromental law and never will.
Now that chinese couples are allowed to have 2 kids it doesn't matter if you consume less. There will always exist a chinese kid destroying earth for you
so the current global capitalistic world is running fine then
is this a thinly veiled communist thread? like the ones that are being shilled lately?
I don't understand why non Americans use the word yanks. It's not offensive, if that's a reason they are, and it just makes you sound stupid when you say it.
I want to fuck that sleepy elf
No, it is about an australian person worried about chinese slaves and mother earth.
>whites bring their manufacturing to china
>chinese factories are shitty and pollutant
must be white people's fault the "communist" chinese have no environmental regulations.
>whites bring jobs to china
>chinese factory operators have shitty working conditions
must be white people's fault that the "communist" chinese run sweatshops and have no labour regulations
>a cargo ship
what's offensive about the last image?
high corporate taxes and mountains of red tape are to blame, mostly. so mainly the government getting too involved with something the workers and their bosses. collectives can be great and when you look at places like china, they sure as hell could use them to change things. maybe they're not as useful here, today.
I want one of these elves, man. Just send me one of the pretty chink chicks, it'll be great. I'm sure you can agree.
How would their lifes be if we stopped buying everything? You think their human rights would improve?
thats what I prefer to call youz coz its not offensive and mostly older war vets use it here.
dont own any apple shit. on a vista laptop thats 7 years old.
communist. 3/10 for making me luff
You mean a Chinese person in Australia m8
Not true;
Countries around the world are at least trying to dampen man-made climate change, while we have the US, #2 contributor in greenhouse gases in the world not giving the slightest fuck.
>high corporate taxes
Unions are responsible for it. Of course someone has to pay for the beautiful "rights" unions demand.
>government getting too involved with something the workers and their bosses
a.k.a Communist/Jewish Mafia.
youre right user I need to kill myself asap
just look at america with trump. he's already promising to cut the red tape and corporate taxes and companies are already promising to move back. its clearly not just about unions.
Good example to keep these jobs in the US so they can be regulated! Many such cases!
Suck my ass
aren't you the sweden that believes that cow farts are responsible for Global warming?
If so, why are you still here and not in leftypol?
>(((Climate change)))
>thats what I prefer to call youz coz its not offensive and mostly older war vets use it here
Fuck off cunt.
i want my 5 pound ps3 pad,hurry the fuck up elfs
Fucking lazy little elves, more working less sleeping. Then they have the nerve to complain about their pay.
Onry one dorra.
unions are part of the government mafia. You can't be naive to believe the increase in tax and lack of jobs just happens by accident.
Did I touch a nerve there ya daft chinky cunt?
haha too right comrade fuck the globalist capitalist scumbags haha i hate corporations too. Down with the system!
Sent from iPhone 7 (TM)
Fuck you and fuck the earth I hope to see you all burn. FUCK YOU NIGGER
>implying I have money to buy useless shit with
governments were the original mafia, dude. the mafia were more like a criminal government
Not people buying things! Fuck! Whatever will we do?
if it wasnt for consumer asshole behavior we'd still be fucking eachother in mud back in Africa
consumerism is whats going to drive us to the stars
flawed captalism is whats making society and the planet shitty
see this proposal
We go to a black ghetto and invite the niggers there on the streets ( people that smoke weed and listen to music all day while receiving food stamp) to work in a factory 8h a day 11 dollars per hour.
How many do you believe will accept this?
Don't worry.
Robots soon, then they can go back to farming rice and eating dogs or whatever the fuck those savages do to contribute.
You think that you're helping children in foreign countries by not buying their products? Do you really believe that if the children weren't working that a completely broke and desperate nation would have the ability to start up a public school education system for children instead?
Do you know what happened when they outlawed child labor in Bangladesh? Children were sold into sex slavery.
Learn some fucking economics and quit inadvertently trolling people with your ignorance.
says the illegal mexican living at a star bucks *during business hours.
>Children were sold into sex slavery.
Or died of hunger like China in the 50s and 60s.
Reminder ausfalia does more business with the chinese than any other englsih speaking country on the globe. Shut the fuck up
Its all about how its done, not that its done. If you can understand the difference you're a dumb nigger.
dont forget the 2 billion turds that end up in a river somewhere everyday
>tfw even Barracks family in kenya doesn't support him
Reminder that you are a classic example of Stalin's "useful idiot".
yeah, gina and chinese just bought Kidman so now 30% of Australia is Foreign owned
Ask Bob Katter
They don't have Ann Dunham gene
>Stalin's "useful idiot".
>trolls Sup Forums for dicks like you
>try and wake you up
last poster wins
That's some pretty weak bantz chang, I'm sure your cousins in the factory back home could do better
the great puzzle of our age, how to keep the halls of plenty full whilst not wiping out the last vestiges of wilderness, flora, fauna and leave an inheritance to future generations
who profits from globalization?
the davos tribe, the transnational plutocracy
they fear nationalism and self sufficiency will displace them, that the rule of merchants will end
but what drives the technological innovation that, might, provide the answers to an explosion consumer society worldwide?
the chinese elves will never be able to consume like the west, there simply aren't enough resources on this planet to support it, but nor will they willingly regress back to riding pushbikes in the beijing winter
in time space colonization holds the key but will we last that long ?
Reminder that you are a classic example of Stalin's "useful idiot".
>muh class!
this same OP will bitch about the way Trump talks to China.
try hard yanks
laugh, i laugh at trump and the rest of you imbeciles
Fuck off, I'm not making anybody do anything. Blame China for letting its workers abuse themselves, now there's a country that truly doesn't give a fuck about the welfare of its people.
>implying consumerism isn't a plague on society
Aside from that youre my favorite leaf. I think Ill scrap book you :)
Cmon you dumb fuck, don't just give up. If youre trolling us then keep it going.
>as if youre not a dumb fuck abbo
you cant troll a dumb fuck whos nuked up on adderall, prozac and viagra while hes/her/lbgtifuckenhell, jurking off to roo porn coz he wants to be an aussie and we wont let him in
Okay user:
I really apologize for my country offering to give China trade deals which benefited China far more than us and improved their quality of life immensely.
I'm really sorry we didn't sell them opium or slaughter anyone who disagreed with us like, respectively, Britain and the commies.
I will think really hard about what a bad boy I am for buying plastic stuff and supporting China's fragile yet growing economy.
Also sorry earth for not shooting everyone who produces CO2, surely plant life will not flourish in a CO2 rich atmosphere, and uh, also everything will be kill and the earth will catch on fire, for real this time, no overreaction.
still mad canada took your crown for shitpost king?
can you keep your tweets to 147 characters
im retarded (apparently) and have a short attention span
So basically you are saying that the Aussies don't except you because of your low tier bantz and squinty eyes and we are hurting your feelings? Got ya champ
Speaking of brevity, you could have just written "I'm Australian".
if you want my come back on that comment you'll have to suck it out of your mums ass
aussies dont get feels, we bottle it up and take it out on the wife and kids and society
Fuck Earth.
shitposters calling shitposters shitposters
where are we again?
You've never experienced work in a factory of any consequence a day in your life gypsy. We're not even 15% of the workforce so stfu. You cant weld, you cant pipefit, you cant roof, you cant millwork, you dont work bots, you've never been in a manlift, you own zero toolbags, you cant carpenter, you cant run equipment, you cant boss a crew. You've never stepped foot in a fucking factory and anyone here that has knows this
I expect OP to be the same bedwetter who'd bitch when Trump said he'd tax chinkshit.
try and keep up
i b shitpost king